Duplin county schools Duplin County Schools is excited to share with you the 2023 edition of Report to the Community! In this issue, you will find a snapshot of information related to District Perspectives, DCS Strategic Planning, Student Academic Success, Distinguished Leaders, Teachers, and Personnel, District Highlights, State Accountability Results/Strategies for Success, Athletics, Utilization of ESSER/CARES The Duplin County Board of Education shall have general control and supervision of all matters pertaining to the Duplin County Schools and shall have the authority to enforce the school law. The new North Carolina School Jobs powered by Applicant Tracking provides an innovative way to streamline the hiring process. Our community’s commitment to ensuring the success of all students is reflected throughout the goals and objectives that will guide the district’s strategic work through 2027. Employees are expected to review the published policies of the Duplin County Schools Board of Education and comply with them. Applicants will experience an enhanced, user friendly system when applying for positions. 910-296-6394 (office) 910-296-4504 (cell) ***Duplin County Schools is dedicated to facilitating effective communication. com is a comprehensive suite of digital literacy resources that are available to K-8 students and teachers. Duplin County's Program for Exceptional Children is committed to meeting the needs of students with disabilities and ensuring their success in the school setting. The primary purpose of Duplin County Schools' athletic program is to promote the physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being of the student-athlete. Duplin County Schools Child Nutrition Department does not administer or troubleshoot K12PaymentCenter. 213 West College St. We hope the information that you find here will be helpful and informative to you and your family. Sep 20, 2024 · ***Duplin County Schools is dedicated to facilitating effective communication. Closed Friday for students and staff. Duplin County Schools EdulogWebQuery is an interactive, map-based site which helps you determine the schools a student may be eligible to attend and available bus stops and routes. 5 weighted GPA; Considerations: Academic honors received ***Duplin County Schools is dedicated to facilitating effective communication. Ag Awareness Day (Duplin County Schools) November 9, 2023; Agribusiness Academy Pathways; Agriculture in our community!!!! We Are "Agri-busy" 2023 Duplin Agribusiness Fair September 14-16, 2023; Applications; Announcements; Career and Industry Videos; Careers in Agriculture; College and Career Information ***Duplin County Schools is dedicated to facilitating effective communication. Duplin County Schools Will Be Receiving Three Secu “People Helping People” Scholarships in the 2022-2023 School Year to Be Distributed Within Our School District. As the season progresses, you will find it easy to follow your schedules, standings, and any changes or new information regarding your leagues and upcoming events. 5 weighted GPA; Considerations: Academic honors received Duplin County Schools requires students to have the following documentation for enrollment: Copy of Official Birth Certificate (Students must be five years of age on or before August 31, 2023 or four years of age on or before August 31, 2025 for Pre-K) Message from the Superintendent… Thank you for visiting the Duplin County Schools’ website. James Sprunt Community College, Hall Bldg. the Secu Scholarship Not Only Recognizes Academic Achievement, but Also Focuses on Recognizing Leadership, Integrity, and Community Involvement. Sep 13, 2024 · ***Duplin County Schools is dedicated to facilitating effective communication. Learn about the district's vision, goals, programs, and events for students and staff. This program offers a variety of supplemental supports and services for students with disabilities that include specialized instruction as well as related therapy services. Find out its history, governance, demographics, athletics and more. Duplin County Schools works hard to provide a safe and effective learning atmosphere that will take my child into his career field after college. Since this handbook only summarizes many detailed provisions about employment, benefits, and other related matters, the official policies, regulations, and procedures will always govern when questions arise. If you have any questions or concerns about the Child Nutrition Program, you may contact L'nette Stokes, Duplin County Schools Child Nutrition Director, by calling (910) 296-8786 or email lstokes@duplinschools. Find news, events, and stories of student success and achievement. com to the highest bidder surplus items as hereinafter set ***Duplin County Schools is dedicated to facilitating effective communication. Please go to www. Duplin County Schools Center of Opportunity. Learn about the public school district serving Duplin County, North Carolina, with 16 schools and 9,145 students. Jones County Schools. View the online calendar of events for Duplin County Schools, including school spirit days, board meetings, career and college days, and more. Jan 16, 2025 · Kenansville, NC - On December 12th, Chinquapin Elementary students proudly represented Duplin County Schools at the Hour of Code Expo in Raleigh, an event sponsored by NCDPI and the NC Technology Student Association. com. Being made up of small schools in a rural area does not hinder our students from receiving an enriched educational experience. All of our school nurses are registered nurses with a Bachelor's degree. It offers various programs, activities, and events for students and staff, and is a feeder school to East Duplin High School. Grady Elementary, will be awarded to students graduating from East Duplin High School who have attended B. /Sr. Agency Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of authority of the Board of Education of Duplin County, pursuant to adopted resolutions and acting under authority of Section 115C-518(a) and 160A-270(b) thereof, of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned will offer for sale for cash online at hibid. Fax: (910) 293- 3041 The Duplin County Schools Student and Parent Guide and Code of Conduct is a comprehensive resource available to help students and parents understand school policies and expectations. Duplin County Schools is unique in its close-knit nature. net Beulaville Elementary School is a Pre-K to 8th grade school in Duplin County, North Carolina. Phone: (910) 293-2068. com for customer service. Room 125C. Jan 20, 2025 · Duplin County. We offer five components to build a school lunch (meat/meat alternate, grain, vegetable, fruit, milk), with most of the components having more than one option for the student to ***Duplin County Schools is dedicated to facilitating effective communication. net . Duplin County Schools Workforce Development and ITT Academy Coordinator. Remote learning day on Friday. Feb 18, 2025 · Duplin County. Jones County. Stop times and ***Duplin County Schools is dedicated to facilitating effective communication. Students are provided with fun online interactive learning opportunities in the areas of Online Safety & Digital Citizenship, Computer Fundamentals, Keyboarding, Internet Usage & Online Communication, Computational Thinking & Coding, and more. net ***Duplin County Schools is dedicated to facilitating effective communication. ***Duplin County Schools is dedicated to facilitating effective communication. These 13 nurses have attained the additional professional credential of nationally certified school nurse. Our schools provide personalized learning experiences and individual attention to students. Duplin County Schools employees 13 full time school nurses. Subscribe to the calendar or download PDF calendars for the current and upcoming school years. . Greene County. If you do not have this number you may obtain it from your student’s school. Welcome to Duplin County Middle School Athletics! This website is designed to give you easy access to all of your sports information. Learn about the mission, vision, and programs of Duplin Early College High School, a public school in Kenansville, NC. High School, was honored as a North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Nominee for the 2024 Presidential Scholars Program. You can access the guide by clicking on either the English or Spanish link below. Duplin County Schools. Feb 6, 2025 · During Tuesday night’s Board of Education meeting, Lily Stringer, a senior at North Duplin Jr. Twenty-six talented students showcased their innovative projects, highlighting the creativity and skills they’ve developed this ***Duplin County Schools is dedicated to facilitating effective communication. Garrett's Law mandates that at the beginning of every school year, local boards of education shall ensure that schools provide parents and guardians with information about meningococcal meningitis and influenza and their vaccines. 00 will be charged for each application that is submitted. Students will be able to attend any institution of higher education to pursue their career goal. Parents may request changes in school assignment per steps outlined in Duplin County Schools Policy Code 4150, 4130 or 4130-R (out of county requests). Warsaw, NC 28398. Must be a Duplin County Schools' graduating senior who attended James Kenan High School or Duplin Early College High School; Must be visually impaired, legally blind or entering an optometry career; Completed DCEF Scholarship Application; Must have a minimum of a 3. Closed Friday for students, optional remote workday for staff . As such, every effort is made to keep websites current and in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The uniqueness of Duplin County schools go back to the teachers, principals, and guidance counselors. Hyde County. Name: Learning. A special thanks is extended to each person listed below who was present and participated in the renewal of the Duplin County Schools 5-Year Strategic Plan. These people sacrifice daily for our children. 138 Lyman Road Beulaville, C 28518 910-298-3171 bes. Users of this site should confirm any zone information with the school before making decisions based on the information received from this site. In addition, certain general powers relating to judicial and legal, regulatory, research and operational functions are vested in the Board. F Grady Elementary School. Our athletic programs in our schools will be a positive influence in preparing our youth for enriching lives. Pamlico County Schools. The Rachael Darden Smith Hatch Scholarship, in honor of a former Duplin County School teacher at B. To apply for career opportunities, open the link below. Greene County Schools. F. Senate Bill 444, referred to as "Garrett's Law," was signed by Governor Easley on July 17, 2004. Duplin County Schools: 656: 614: 807: 566: State of North Carolina: 439: 811: 465: 290: 629: Average Class Size by Grade . duplinschools. Whether you are a parent, student, community member, employee or potential employee, we are excited and honored that you have taken an interest in Duplin County Schools. Explore the stories of students, teachers, and community partners who make Duplin County Schools special. -In the Duplin County Schools' cafeterias, we implement the Offer vs Serve Program for all of our students to encourage choice and eliminate as much waste as possible. K12PaymentCenter. Duplin County Education Foundation Mission Statement The purpose of the Duplin County Education Foundation is to provide an organization that will coordinate, encourage and assist education functions and activities, and promote scholarship in the Duplin County School System by providing financial support, leadership ability, professional expertise, or otherwise. Duplin County Schools has launched a new employment application system. Fee: A fee of $10. com Description: Learning. 3894 NC Hwy 50 South Chinquapin, NC 28521 910-285-3476 ces.
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