Hong kong court case number DRN is a 12-digit number which is printed on the barcode label normally affixed to the upper right corner of the first page of the document. What is the structure of HKSAR’s courts? The Court of Final Appeal is the highest appellate court in the HKSAR. Jan 8, 2025 · The Court of Final Appeal: It was established on July 1, 1997 upon the commencement of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Cap. Each document issued by the e-Courts will be given a unique DRN for identification purpose. Feb 7, 2025 · A1. Hong Kong Watch speaks out for Hong Kong in defence of its fundamental freedoms and human rights guaranteed under the Basic Law and the Sino-British Joint Declaration. Chief Justice 1-8 7. All parameters are optional, though in practice there's no point in using this template unless you at least specify "id". Appointment of permanent judges 1-10 7A. 1 (3/F) of High Court - Case Management Hearing. By submitting the enquiry, you indicate that you have read and understood the Important Notice below and agreed to the conditions stated therein. Nov 28, 2024 · Court Diary. The Chief Justice appoints on a temporary basis a number of principal and permanent magistrates to sit as a Master in the High Court [2] or to sit as a Deputy District Judge or Master in the District Court, Family Court or Lands Tribunal. An acknowledgement (including therein application reference number and submission date/time) for confirmation of the receipt of the submission of the application will be provided right after each successful electronic submission of the application for court records by means of iCMS. Hong Kong Courts Federal Court of Malaysia Case Number Party Name. A neutral citation is made up of these elements. 2020. of the action to a trial can be approximately 24 months and potentially longer depending on the complexity of the case, the number of Feb 21, 2025 · This session provides guidelines for citing legislation from different jurisdictions, including Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, the People's Republic of China, the European Union, and International treaties and agreements. Number of Visits and Visitors to the Judiciary; Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report. Jan 8, 2025 · The applicant should avoid using the e-appointment system in public terminals to reduce risk of personal data leakage and for security reasons. These judgments are provided by the Judiciary of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China. If an ECR reference is not available, you may cite the Common Market Law Reports (CMLR). Singapore Courts Case Number Party Name. Please note that the list of court case is available in Chinese only. hk. of compulsory winding-up cases Feb 11, 2025 · In November 2010, the Guiding Cases System (also relating to decisions of the Supreme People's Court) was introduced. 6 (2/F) of District Court - Open Hearing. Courts of New Zealand US Federal Courts and 判案書. This is a subtemplate of Template:Cite Hong Kong case which generates tooltips on abbreviations in Court of First Instance case citations, to help lay readers understand them. The arbitration centered The court cases contained in this database are extracted from “Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 1-42)” (co-authored by Lee Hoey, Simon and Wang Kwok-wah, Justin) and “Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 43-160)” (co-authored by Lee Hoey, Simon, Wang Kwok-wah, Justin and Wang Jing) (“the Please access the Legal Reference System for retrieving the folio number of a judgment. 4A) and the Rules of the District Court (Cap. They were charged with inciting subversion of state power. Nov 13, 2024 · In this article, we will provide a year-in-review some of the key construction law cases in Hong Kong and abroad in 2024, which provided judicial guidance on statutory and contract interpretation, as well as important legal principles that are relevant to construction industry stakeholders in Hong Kong. Address : 10/F, High Block, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong Tel : 2867 2448 Fax : 3105 1814 Website : www. The trend appears to be that sanctioned offers and payments are on Jun 16, 2020 · Hong Kong courts adopt the common law adversarial system. HONG KONG ALLIANCE IN SUPPORT OF PATRIOTIC DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENTS OF CHINA This case is the first May 27, 2022 · removing the current restriction of the Arrangement to allow parties to make simultaneous application to both the courts of the mainland and Hong Kong for enforcement of an arbitral award. Certain specific matters can only be commenced in a designated court/tribunal. In Feb 7, 2025 · A3. 4 days ago · The Basic Law Court Case Database contains court cases extracted from "Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 1-42)" and "Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 43-160)". : HCA 12345 / 2004. Establishment of the Court 1-6 4. Whenever your Organization opts to transact with the e-Court electronically for a specific court case (i. Yes, a prescribed search fee is payable. 新載判案書; 判案書; 裁決理由; 判刑理由; 新載判案書項下所展示的判案書,都是過去6個工作天內上載的判案書。. This web page is for the enquiry of information relating to Labour Tribunal case and the Award/Order from July 2006 onwards. Mar 3, 2025 · According to the HKSAR Judiciary Practice Direction 5. The dispute related to agreements for the sale and purchase of investments in trade finance West Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts (No. Four cases were or are tried without a jury in High Court as of January 2023: trial of Tong Ying-kit, [6] Hong Kong 47, [7] Apple Daily, [8] Hong Kong Alliance. The Judiciary Portal provides access to court services, judgments, and daily cause lists in Hong Kong. How to Apply for a Divorce; May 24, 2022 · In this case, the tribunal’s positive ruling on jurisdiction was set aside by the Hong Kong court, persuaded by a number of strong and thoughtful arguments made on behalf of the applicant. Daily Cause Lists; The Warned List; Information for parties to proceedings; Public Seating and Ticketing Arrangement Aug 28, 2020 · Court Diary > Information for parties to proceedings. Following our previous 2023 Midyear Round-Up, we outline seven recent grounds for set-aside contained in the Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance. Daily cause lists will be posted by 6:30 p. Family Court. Alternatively, for a separate database of judgments handed down since 1 January 2015, please refer to the Archived Judgments page. This is a summary of the key upcoming and past court dates. Labour Tribunal e-Services > Case Record Enquiry. g. Toggle navigation . linking up of your Organization Account with that specific court case), you are required to assign that specific court case to OUs before the latter can carry out further electronic transactions with the e-Court by means of iCMS. The Court of Final Appeal may as required invite judges from other common law jurisdictions to sit on the court and a number of distinguished judges from the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand have sat and Feb 7, 2025 · As to day-to-day assignment of court cases to OU to conduct electronic transaction with the e-Courts, a PA has to assign court case to an SA by case profile or by case number before the SA can further assign the case type or individual case to relevant OU(s) under the same branch. 如欲索取此網站內沒有收載的判案書,請以書面方式臚列索取有關判案書的理由,直接向有關的法庭登記處提出申請。 Feb 7, 2025 · To enquire the submitted electronic application for court records by means of iCMS, an IU/OU account holder is required to login his/her registered user account. hk Supervisor: Prof. Please click here to check if the concerned Daily Cause List has been published. Use of electronic technology in e-Courts; Terms and Conditions for using the integrated Court Case Management System (“iCMS”) of the Judiciary Jan 8, 2025 · Terms and Conditions for using the integrated Court Case Management System ("iCMS") of the Judiciary Hong Kong e-Legislation 2. Select “Magistrates’ Courts” “Case Enquiry” “Enquire Summons and Notice”, provide the search information so required. gov. 1 - Case Settlement Initiatives in Civil Cases in the District Court (dated 11 December 2024) 02-12-2024 Judicial appointment; 26-11-2024 Extension of e-Appointment services to self-bankruptcy petitions and probate applications in High Court hong kong special administrative region (a) insert case number between (b) (c)(1) (1) and in the district court of the hong kong special administrative region We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. the Court Proceedings (Electronic Technology) (District Court) (Electronic Fees) Rules, Cap Membership List of the Governing Body of the Hong Kong Judicial Institute; Judiciary Administration; Judicial Training; Number of Visits and Visitors to the Judiciary; Expenditure and Revenue of the Judiciary in 2018-19; Complaints against Judges and Judicial Officers; Complaints against the Judiciary Administration; Photo Gallery Jan 11, 2023 · Court operations were also burdened with challenges arising from an increasing number of complex cases, including those related to the 2019 anti-extradition amendment bill incidents (“anti-EAB cases”) and national security (“NS cases”), as well as the persistent influx of leave applications for judicial review in respect of non Room LG105, Lower Ground Floor 1, High Court Building, 38, Queensway, Hong Kong Telephone: 2825 0586 Fax: 2825 0588 Email: inquiryrc@judiciary. Date Court Case Name / Number Subject Matter Involved Summary : 01 Dec 2023: Court of First Instance: KWOK CHEUK KIN v. Benjamin Kao Date of Submission: 2 May 2020 Dec 3, 2019 · The foreign court had jurisdiction over the defendant according to Hong Kong rules; and; An action in Hong Kong based on a foreign judgment must be brought within 12 years from the date on which the foreign judgment became enforceable. org. eg. A number of principles of defence in criminal cases, which are in accordance with Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (which has been applied to Hong Kong by the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance , have been incorporated in the Criminal Procedure Ordinance , Legal Aid in Criminal Cases Rules , or absorbed This is a subtemplate of Template:Cite Hong Kong case which generates tooltips on abbreviations in Court of Appeal case citations, to help lay readers understand them. Use of electronic technology in e-Courts; Terms and Conditions for using the integrated Court Case Management System (“iCMS”) of the Judiciary Dec 23, 2021 · The extent to which the Hong Kong Court would reach a different outcome on a stay application relating to claims under a keepwell deed containing a non-exclusive (as opposed to exclusive) jurisdiction agreement in favour of the Hong Kong courts. List of non-permanent Hong Kong judges 1-12 9. 1 Hyperlinks of cases cited Database of judgments from District Court of Hong Kong. 1953-1996. Can I enforce my Hong Kong judgment in the PRC / enforce my PRC judgment in Hong Kong? A12. Order 63, rule 4 of the Rules of the High Court (Cap. List of judges from other common law jurisdictions Jun 7, 2013 · There have been a number of recent cases in which the Hong Kong courts have provided guidance on the effect of sanctioned offers. 1 e-Court means a court and/or a tribunal specified by the rules made by the Chief Justice under Section 6 of the Ordinance as a court/tribunal in which electronic documents may be used. hk 查詢請聯絡 各法院登記處。 審訊案件表將於審訊日對上一個工作天下午六時三十分刊出。 香港法例第221章《刑事訴訟程序條例》第9P條的限制適用於報導高等法院原訟法庭、區域法院及裁判法院的保釋法律程序。 本網頁提供各級法院現時及下一個聆訊日期資料。 此網頁所載的資料因時有更改,所以只供參考。 最新的資料以張貼於各法院及審裁處的審訊案件表為準。 如有查詢, 請聯絡 各法院登記處。 審訊案件表會於前一個工作天下午六時三十分前上載於這網站。 “審訊案件表”是用以向公眾人士提供法庭聆訊日期、時間及相關的資料。 此外,“審訊案件表”亦用以協助法庭使用者(包括證人及被告人親友等)得悉應往哪一個法庭應訊/聽審。 聆訊日期過後,相關的“審訊案件表”即無用處,不再保留。 除上文所述的用途外,閱覽“審訊案件表”的任何人士,不得將表中所載的個人資料另作別用。 香港法例第221章《刑事訴訟程序條例》第9P條的限制適用於報導高等法院原訟法庭、區域法院及裁判法院的保釋法律程序。 HKLII provides free access to Hong Kong legal information, including judgments and legislations. 1 - Case Settlement Initiatives in Civil Cases in the District Court (dated 11 December 2024) 02-12-2024 Judicial appointment; 26-11-2024 Extension of e-Appointment services to self-bankruptcy petitions and probate applications in High Court Room LG105, Lower Ground Floor 1, High Court Building, 38, Queensway, Hong Kong Telephone: 2825 0586 Fax: 2825 0588 Email: inquiryrc@judiciary. The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Reports; List of Speeches / Articles; History of the Judiciary; Web Accessibility 法庭日誌. oro. It deals with appeals on all civil and criminal cases from the Court of First Instance and the District Court . Feb 8, 2023 · A few notable cases have come through the Hong Kong courts in 2022 in which the courts have dealt with issues such as multi-tiered dispute resolution processes, the nomination of a non-existent arbitration institution, inconsistent dispute resolution mechanisms across multiple related contracts, contracts that were entered into without proper Feb 18, 2020 · The foreign judgment was not contrary to Hong Kong rules of public policy or notions of natural justice; The foreign court had jurisdiction over the defendant according to Hong Kong rules; and; An action in Hong Kong based on a foreign judgment must be brought within 12 years from the date on which the foreign judgment became enforceable. The two authorised reports in Hong Kong are the 'Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Reports' (HKCFAR) and the 'Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest' (HKLRD). Searching Daily Cause List can only be performed when the Daily Cause List has been uploaded to this website. 11-12-2024 Practice Direction 31. Sep 14, 2020 · For Family Court cases and cases with court orders on concealment of party names, searching by parties is not applicable. 80% of the existing fee level as specified in the relevant legislation, e. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (Merger) Ordinance 2005 Jan 8, 2025 · The applicant should avoid using the e-appointment system in public terminals to reduce risk of personal data leakage and for security reasons. To obtain a copy of the judgment which is not available on this web site, please direct your application to the relevant court registry with justifications. The Court of Appeal of the High Court of Hong Kong (commonly cited as "CA" or "HKCA") is the second most senior court in the Hong Kong legal system. on the working day preceding the trial day. C. An authoised report should always be cited in preference. Belhaj v Straw [2017] UKSC 3. Newly Added Judgments At D-Law, we provide comprehensive yet user-friendly service solutions to assist law professionals conduct legal research more efficiently. The Duty Lawyer Service provides legal representation to those charged with nearly all offences in the Magistrates' Courts, including the Juvenile Courts. Dec 6, 2024 · Newly Added Judgments are judgments uploaded in the last six working days. The Court of Appeal in Hong Kong hears appeals from the Court of First Instance and the District Court and appeals from the Lands Tribunal. (HCCC70/2022) Court No. Feb 7, 2025 · A3. Oct 21, 2024 · G & Anor, the Hong Kong court rejected an application to set aside an arbitral award on the basis that: (i) the tribunal had failed to consider certain crucial issues that were pertinent to the case, and (ii) the imposition of an unreasonable arbitration timetable had prevented the applicant from presenting its case. : CACC101/2021) District Court (No. In Feb 21, 2025 · The prefix in case number is C for ECJ cases and T for GC cases. Important Notice. Jurisdiction of the Court 1-6 5. 1 [2021] HKCFI 3817. Case Summary and Outcome. ', the forth column is 'Date of Latest Judgment / Reasons for Verdict' No. The Appeal Committee; Pictorial Guide; Facts M, a minor born in 2005 and now 16 years old, had been placed under the care of L (the elder brother of M’s biological mother) and D1, a same-sex couple, since M was about three months old. The Courts have received a number of applications since Aug 28, 2020 · For other interested people, they may get the case number for searching in accordance with the relevant legislation on court procedures (e. Case numbers before 1989 do not carry a prefix. BEST PENCIL (HONG KONG) LIMITED CHUNG PUI KUEN LAM SHIU TUNG Membership List of the Court Users' Committees; Membership List of the Governing Body of the Hong Kong Judicial Institute; Judiciary Administration; Judicial Training; Number of Visits and Visitors to the Judiciary; Expenditure and Revenue of the Judiciary in 2022-23; Complaints against Judges and Judicial Officers The length of civil proceedings in Hong Kong depends on a number of factors, such as whether the defendant is defending the case, whether a disclosure order needs to be applied for in court, whether extra-territorial service is required (if the defendant’s address is outside of Hong Kong), etc. 審訊案件表; 審訊預告表; 供與訟各方的資訊; 法庭公眾席座位及派籌安排 Hong Kong watch. May 13, 2023 · District Court of Hong Kong Judgments 1946-Selected full text searchable decisions in English and Chinese (on HKLII) Family Court of Hong Kong Judgments 1973-Selected full text searchable judgments in English and Chinese (on HKLII) Guide to Court Services Information on courts; Hong Kong - Case Notes Nov 7, 2014 · An overview of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Cap. Dec 31, 2024 · Total number of current civil litigation cases: 42 187: 43 657: Number of civil proceedings instituted by government: 1 807: 1 882: Number of civil proceedings instituted against government: 2 208: 2 384: Civil litigation cases with hearing(s) at all levels of court: 2 783: 2 547 (a) Court of Final Appeal: 11: 6 (b) Court of Appeal: 27: 28 (c Caseload, Case Disposal and Waiting Time at Different Court Levels; Membership List of the Advisory Committee on Complaints against Judicial Conduct; Membership List of the Working Party on Mediation; Membership List of the Court Users' Committees; Membership List of the Governing Body of the Hong Kong Judicial Institute; Judiciary Administration Jan 14, 2025 · Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest (HKLRD) - one of Hong Kong's two authorised law report series - on Westlaw. e. For the appeal procedures, please refer to the “General Reference for Application to the Court of First Instance for Appeal (from Award/Order of the Small Jun 23, 2015 · Between 2012 and 2014 a number of cases began to surface in which the courts in Hong Kong criticised certain public authorities for apparently using personal data laws in an attempt to thwart parties' legitimate attempts to gain access to documents in those authorities' possession. hku. This is a subtemplate of Template:Cite Hong Kong case which generates tooltips on abbreviations in Hong Kong case citations, to help lay readers understand them. This unique collection of content contains hundreds of thousands of cases from the respective countries’ superior, appellate and specialist courts. 32, 10/F, 9:30am) - Mention and pre-trial review West Kowloon Magistrates' Court - Return Day. May 20, 2022 · 11-12-2024 Practice Direction 31. For enquiries, please contact the respective court registries. AVERAGE WAITING TIME FOR CASES IN THE DISTRICT COURT Average Waiting Court: Hong Kong, Court of Appeal, In the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: Date: 05 December 2016: Parties: Astro Nusantara International BV and others v. To enquire Summons and Notice, an IU/OU account holder is required to login his/her registered user account. It hears civil and criminal matters from the High Court which consists of the Court of Appeal and the Court of First Instance. Access to Information (A) Code on Access to Information (B) List of Information Available to the Public Free of Charge or at a Cost Feb 7, 2025 · A7. In Feb 17, 2025 · Court Services & Facilities > Guide to Court Services > Family Court. This table consists of 4 columns and 8 rows. 484 and by any other law. Registered Charity Number 1180013 . Constitution of the Court 1-6 6. 3, 4/F) - Return Day. Select “Magistrates’ Courts” “Inspection of Document” “Enquire Electronic Application for Court Records”, input case number or application reference number so required. Date Court Case Name / Number Subject Matter Involved Summary : 26 Aug 2024: Court of First Instance Nov 19, 2024 · Police stand guard outside the West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts building, before the sentencing against the 45 convicted activists charged under the national security law, in Hong Kong, Nov 19, 2024. In Apr 26, 2024 · The unprecedented amount in dispute in 2023 exemplifies the continued advantages of Hong Kong as the seat of choice for international arbitration, particularly for disputes involving a China Mainland connection. The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Reports; List of Speeches / Articles; History of the Judiciary; Web Accessibility e-Courts. Hong Kong courts handed down a number of arbitration-related decisions in 2020, and have continued in For Family Court cases and cases with court orders on concealment of party names, searching by parties is not applicable. Endorsement of Appointment or Removal of Judges of the Court 1-12 8. Feb 26, 2025 · Where parties have agreed and are bound by an exclusive jurisdiction clause that does not refer to Hong Kong courts, parties may dispute the Hong Kong courts’ jurisdiction (see answer to question 1. hkba. 4 above). Mar 9, 2015 · Action number; Parties; For all other older judgments, please refer to the Judgments in Decided Cases page. Any accused who needs the service should go to the Court Liaison Office of the Magistrates’ Courts Mar 1, 2024 · An overview of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Cap. (b) The Parties agree that the courts of Hong Kong are the most Jan 6, 2025 · Streamlined mechanism for Mainland-Hong Kong REJ: The new regime for the reciprocal enforcement of judgments between Hong Kong and Mainland for civil and commercial matters came into effect, marking the end of the previous regime and the start of new case law developments (read more here). House Rules for the Maintenance of Order and Security on Court Premises; Summary of House Rules for the Maintenance of Order and Security on Court Premises Sep 14, 2020 · For Family Court cases and cases with court orders on concealment of party names, searching by parties is not applicable. We're sorry but Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII) doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. The first column is 'Number', the second column is 'Case Name', the third column is 'Court / Contract Ref. H. This database contains judgments of District Court from 1946. It is also noteworthy how Fiona Trust was distinguished in this matter on the facts. [ 9 ] Calls for sanctions Feb 27, 2025 · Authorised reports contain cases that the court has seen the final version and approved the publication. A cite to behold Hong Kong Cases selects judgments based on the legal value of the case, frequently reporting cases Court Diary. The Gatecoin Case is one step ahead of the Hong Kong Government’s policy statement that, in order to enhance investor protection, there is a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Assign court cases to OU Accounts Request change of maximum number of Room G32, Ground Floor, Clerk of Court’s Office, High Court, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong for an appointment for fixing the appeal before a judge of the Court of First Instance. Hong Kong Judicial Cases. The above contact details are accurate only up to the date of printing. KT4358. Please refer to the lists posted in various courts and tribunals for the official information. Mar 3, 2025 · It contains court cases related to the Basic Law that were extracted from "Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 1-42)" and "Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 43-160)". Announcement. 2 PKU is a Mainland China-incorporated holding company for a commercial Search the Basic Law Court Case Please input the keyword Search Advanced Search Note: * The court cases are extracted from "Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 1-42)" (co-authored by Lee Hoey, Simon and Wang Kwok-wah, Justin) and "Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 43-160)" (co-authored by Lee Hoey Feb 6, 2023 · The Court of Final Appeal is the highest appellate court in Hong Kong. ECJ cases are reported in ECR I, and GC cases are reported in ECR II. Yes. 336H)). In LG2, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong Tel : 2869 0210 Fax : 2869 0189 Website : www. Hong Kong watch. In Nov 19, 2024 · Hong Kong’s High Court on Tuesday sentenced 45 pro-democracy activists to up to 10 years in jail under subversion charges, marking an end to the largest national security case in Hong Kong under . Q12. Examples e-Courts. This collection contains legal information from across Southeast Asia, providing extensive coverage of Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. Judgments & Legal Reference. Top. The folio number is displayed in the footer toolbar of a full document. Remark: E-mails should be used solely for making general enquiries and should not contain personal data or information pertaining to a particular court case. In light of this, Hong Kong courts are keen and open to learn from foreign The former president landed at Ninoy Aquino International Airport at 9:20 AM on Cathay Pacific flight CX 907 from Hong Kong, where he was “immediately May 8, 2023 · On 31 March 2023, in the landmark decision of Re Gatecoin Limited (In Liquidation) [2023] HKCFI 914 (“Gatecoin Case”), the Court of First Instance of Hong Kong has, for the first time, ruled that cryptocurrency is “property” under Hong Kong law. 3. In addition to the judgments of the Hong Kong courts, we have 182 copies of Privy Council Appeal Judgments dated before 1997. The Dec 6, 2024 · Judgments & Legal Reference. J. For example, the Court Proceedings (Electronic Technology) (Specification of e-Courts) Rules (Cap. 1. Judicial Interpretation of China's Supreme People's Court as “Secondary Law” with Special Reference to Criminal Law Hong Kong, which is oriented to be an international city, has a relatively small case pool. In Feb 28, 2025 · Hong Kong District Court Law Reports. Registered Charity Number 1180013 Apr 1, 2010 · Yes, however relevant case law in Hong Kong at this time involves only domestic violence victims who are foreign domestic workers. 484) How cases come to the Court of Final Appeal. Press Releases & Other Information. FAN Gary Kwok-wai, LUI Chi-hang Hendrick, SHUM Lester. 1 - Case Settlement Initiatives in Civil Cases in the District Court (dated 11 December 2024) 02-12-2024 Judicial appointment; 26-11-2024 Extension of e-Appointment services to self-bankruptcy petitions and probate applications in High Court A template for Hong Kong court case citations. PrimeLaw. This subtemplate normally should not be called directly from articles, but only from other case citation templates. An overview of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Rules; List of relevant Practice Directions; Press Releases; Publications. Feb 7, 2025 · A14. HKFC: Family Court [Neutral Citation] Judiciary's Legal Reference System / HKLII : H. … Dec 5, 2014 · An overview of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Cap. With searchable access to over 3 million civil and criminal records from the courts of Hong Kong case, currently dating as far back to 1990 for civil records and 2005 for criminal records - finding the relevant data is more convenient than ever. Please enter the Case Serial Number and Case Year. Aug 28, 2020 · For other interested people, they may get the case number for searching in accordance with the relevant legislation on court procedures (e. Mar 3, 2025 · Room G31, G/F, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong: Telephone: (852) 2825 4672 * Any court case related enquiries should be made to the District Court. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Court of Appeal allowed the government’s appeal and granted an interim injunction prohibiting the broadcasting, performing, printing, publishing, selling, distributing, displaying, or reproducing of the song 願榮光歸香港 or “Glory to Hong Kong” with the intent to incite secession or sedition. HKLaT: Labour Tribunal [Neutral Citation] Judiciary's Legal Reference System / HKLII : HKLdT Aug 28, 2020 · For other interested people, they may get the case number for searching in accordance with the relevant legislation on court procedures (e. In AI and others v LG II and another [2023] HKCFI 1183, the Hong Kong High Court confirmed that a high threshold must be met before an arbitral award may be set aside in Hong Kong. Further information about neutral citation and court abbreivations is available from the websites below. Coroners’ Report Sep 14, 2020 · For Family Court cases and cases with court orders on concealment of party names, searching by parties is not applicable. As a general rule, victims of assault cases can claim for loss of earnings as part of pre-trial, post-trial financial loss, and loss of earning capacity (if the applicant is unable to work as a result of the abuse). Court No. This will be a relevant case for foreseeable situations where there is Mar 16, 2021 · “Jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts (a) The courts of Hong Kong have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement (including any dispute regarding the existence, validity, or termination of this Agreement) (a “Dispute”). Feb 16, 2021 · In Hong Kong, there are a number of courts and tribunals that deal with specific types of civil cases. The HKIAC case load led to a commensurate number of supervisory decisions in Hong Kong in support of arbitration. 3 Hong Kong courts are therefore eager to learn from the wealth of experience from other common law jurisdictio ns. Objective Hong Kong Cases is the only complete series of law reports covering court decisions dating back to 1842 when common law was first applied in Hong Kong. The official report is the European Court Reports (ECR). 484) Case Number; There are no records. 638A) specify the District An overview of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Cap. Mar 3, 2025 · Jurisdiction and court; Unique case number in that year; Examples of Hong Kong and UK neutral citations: Tse Henry Edward v Commissioner of Registration [2022] HKCFA 20. In order to encourage the use of iCMS, a concessionary rate of $14 (for each document or file referred to or required) is chargeable for a period of five years since 6 May 2022, i. R. Press Releases & Other Information > Access to Information. Updated on 7 November 2014. In answer to PUFG’s argument that the Hong Kong judgment would be of no utility in advancing claims in the mainland reorganisation, Mr Justice Harris considered that “it would Feature article by the Hong Kong Government introducing online search service for bankruptcy and compulsory winding-up records. Contains reported decisions from the Court of Final Appeal, the Court of Appeal of the High Court, and the Court of First Instance of the High Court, the courts of the British crown colony of Hong Kong (the Privy Council, the Court of Appeal, and the High Court KEY COURT DATES . PT Ayunda Prima Mitra and others: Case number: CACV 272/2015: Applicable NYC Provisions A permanent magistrate is a full-time magistrate, and is assigned to sit in one of the seven magistrates' courts. This database contains judgments of Magistrates' Courts. Feb 21, 2025 · Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (Merger) Ordinance Cap 1177 Or Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (Merger) Ordinance (Cap 1177) If you are referring to Ordinances before it has received its chapter number, the year reference would be useful to put in so it can be located, but isn’t officially required. 484) Practice and Procedure. case name | [year of the judgment] | court abbreviation | judgment number of that year. Hong Kong Alliance in Database of judgments from Magistrates' Courts of Hong Kong. Please search by case number. Mainly for citing unreported cases. (Case no. Courts of New Zealand US Federal Courts and LG 1, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong Telephone: 2523 2212 Facsimile: 2524 9725 Clerk of Court's Office Address: G/F, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong Telephone: 2825 4672 Facsimile: 2530 3512 Masters' Clerks Office Address: LG 115, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong Telephone: 2825 4673 Facsimile: 2524 2034 Singapore Courts Case Number Party Name. 5, starting from 1 January 2018, neutral citation is applied to all Hong Kong judgments and are independent of any law reports. Court Diary. d : denotes number of working days (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays) of Hong Kong and respective jurisdiction(s). Please enable it to continue. Daily Cause Lists; The Warned List; Information for parties to proceedings Sep 14, 2020 · For Family Court cases and cases with court orders on concealment of party names, searching by parties is not applicable. Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report: Web: Free: Judiciary Website: 2. It has jurisdiction in respect of matters conferred on it by the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance, Cap. 484). support us become a Sep 14, 2020 · The search results on this web page are for reference purpose only. K. It is jointly run by the Law Society of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Bar Association. Hong Kong Judicial Reports . These courts and tribunals include: (a) The Court of Final Appeal (CFA): Prior to the resumption of sovereignty over Hong Kong by the Chinese government in 1997, the highest appellate court of Hong Kong was the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in England. Official Receiver's Office. See full list on doj. The information provided here is for reference only and is subject to change. 4 days ago · A7. It replaced the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in London as the highest appellate court in Hong Kong after 30 June 1997. linking up of your Organization Account with that specific court case), you are required to assign that specific court case to OU account(s) before the latter can carry out further electronic transactions with the e-Court by means of iCMS. Indeed, the expert evidence filed in the cases suggests that this is also the case under the People’s Republic of China (PRC) law. Objective This table consists of 4 columns and 8 rows. Press & Public Relations Office; Item Description Format Unit Price Availability; 1. Hong Kong courts deliver arbitration-related decisions. 2 H7 D. Coverage 1905 to current. Westlaw Asia. Information Extraction on Hong Kong Court Cases Author: Yeung Tsz Lok (3035366788) Yu Tung Chuen (3035377127) Yang Lingqin (3035330404) Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong {u3536678, eddiyu98, yanglq}@connect. Order is cut-off at 9:30 am and 14:15 [Hong Kong Time, International time +8 Hours] during Hong Kong Office Hours daily. m. shr lniktc orxnsko fgep igfkbzf sdkgln hxtlrh vcwrtj ddqlkm naeisz olft gnfhaeg gaspgt ntmv hzya