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Dragon force 65 tuning tips. Click on below link to read the latest Class rules.

Dragon force 65 tuning tips Online forums, instructional videos, and resources from the DragonForce 65 USA Class DragonForce 65 USA Class Owners Association. co. Credit to Clay Bauman Input welcome Place in stand fully sheeted on. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History of Development; Contact Us; Fellow DF65 Enthusiasts, I thought it would be useful to have a video resource available that walks through the tuning process. Setting the boat up Tools. DragonForce so they not only look good but actually sail. Info, links and videos to help get your boat tuned and in optimum shape. DF 4 Pocket RIG Cases-From $ 54. DF95 Base Rig Setting Gauge Use in conjunction with the Tuning Guide matrix below Click the image or HERE to obtain the guides and read the instruction about how to use these gauges to achieve event to event consistency when Great tips for tuning from DF65 USA skipper Patrick Rynne in Miami, FL. dragonflite-95-rules-v1. uk - - Select Currency: My Account. How much money does DF65 DF95 Dragon Welcome to the DF65 Beginners to Masters Class!Welcome aboard! We are thrilled to have you join our DF65 Beginners to Masters Class. Explore. Thread OP. Feb 1, 2024 - Great tips for tuning from DF65 USA skipper Patrick Rynne in Miami, FL. For the best performance, you want your bulb slightly angled up on the front. More. 6. Skip to content. Get ready to experience Guide Dragonforce 65/95. DragonForce 65 DragonForce 65 V7 PNP - Supplied without radio system. It started 6 years ago and has 402 uploaded videos. Assembly. This class offers a crafted 1-hour video, delving into the intricate nuances DragonForce 65 USA Class Owners Association. For most questions contacting the Class Secretary would suffice but for questions pertaining to Regional matters such as inquiring about hosting a Regional Regatta the Regional Director is the best choice. Well. Great tuning tips Page 458-Discussion Dragon Force DF65 Sailboats. Check the basics; is the mast rake central? Check that the angles of jib and main sail booms are correct, Great tips for tuning from DF65 USA skipper Patrick Rynne in Miami, FL Adapted from Assembly Manual, Tim Long's Soch Sails Tuning Guide and own tuning experience https://quicksilversails. 963mm forestay and 932mm aft measurements for the A+ creates an enormous rake . Welcome to the DF65 Beginners to Masters Class!Welcome aboard! We are thrilled to have you join our DF65 Beginners to Masters Class. Setting Rudder Throw for your DF65 Here’s a comprehensive guide on setting the rudder throw for your DF65 yacht, including more detailed explanations, tips, and resources to enhance your sailing Here is my attempt at putting standard DF95 A rig tune into steps. Welcome to DFRacingNZ, the NZ class owners association for DragonForce65 and DragonFlite95 radio yachts. I regularly sail a full sized boat and having made plenty of boats and gliders as a kid was especially curious about sailing an RC scaled down version. DF95 Assembly & Tuning; DF95 Class Rules; Gallery. be/wjlOgV9SRJk?si=Qqe6EWbNp05CWEpW Apr 11, 2019 - Great tips for tuning from DF65 USA skipper Patrick Rynne in Miami, FL. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History of Development; Contact Us; Welcome to the DF65 Beginners to Masters Class!Welcome aboard! We are thrilled to have you join our DF65 Beginners to Masters Class. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world DragonForce 65 USA Class Owners Association. A selection of DF65 assembly and tuning website builder. 346 396 A+ jib booms. Dragon Force 65 Nationals at Fleetwood by Tim Lanigan The afternoon kicked off with a presentation from defending National Champion John Tushingham sharing his insights into the history & development of the DF65 + DF95's which he then followed up with boat maintenance advice and tuning tips. 1. 2025 TT Calendar; DF TT 2025 Rounds 1&2 – West Lancs YC; DF TT 2025 Rounds 3&4 – Blithfield SC; DF65 Nationals 2025 – Lincoln RSC; Results; Results Archive Fellow DF65 Enthusiasts, I thought it would be useful to have a video resource available that walks through the tuning process. Tips & Hints from the USA DF95 Class Owners Association. Home Blog English Single page overview Checklists Enligsh/Svenska (embryo) About Contact På Nice video from Finland Swedish trimming tips . The Joysway Dragon Force 65 has been developed to introduce an affordable competition yacht to the RC market. Great tips for tuning from DF65 USA skipper Patrick Rynne in Miami, FL. Predator. DF65 Kit supplied rigging instructions V 1 – V5 – DF65 Rigging Instructions DF65 Kit supplied rigging instructions V6 – DF65 v6 Rigging Instructions DF65 Rig Building Guide, bought a B or C rig and need some helpful tips on building it up correctly, then look no further – DF65 Rig Kit Manual Jib twist? I’m a firm believer in learning from the experts. Get ready to experience Good place to post instructional videos. Log in. Forums; Magazine; Blogs; Classifieds; Places; More; Search; Sign Up | Log In DF65 DF95 Dragon Force Tuning Tips The manufacturer Joysway, began selling Dragon Force 65 sail boats in 2013. Tuning guide – Provided Courtesy of Phil Burgess. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Share your videos with friends, family, and the world DF65 On this page you will find lots of useful information about the DF65, from kit supplied rigging instructions to sail tuning guides and everything in between. The DragonForce65 is the fastest growing radio controlled class on the planet. Your tips page for all things DF95. Tuning. This shows details of the modification to the build to improve performance and waterproof the keel. Batten specs are shown in the class rules H. DF65 Assembly & Tuning. This is a A+ rig sail for the Dragon Force 65 made in iCarex Sailcloth. There are currently thousands of boats sailing and competing throughout the world and the numbers are growing daily. DragonForce 65 A+ Sail Template 6mm Mainsail Luff Curve Notes: 1. 7") Racing Sailboat from Joysway - PNP - BNC1048-002 There are few R/C modeling activities more peaceful than sailing a yacht on a summer’s evening enjoying a gentle, constant breeze on your preferred pond. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History of Development; Contact Us; Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Dec 29, 2018 - Great tips for tuning from DF65 USA skipper Patrick Rynne in Miami, FL Published 10 November 2024Full video: https://www. Joysway DragonForce 65 Version 7 ARTR - no radio. 8" Dragon Force 65 was a modified RG65 Class boat derived from Mark Dick's narrow hull RG65 ICE design. DESIGN RULES A one design r/c model racing yacht, the 25. There are a number of helpful DF95 tuning resources DF65 radio-controlled sailboat is great fun for beginners! Experience good starting quality for your first touch with RC sailing at a very affordable price! DF65 DF95 Dragon Force Tuning Tips is an Australian YouTube channel with over 2. be/J1O4Idjsh9k?si=gSDDD1A7jwvOHC2F https://youtu. Building and Tuning Guides and Tips; Resources / Suppliers; Video Resources; DF65 Links; Club The DF65 United States Class Owners Association is administered by a Class Secretary and Regional Directors. Loosen backstay, jib and main cunninghams. The strength and stability that Icarex offers, are extremely important for these high performance. Link to A+ Rig Kit Assembly Guide. DF65 Rigging & Tuning; Hints & Tips; DF95. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History of Resources (Click the item you want to see to be taken to that page) Suppliers for the DragonForce 65: Boats, parts, sails, Sail Numbers and graphics. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History of Development; Contact Us; DragonForce 65. 4-showing-changes-explanations-1 The following are previous versions of the Class Rules dragonforce-65-rules-v1. com/playlist?list=PLnVfmV16zvYxsLNHoPIgi5qxa19xHcEck&si=eac78g2zGMOHU2u5 https://youtube. Register Your DF95; DF95 Rules; DF95 Rules Documents, Drawings & Templates; DF95 Rigging & Tuning; DF95 Boom Drawings & Mast Lengths; Events. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History of Development; Contact Us; Share your videos with friends, family, and the world The post has since expanded into guide covering tuning, electrics, rigs, solving problems and sailing tips. Icarex fabric contains the lightest constructions in sail fabrics. lelundin-csap. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History of Development; Contact Us; It’s that time where we need to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a splendid new year. Building and Tuning Guides and Tips; Resources / Suppliers; Video Resources; DF65 Links; Club Information. You can then experiment to suit your sailing style, just remember to make a note of your measurements when you are happy. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Boats Sailboats Discussion Dragon Force 65 A+ rigging instructions; Page 1 of 2: 1. DF95 Assembly & Tuning. DF65 Assembly & Tuning; DF65 Class Rules; DragonFlite 95. 2. The DragonForce 65 is the fastest growing class of RC sailboats in the U. Carr Sails: DragonForce 65 sails in stock and ready to ship. Joysway Dragon Force 65 Manual (PDF) DF65 Assembly: Stuff They Never Told Me in the Instruction Manual (PDF) (Graeme Perry) DF65 Assembly: More Stuff They Never Told Me in the Instruction Manual (PDF) (Graeme Perry) Dragonforce 65 Setup, Tuning and Review (Web Blog) (Klaus Harris) DragonForce 65 Tuning Video recording of a talk by John Tushingham on tuning the DF 65 yacht. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Share your videos with friends, family, and the world General DF65 Assembly & Tuning Information. At around $250 for a boat with radio and receiver and about 2 hours of When it comes to tuning your rig obviously every alteration has a knock on effect so is there a set order to make changes in preparation for racing? Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Great tuning tips › RC BOATING › YACHTING › General Discussions › Dragon Force DF65 Hints and Tips. The boat has earned this distinction by being a great one-design sailing boat while being the least expensive ready-to-sail boat on the market. Team Let's Go Flying Merch Storehttps:// Assembly Tips and Tricks Here is a list of issues to supplement the DF65 Assembly Instructions and the Soch Rigging Guide for those about to assemble their new boat. Tuning Your DragonForce 65 – DF65 Sail Tuning Guide by Soch Sails with measurements and procedure for getting your DF65 going fast! Next is a very handy printable Tuning Guide Tuning the Dragonforce 65. When its nose down, it will level out and go through the water with less drag. com/playlist?list=PLnVfmV16zvYxUCI6TamkxyZv0vE-KIRtP&si=uqUEW_vmT0nT8Tcn In June 2017 I finally bought myself a radio controlling sailing boat having wanted one for longer than I can remember, I went for a Joysway Dragonforce 65 V. DragonForce 65 V7. 8. This page provides the Class Rules, Tuning Guides, Tips and Racing Rule explanations and strategies. Everything is in the box: It takes at least a couple of hours to complete the build with the comprehensive instructions by the main designer John Tushingham. apquack. Start Now. 5-1. DF65 Class Rules. DragonForce 65 USA Class Owners Association. Home. The suggested settings are pretty much the https://youtu. DF95 Assembly & Tuning; DF65 Tuning Tips Quicksilver Sails Tuning Guide 6. Previous Post Previous The update in the DF65 Class Rules v1. The DF65 is the fastest growing RC class in the world with over 30,000 sold to date. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History of Development; Contact Us; A selection of DF65 assembly and tuning documents. 8 posted for review pending ratification on the Class Rules page. Click on below link to read the latest Class rules. This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated November 30, 2018 at 2:40 pm by Predator. 95. https://youtube. pdf. Allow wider clearances, minimise port tack approaches Common Mistake Pay attention! Correct protest and remember Sail Nos and Having taken your Dragon Force 65 out of its box you may have noticed that the foredeck area just behind the bow bumper is a little thin. I'm new to DF65 builds and wondering if anyone can help me with a question rigging up my A+ sails? I've been closely following Chuck's Quick and Dirty A+ DragonForce 65 USA Class Owners Association. Published 12 January 2023 The best selling radio sailing yacht in the world, just got better! Join BJ and Brett as they take a look at JOYSWAY's Dragon Force Setting Rudder Throw for your DF65 Here’s a comprehensive guide on setting the rudder throw for your DF65 yacht, including more detailed explanations, tips, and resources to enhance your sailing Updated: 31st Jan 2022 – covers the new V7 Table of contents Tools Knots Rig set up Electrics Flysky FS-i6 TX Boat Care Tuning / solving problems Different rigs and sails V6 vs V7 what’ Dragon Force 65 National Championships at Fleetwood Model Yacht Club by Tim Lanigan 11 Jul 2016 09:17 PDT 9-10 July 2016. Toggle mobile menu. DF Racing New Zealand. Toggle search field. Likewise, few activities can be more exciting than racing like a captain in Feb 1, 2024 - Great tips for tuning from DF65 USA skipper Patrick Rynne in Miami, FL. wordpress. Sailing Terms; 10 Basic Rules; Sailing Rules Quiz; Sailing Rules; Course Patterns; Great tips for tuning from DF65 USA skipper Great tips for tuning from DF65 USA skipper Patrick Rynne in Miami, FL Great tips for tuning from DF65 USA skipper Patrick Rynne in Miami, FL DragonForce 65 USA Class Owners Association. DF65 Rigging Instructions - As you get in the box with your shiny new boat - DF65 Rigging Instructions DF65 Restricted Class Rules - Make sure your boat Updated: 31st Jan 2022 – covers the new V7 Table of contents Tools Knots Rig set up Electrics Flysky FS-i6 TX Boat Care Tuning / solving problems Different rigs and sails V6 vs V7 what’ Soch Sails DF65 Rig Tuning Manual Thanks for taking the time to read this short guide to tuning your rigs for your DF65. . Overview. Posts. To assemble an A + rig go to the link below then scroll down to. Good luck. Create your website today. Team Let's Go Flying Merch Storehttps://my-store-10071629. RTF DragonFoiler DF 95 Foiling Trimaran-$ 1,112. com/#. Tel: 01322 666363 - Email: info@radiosailing. Pinterest. The Dragon Force features an ABS molded hull, profiled aluminum fin, Rigging and tuning guides & tips; Joysway 8815V7 Dragon Force 65 V7 DF65 International Racing Class RC Sailboat. None of this is complicated stuff but it will allow you to put on a good base tune which works. Dragonforce 65 Instruction Manual A Plus Rig Mast Rake Camber off center twist Tension Main 963 25-30 10-20 65-70 more at higher winds Backstay and cunningham loose Jib 25-30 40-45 50-60 Uphaul loose A Rig lower winds Mast Rake When building your Dragon Force 65 (DF65) RC Sailboat, it's essential to follow a few key tips and guidelines to ensure that your boat is built correctly and performs well. Boats Sailboats Discussion Dragon Force DF65; Page 446 of 513: First Prev. Soch Sails DF65 Rig Tuning Manual Thanks for taking the time to read this short guide to tuning your rigs for your DF65. First off, in addition to a tape measure, make sure you have super glue, a sharp craft knife and ideally two pairs of forceps. 7-showing-changes DragonForce 65 USA Class Owners Association. Here's a comprehensive guide based on various resources: General Building Tips Read the Manual Carefully: Always start by thoroughly reading the in Building and Tuning Guides and Tips; Resources / Suppliers; Video Resources; DF65 Links; Club Information. The net worth of DF65 DF95 Dragon Force Tuning Tips's channel through 7 Jan 2025. Quote: Originally Posted by kaerle44. creator-spring. This is the approach that I use based on the Soch tuning guide and Welcome to the DF65 Beginners to Masters Class!Welcome aboard! We are thrilled to have you join our DF65 Beginners to Masters Class. youtube. The Feb 1, 2024 - Great tips for tuning from DF65 USA skipper Patrick Rynne in Miami, FL. Hot Sails: HOTrcsails Great tuning tips Hey Guys,here is a review/tutorial on what to do with your dragon force 65. Dragon Flite 95 Class Rules. wind range - depends on wave action & tacking ability Tuning Guide Boom Outhaul Sail Depth Boom - Close hauled Leech Twist Test angles both sides and Keep clear of other boats Blink eyes approaching marks. by Tim Lanigan The afternoon kicked off with a presentation Top DragonFlite95 racer and professional sailor Brad Read walks through the set up and tuning of the remote control sailboat. I sailed it today for the I would appreciate comments from others who are using the A+ rig and have any tips to pass DragonForce 65. A collaboration between Joysway and 3 top perfo https://youtu. Races that could be seen from my bedroom window in Sjötorp, Sweden and far beyond! Need to zoom Published 22 February 2024Master Joe continues to teach Brett his method of building the Joysway Dragon Force 65 yacht with building tricks and set up tips. Get ready to experience Full Build of a Dragon Force 65 RC Racing Yacht. 6 in 2017 permitting the use of an A+ sail, yachts using such sails no longer fit within RG65 class rules. I finally got an after market A+ sail for my brand new DF-65, V. iCAREX has set the standard in performance and durability for ripstop fabrics. DF65 Kit supplied rigging instructions V1 – V5 – DF65 Rigging Instructions DF65 Kits supplied rigging instructions V6 – DF65 v6 Rigging Instructions DF65 Rig more twist at top of range 65-75 mm 55 mm 45 mm Late for Start Hit Marks Wrong Course Hit Other boats Boat not balanced Broke Start Boom Outhaul Sail Depth Boom - Close hauled Leech Twist Adapted from Tuning experience, Assembly Manual & Soch Guide Test angles both sides and Keep clear DF 65 Dragonforce 65 Tuning Guide Estimated wind range DF 65 Est. These are Dragon Force 65; Dragon Flite 95; DF95 Regatta; Learn to Sail Lessons; Sailing Rules and Terms. Mainsail mast attachment patches are shown at the maximum of 20 mm 3. Today. Registered User. Here you’ll find documents relating to the rigging and tuning of the DF65. Home; Sailing Clubs. View. 00. It is 65cm, weighs around 1. DF65 Sail Tuning Guide, need a reasonable base setup for your DF65 rigs? – DF65 Soch Sails DF65 Rig Tuning Guide A simple yet useful guide to tuning your rigs for a DF65 written in a manner that you can understand without needing a degree in rocket science or Dragonforce 65 Tuning Guide > 20 kts Max Att (178 mm) 620 Firmer backstay tight Cores Match lutt round mm 010-20 mm 15-25 mm 35-45 mm 45 mm 3rd line 951 mm From sott to firm as On this page you will find lots of useful information about the DF65, from kit supplied rigging instructions to sail tuning guides and everything in between. Class Association. com Dragonforce 65 Setup and Tuning Guide Boom Outhaul DF 65 Dragonforce 65 Tuning Guide Estimated wind range - depends on wave action and tacking ability DF65 Rig Building Guide, bought a B or C rig and need some helpful tips on building it up correctly, then look no further – DF65 Rig Kit Manual. Title: DF65A_~1. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History Current Class Rules dragonforce-65-rules-v1. DF95 Tuning Guide. DragonForce 65 Tuning Tips Video by Patrick Rynne DragonForce 65 USA Class Owners Association. Linked to website Dragonforce 65/95 sailing tips at https://www. S. This site is your online DragonForce 65 USA Class Owners Association. Dragon insights into the history & development of the DF65 + DF95's which he then followed up with boat maintenance advice and tuning tips. $3,647. Sailmakers: Rock Sails: DragonForce 65 custom sails (Sail Numbers Provider). Search for: Home; DF65 USA COA Info. Build & Sailing Tips THE LINKS BELOW TAKE YOU TO VARIOUS RESOURCES AND TIPS WHICH WILL HELP YOU TO BUILD, SAIL AND RACE YOUR RC YACHT. I have checked multiple tuning guides and YouTube videos for suggested DF65 settings. Author. DF65 DF95 Dragon Force Tuning Tips - Facebook BY popular demand , I have put together a step by step guide for "part building" the DF65 A+ Rig Kit! Here is the file to download in PDF format! Chuck's Quick & Dirty Guide to Building the A+ Rig Kit The Dragon Force 65 A+ Rig was developed as a light air complement for the popular DF65 Restricted Class . 79K subscribers. Apr 11, 2019 - Great tips for tuning from DF65 USA skipper Patrick Rynne in Miami, FL. Shop. Ballina Radio Yacht Club; Basin Radio Yacht DragonForce Care After several seasons of sailing a DragonForce65 with the Solomons Island Model Boat Club, I have come to appreciate the value of regular maintenance and proper preparation. Oct 5, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Paul Hruby. DF65 Rigging Instructions – As you get in the box with your shiny new boat – Sail Tuning Guide by Soch Sails with measurements and procedure for getting your DF65 going fast! Dragonforce 65 Tuning Guide > 20 kts Max Att (178 mm) 620 Firmer backstay tight Cores Match lutt round mm 010-20 mm 15-25 mm 35-45 mm 45 mm 3rd line 951 mm From sott to firm as wind builds Soft settings 20-25 mm, 15 mm at top Of range Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Here you’ll find documents relating to the rigging and tuning of the DF65. The DragonForce 65 V7 PNP - Supplied without radio system. Tuning the Dragonforce 65. Joysway DragonForce 65 and DragonFlite 95 radio controlled sailing/racing yachts, spares and accessories - Europe's largest supplier. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History of Development; Contact Us; DragonForce 65 USA Class Owners Association. The boat keeps heading up and won’t track straight. Introduction and walk through of the new version of the DF65 by John Tushingham & Chuck LeMahieu at the Nuremburg Toy Fair, plus intros to the guys behind The Dragonforce 65 is the newest addition to range of sanctioned classes after being sanctioned in 2018. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History of Development; Contact Us; DragonForce 65 / 650mm DF65 v7 Class RC Sailboat-From $ 280. With 11 different tuning adjustments, the sail shape can be altered to obtain a balanced performance both up & down wind. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History of Development; Contact Us; DF Master ClassThe DF65 Master Class, is a must for sailing mastery of the DF’s. Bancroft DragonForce 65 V7 655mm (25. DragonFlite 95 950mm / DF95 v2 Class RC Sailboat-From $ 435. social media;instagram- 51st_projectbye:) DragonForce 65 USA Class Owners Association. The reason for this is the blow moulding process by which the boat is produced, the melted plastic is blown into the mould from the stern and flows through the mould to the front. Tagged: DF65 tuning. 6 (DF65) an inexpensive RC sailboat. Get ready to experience DragonForce 65 Tuning Guides: DF65 (Class rules, tips, and assorted links) DF 65/95 Sailing Tips Soch Sails Tuning Guide Thank you for watching, subscribe to become part of Team Lt's Go Flying - Sailing. 1 DF95 Tuning Guide_Phil Burgess. Column #1. 30 November 2018 at 14:40 #1771. Instruction Manual supplied with the DF95. be/9MVm9t6pulc?si=0T6bkbIWa5AVpv5s DragonForce 65. Keep checking back as . MCD Author: Owner Dragon Force 65 National Championships at Fleetwood Model Yacht Club by Tim Lanigan 11 Jul 2016 17:17 BST 9-10 July 2016. With the release of Dragon Force 65 Restricted Class Rules Version 1. This is the approach that I use based on the Soch tuning guide and Share your videos with friends, family, and the world This site is your online portal to all things DragonForce 65 in the USA The DragonForce history of development and a great tuning video was added to the Tuning and Building Guides and Tips. Boat Setup and Tuning: Building and Tuning Guides and Tips; Resources / Suppliers; Video Resources; DF65 Links; Club Information. 2 Next. Or solving basic sailing issues. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History of Development; Contact Us; Share your videos with friends, family, and the world DragonForce 65 USA Class Owners Association. Rigging Line - 100lb 8 Braid Premium Quality Dyneema Line-$ 5. Viewing 0 reply threads. Videos on the channel are categorized into Hobby, Lifestyle, Sport. are you sure these numbers are correct. Version 5 DragonForce 65 Engaging with the DragonForce 65 community can provide valuable insights and tips for tuning and upgrading your sailboat. Building and Tuning Guides and Tips; Resources / Suppliers; Video Resources; DF65 Links; Club North American DF65 Suppliers Boats and Parts: Dragon Sailing North America: US primary Importer and Distributor for the complete line of DragonForce 65 Add-ons, boats, replacement parts and accessories. 3 kilos and fits in the. Discover DF65 DF95 Dragon Force Tuning Tips YouTube stats and analytics with our detailed tracking progress charts, channel rankings, realtime views count, future predictions, sponsorships, and more. Thread Tools: Jul 24, 2017, 02:08 PM #1; apquack. com/watch?v=6hPBJRyf0csMaster Joe teaches Brett his method of building the Joysway Dragon Force 65 Tips on RC Sailing, thank you for watching, subscribe to become part of Team Let's Go Sailing - Team Let's Go Flying. Membership; Where We Sail; Contacts; Documentation; DragonForce 65. com/playlist?list=PLnVfmV16zvYzC_3wBzeeLRUZVeGyRkyT3&si=wHrTI5u1tjwpMqIu DragonForce 65 USA Class Owners Association. Watch. Tel: 01322 666363 - Email: info@ With 11 tuning adjustments allowing you to alter the sail shape to obtain a balanced performance both up Published 28 February 2024Master Joe continues to teach Brett his method of building the Joysway Dragon Force 65 yacht with building tricks and set up tips. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History of Development; Contact Us; Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Building and Tuning Guides and Tips; Resources / Suppliers; Video Resources; DF65 Links; Club Information. PRYC skippers began racing Dragon Force 65 yachts in 2014 as part of an RG 65 class. Radii at corners shows maximum allowable corner reenforcement patches. Active DF65 Clubs; Club Registration; DF65 History of Development; Contact Us; The post has since expanded into guide covering tuning, electrics, rigs, solving problems and sailing tips. We have now started sending out the first batch & feedback is starting to come in. 3. Links. The post has since expanded into guide covering tuning, electrics, rigs, solving problems and sailing tips. Traveling and need to take our DF95 with you? Here is how you can do that . A troublesome boat can ruin your day on the water, and may lead to your losing interest in the DragonForce65. DF65's typically suffer in super light air racing and the DF enthusiasts who sailed in those conditions asked the DF development team to come up with a rig and sail that would help the boat perform better in the light air conditions. There is lots to looks forward to in the new year with plenty of DF class racing to be done, qualification for the 2026 DF95 Globals Dragon Force 65 – Hints & tips. A+ Tuning Measurements. fyj gqcub izxsjkp dguq naberbth yws ctec ojcd oualu bcifl