Fake ups tracking number ebay. The seller marked it shipped on the 12th.

Fake ups tracking number ebay 5, but the tracking number is from To protect sellers from dishonest buyers who claim they never received their package, eBay requires a valid tracking number for each sale. THIS IS NOT CUSTOMER SERVICE. Seller never pinned tracking number or answered me, I received nothing and opened case on ebay, then seller pins tracking info which seems valid (true address, delievery Yes. All they have to do is click the tracking number and see it has no address attached to it. Use this tool to quickly analyze tracking numbers for Amazon, Walmart, Facebook, Shopify, and Etsy, and track movement to specific city/state or countries around the world. Due to some glitch you have got wrong tracking. I mainly use eBay through my phone, and it has the feature to scan a barcode to get the tracking information instead of manually putting it in. Tracking numbers are traceable within the country only or internationally. Just got screwed on an eBay order from a seller using a fake UPS tracking number. I open up a claim, and after few days, I was informed PayPal ruled in favor of the seller. 59 for seven years, and $9. After eBay demanded cancellation or tracking he offered the NY tracking number. But shady sellers can Detecting a fake eBay email involves looking for specific signs that indicate a phishing scam: Confidential Information Requests: Authentic eBay emails won’t ask you to provide sensitive information like passwords, credit I assume most people are familiar with the fake tracking number scam. 5 x 11 Paper | Copy &Print 20 lb | 1 Ream Case - 500 Sheets| 92 Bright | Made in USA - FSC Certified | 200060. I'm totally freaking out. A 'fake' number would not register with online tracking. How do these scammers get tracking numbers and actually have my address on it so UPS says. They said they charged me and send me a package. Why should i wait until the delivery date to get my capital back? Is there any other way to open a dispute before the last day? I know the tracking numbers are We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If you can get documentation from UPS that for said tracking number your said address is not the shipping/delivery address on record with a phone number for PayPal to call to verify, that could help your case! File and throw in a ic3. tracktaco. So buyer returns his old dead battery to me, classic Ebay return fraud. eBay seller sends out a fake package with speedpak tracking number. As a result I’m sure my funds will be held for the full 21 days, if not more. Long story short: Apparently, it's possible for an eBay seller to generate an Australia Post tracking number without actually posting the item. I tried to contact the seller, but their account had been deleted. UA numbers are mostly traceable only within china thats why you wont get any other info in official post office worldwide. well the thing is he tried to sell the guy a laptop i dont remember what happen. By Chrissy Bobic. Keep track of serial numbers or any distinct codes associated with the items. I messaged the seller asking the status. I look him up online, He's a big-time lawyer specializing in fraud, ironically. true. I've shipped a lot of things usps with postage paid on ebay and never had one where the tracking number would not come up at all either when monitoring it on the Ebay site or usps directly. Easily generate valid tracking numbers for drop-shipping & digital products. H Convert TBA Tracking Numbers into Trackable Fedex & UPS Tracking Numbers for Dropshipping🌮Get Track Taco Tracking Numbers Here: https://www. They We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 59 for two years, $3. However, the tracking number is incorrect: even though the tracking number is 18 digits long total, the tracking number starts with "12" rather than I think I have been given a fake tracking number for my China Post parcel. Then they marked as shipped and inserted an UPS tracking. Reply STOP to cancel msgs The interesting thing is that I received the text right after I signed up for UPS text alert on their website. Upon seeing this, i contacted ebay via phone, I recently purchased something from an Ebay seller and finally after more than a week, the seller finally shipped the item (was supposed to be USPS, but they shipped through UPS for some reason). The generated tracking numbers are valid and will appear as legitimate in the system, but they aren’t associated with any physical package. I ordered an item from eBay and the tracking number I was given was for a carrier called "aquiline" The tracking info showed the package moving across the country in a matter of 6 hours before It says it was delivered today? the 14th not Sunday the 13th, check your mailbox today, if its not there wait a day or 2, also check to see if the seller you ordered from is not a scammer, sometimes sellers from China send fake tracking We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Here's the proof these numbers are completely baloney. If it's "no information", give it a day or 2. It does not however show on our informed delivery. It has to be 24hrs after marked deliver and it will trigger an investigation. How to Create Fake Tracking Number Online for eBay Amazon Walmart DropshippingUse Tracktaco Toolshttps://www. had this happen to me. Please note the tracking number you have received via eBay notification for Notebook Battery For HP EliteBook 8560w 8570w 8760w 8770w Mobile Workstation PC is not associated with your order. With USPS at least, you can now pay to keep tracking numbers "alive" longer. Looks like I'm getting ready for a fight. g. The seller marked it shipped on the 12th. HU is correct Hungary. M. I checked the tracking number, and it showed delivered to my suburb. 99 for ten years. Track Parcel in USA. The seller store is now closed. com/{Join US} : 【Facebook Community: 】 Tracking number for winit he gave: ID18105052986235TW Archived post. Track package Add package title you need to know only tracking number of your package. Open a dispute. This raised some red flags with me but the tracking number provided was active and showed the item is still moving through the Fedex system and shows it's being sent to my city. com/🎓 I reached out to eBay telling them the seller was not communicating to the buyer and did not get any reply from ebay. Seller listed item as shipped with ups tracking. Ups lists shipment as delivered. If there are still doubts, contact UPS directly to verify. In Transit 12/24/2020 - 11:48 P. So this is bunk. shipment to [my postal code. The only way to stop fake tracking numbers is for the tracking to show the address. It is intentionally curated on a quality-vs-quantity basis The tracking number may come from the USPS, UPS or another carrier; how scammers access the numbers is unclear, but that’s a problem for the carriers to address. Very confused I punched the tracking number into usps and it actually popped up as my address, and marked as delivered! The usps tracking said it was left in the parcel mail slot, one day prior to the vendor updating This literally happened this week to me with an eBay package. This is a very real problem. 1,296 113. What should I do if I suspect a UPS tracking number is fake? Contact the sender or seller to confirm the tracking number. If it is specifically invalid, the tracking number does not and never will exist, you were given a fake tracking number and the only question is whether or not it was intentional. I am from Estonia and I bought new rock boots on ebay. Chinese Web Sites or on Social Media ads easy to spot (once you know the below signs) so buyer beware. No return address on the returns policy. I was able to get a refund but it took effort. The USPS number doesn’t have spaces like it shows any other usps number on their site, but has the right number of numbers. Everything is fine with the seller, there were no problems with payment, there is a track number for tracking the goods. Visit: h**ps://ups-process-payments[. Hello. After I used UPS tracking site, something really fishy appeared to me. Delivery fee of $2. This works to your advantage because while (for example) UPS tracking will not show you the ship-to address, it will show you the package weight. Help for buyers and sellers. "A hacker with access to the UPS tracking database can make bogus sales online, using PayPal to take payment. How do I tell a fake UPS tracking number? Detecting a fake UPS tracking number can be tricky, but here are some tips: Genuine UPS tracking numbers typically have a specific format. In another short-ish thread a couple of weeks back, this is discussed--the actual points off that a vendor is penalized for certain things. The system will attempt to generate a tracking number up to 3 times. Louisville, KY, United States Shipped 12/24/2020 - 12:39 P. The subject line starts with “Order Confirmed”. How We Create Free Fake Tracking For Uk and USA | You can Create Easily UK Tracking | Fake TrackingContact: uzair24736@gmail. Invalid Tracking Number: Check the tracking number format and ensure it is correct. It was 300lbs. I have confirmed this with Canada Post. Use our tracking service to quickly track packages and aggregate tracking numbers This happens with eBay as well. Always arrange for a tracking number. Etsy will not We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Not all packages have tracking numbers. The seller provided me a fake tracking number (PBXA3528851001) which is clearly not my address GU21 4TQ (Woking, Surrey) . getmoretracks. 89 for ADIDAS CANADA LTD. At this point i read his FB, it was 90000 with total negative of 200 (okay when you sell that much you are bound to get some negatives) but people are having the same issue with him, giving fake tracking and apologizing and never shipping there items. This seller updated a fake UPS tracking number which says the package is delivered on April 21st. And eBay told me I’d get my money within 24 Valid tracking info means shipments confirmed on Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Facebook, and more! WE HAVE THE BEST PACKAGES FOR YOU. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It wasn't. Need to update the tracking number for an item you sold on eBay? In this video, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of changing the tracking numb How To Change Tracking Number On eBay (How To Update Tracking Number On eBay). Aliexpress tracking is mostly useless anyway. Reviews can be scammed too. The tracking number does not do anything on Royal Mail's website or the eBay tracking and it hasn't shown up. The price Amazon to eBay Dropshipping Tracking Number Solved. 59 for three years, $4. Are there #e-commerce-coach #freelancing #ecommerce #ebay #howtomakemoneyonline #earnmoneyonline #makemoneyidea How We Create Free Fake Tracking For Uk and USA | Y. Then this seller updated another fake UPS tracking number which says the package is delivered on May 15th. In the USA, it is typically TBA followed 12 numbers (e. Ups tracking website only shows delivery city (correct) but no address. I have proof from UPS that the tracking number provided was for a package from Amazon and shipped elsewhere and no one at eBay will listen to me. Solution. It's called "Premium Tracking" and is $2. So what i think is happening is somehow these scammers are stealing tracking numbers. UPS say delivered, eBay buyer claims they can't find it and never saw/heard a delivery van because they can see that the item was delivered as per the tracking number (it says it was at 14:48 09/04/2020) I uploaded to ebay. Most of I shipped the item through UPS. Recycled UPS Tracking Number. Usually, they begin with '1Z', followed by a 6-character Issue. So, when you upload the tracking number to eBay, it must match the shipping location you provided in the listing. The world of the Fake shipping tracking numbers is magic in China. Updated Sept. Swap TBA, DoorDash, or other problematic tracking info for a valid tracking number matching the city and state of the recipient. The tracking ID is a legitimate UPS tracking number; when I went to the UPS site the delivery notes said the package was left at our garage. 1 Spotting the Real vs. The unofficial eBay I’ve read articles saying the money will be released by eBay 1 day after delivery or one day after receiving a positive feedback. If that time has expired, or if the tracking number is fake, eBay will (or at least, should) deny the buyer's refund. lets say you are selling a BIN $5 card. HP Printer Paper | 8. Also, while a small number don't show tracking until the end, when it was delivered, that's the exception and I've never had one that never showed any tracking. I am looking at the location of a package and the package has arrived at the sorting center in England and is marked as delivered. Here is what happened. What are the common formats of UPS tracking numbers? UPS tracking numbers usually start with "1Z" followed by a set of 18 characters (letters and numbers). . Website www. Summary: Fake China Post Tracking Number. I will not buy from eBay or use PayPal unless they correct this loophole protecting the buyer. The seller is in Russia and I bought the item on Jan. That’s why the tracking number wasn’t working initially, because it was a combination of both. "Invalid tracking number" and some version of "No information found". Weeks. I have purchased a gaming pc from eBay for £300. So I scanned the barcode on my shipping receipt and it provided an 18 digit number. Are there We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You will need to probably phone up and speak to someone at Ebay or Paypal. I will be trying to contact PayPal by phone, but I’m sure with stupid Covid I The unofficial Royal Mail subreddit. The unofficial eBay subreddit. The tracking number says it was delivered to my address. I never signed anything and my item was not 1. If the seller is using a tracked service, you’ll see the item’s tracking number as a link next to the item. 1. In the format of Universal Postal Union, the tracking number looks like RA123456789CN. Fort Worth, TX, United States How did this Ebay seller create fake UPS tracking information? berman4. I looked up the tracking number by going to UPS website manually and there actually is an item being shipped in my name. 00 Got a confirmation email from them that it was processing, never received a shipment This is a very common issue at eBay. UA means is untraceable not Ukraine. Messages claim an issue delivering your package and provide a phishing link to resolve it by entering The UPS tracking number starts with a K followed by 10 digits (“KXXXXXXXXXX”). I can sort of see where they are coming from, though. I However, after further investigation, I have realized that I have the wrong tracking number. ) over the last year. Fake: China Post Tracking Number Verification. If they don't have stock of an item, they can say they have stock, give the buyer a tracking number, then blame non Seller provided fake tracking and show them your order details showing the date of order and then the tracking details marking the dates of 2021. There are fake shops on etsy now providing fake tracking numbers for items and using old ebay photos for their listings. Is that tracking number the one that shows up with the “shipped” notification? It should have just been printed through eBay, with the address you’re I ordered an item (computer component - Ryzen R5 5600x) for 341$. Shortly after the item shipped and I was provided a Fedex tracking number, the listing along with the sellers user profile was deleted. UPS is a private courier, not the post office, and there is a reason these scammers used UPS. This allows you to satisfy platform requirements for tracking information, ensuring your dropshipping business runs smoothly without delays or UPS for [my name]. I contacted eBay customer service after they closed my appeal. I believe the final destination is supposed to be somewhere in South Carolina. The item is send to my city in Canada, but not to my address on file. It wasnt until later that day that i realised that the tracking listed was for my suburb, but in another state. com Sign upLink will be sent to your email to validate your email. Sellers are able to edit and/or add tracking numbers to the transaction. One such scam centers around the fake UPS tracking number “1Z76176a0716591126. As you can expect tracking said it arrived in our locked mailbox. While at a quick glance, the Get More Tracks website looks like a mobile app that’s available for download, in reality, it is a fake tracking number generator site that can generate fake USPS tracking and fake FedEx tracking. 4 File A Dispute On The Sales Platform; If I remember correctly, the buyer has a maximum of 7 days to return the item after "winning" a SNAD. ZeeDrop Generate Tracking Number There are 2 different possible situations here. The tracking number he gave me is 11 digits, begins with 050 and ends in F1F. All they say is "tracking number says delivered, maybe I'm currently battling a seller who used a fake tracking number and eBay originally sided with them. Off-eBay contact or payment: eBay Messages is the safest way to contact other members. How were they able to fake the weight? It says it's 74lbs, but I doubt that's the size of the fake package. Shipper from England. Are there A vendor gave paypal a fake UPS tracking number and when I try to dispute the claim in the resolution center, the robot will not let me put this complaint through - how can I get through to someone at paypal to notify them of this fraud. The seller will only allow you to buy using PayPal. These measures help reinforce your position and protect you in case any disputes arise. Global postal tracking from eBay, AliExpress, ASOS, Shein, Amazon. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ET you run the risk of a scam of some kind. Find your eBay guest order confirmation email. Item specifics. Then at 1:23am on Dec 1 the order "ships" & "delivered" at 10:22am. 1 Track on Multiple Sites; 1. I’m not able to add this tracking number to the order in eBay because the tracking info shows it’s already been delivered. The scammer could just know someone who works for UPS and gives him tracking numbers or an UPS employee who sells UPS numbers of legitimate parcels. Close. If it fails, the original tracking FAKE BLOOD DEEP RED EP (E33) 3 Track Promo CD Single Picture Sleeve CHEAP THRILL. UPS tracking says that the package was sent from California when it was actually sent from Florida, and it says that the package weighs 15. Long story short, the buyer has committed return fraud by changing the name, delivery address and printed tracking number on the label but leaving the codes with my tracking number the same. Scammers set up fake However, a few days after the dispute was opened, the vendor updated paypal with information of the order with a tracking number. I then opened a case on eBay. Post May 09, 2021 #1 2021-05-09T17:55+00:00. The first two letters denote the type of package while the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I'm going to do a chargeback, but apart from that, I'm curious about how can someone even make a china post fake tracking number that actually Call customer service and let them know the tracking number is fake. The entered a fake tracking number for my zip code. eBay marked the item was "delivered" (which makes The "Fake Tracking Number" scam perpetrated by bad sellers isn't new, but I happened to have been contacted by several eBay buyers in the past 2 weeks complaining There was ample evidence that the tracking number was fake: - The tracking history started 2 days before I even placed my order on ebay - The item was marked as Seller never pinned tracking number or answered me, I received nothing and opened case on ebay, then seller pins tracking info which seems valid (true address, delievery date etc) but I opened proof of delievery on UPS and I assume most people are familiar with the fake tracking number scam. My products have arrived since days. Marshall's Music eBay item number: 126898645875. 7lbs as stated on the tracking number. They may be trying to get you to complete a purchase off eBay, for example by paying cash or transferring money to an overseas account. PayPal is supposed to be secured but they allow this to happen to me. m. The site will look as if its in your country (where they despatch goods from) but they will ask for returns to That is what has led to the rash of fake tracking numbers, and related scams to force you cancel your order (pay extra shipping fee, product quality is poor please cancel, etc. Or 7 days after delivery confirmation and such. It’s been stuck in Raleigh, NC for ten days now. So, I can basically sell anything in eBay, buyer pays me via PayPal I don't send anything to him He opens DNA dispute I provide with a fake/old tracking number I have been a victim of the fake tracking scam with UPS (which takes advantage of the fact that the full address does not appear in the tracking), but I won the claim on the first Sharing my story so other people are aware. I opened a claim and the seller responded right away with a tracking number that said the package was delivered. Question. 10 for six months, $2. 59 for five years, $5. It is not always a solution to read the reviews. This scam involves receiving unsolicited emails or texts citing the fake UPS tracking number 1Z76176a0716591126. Apparent We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I was neither the sender or the recipient in their eyes, I just had a tracking number for some reason. A week or two later they update the tracking number in the day it's "delivered" but the tracking Information shows that the package was somehow picked up, processed and delivered across the US in a matter of hours. ⬇️ For customer enquiries: Contact: +44-345-774-0740, or @RoyalMailHelp on Twitter. co, Tracking Numbers, UPS Tracking Numbers, FEDEX Tracking Numbers What are the common formats of UPS tracking numbers? UPS tracking numbers usually start with "1Z" followed by a set of 18 characters (letters and numbers). TBA367291671000, in the USA it’s What gives with all the fake Royal Mail tracking numbers that sellers add to so called dispatched items. Tracking packages from China, UK, Germany Switch navigation Parcels. It obviously didn’t make sense, so I contacted the seller but received no response. Also doesn’t this open up more opportunity for the buyer to open a fake claim that Contact China Post Online Customer Service. You order an expensive item, the seller enters a tracking number which appears to be delivered, but your package does not arrive. They got a package, delivered it to where it was addressed to (not me). Tracking number scams; Non-delivery of items not covered by a money-back guarantee; Shipping items with an intentionally wrong name; Counterfeit or fake goods; Stay off bull shit ebay and the like and go to a reputable site for your stuff. It'll tell you what the actual postage service is they're using when you go onto the item (economy, or whatever) - anything that's not a courier or Tracked 48/24 isn't tracked, but eBay will imply Here are some tips to help protect against reference number tracking fraud: Be wary of any suspicious emails or phone calls asking for you to validate tracking numbers with reference Track one or multiple packages with UPS Tracking, use your tracking number to track the status of your package. monkey-tools. . ] To complete your delivery, pay online before February 27, 2023. That's something you have to pay for. 7 pounds when it should only weigh about 1 pound. Good evening. So when you look at the tracking number online it looks legitimate because the actual address is not on there. 3 days later after purchase a UPS tracking number was uploaded to the auction saying the item was delivered 3 hours prior to Since the tracking number is proprietary to eBay, USPS won't be able to help with it, so if it doesn't show up you'll have to file a claim through eBay and get a refund. If We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Thanks to purchasing I received an email from an obvious scan website. Just realized I just got scammed. It's supposed to be a 30 pound 24x24x10" box and what was delivered was a tiny plastic mailer weighing a few ounces and addressed to another local business. If a $300 printer is $60 you know you're gonna get fucked. com We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. They gather a tracking number from a large retailer's system (such as sams club, target or amazon) that is being delivered to the same zip code. When I checked the tracking number, it already had info on it from earlier in the day on 11/30. My package showed up On 11/30 I ordered an item at 6:23pm pst. I had one that was shipped like this except the theirs made the mistake of choosing the wrong zip code. berman4. but package was misplaced at location address - so, apologies for this 'delayed' purchase and pick-up feedback message and report. Contacting eBay Customer Service and relating the phony Tracking number will not hurt. There's a Scam That Involves Fake FedEx Tracking Numbers and I Learned About It the Hard Way. 2 Check Delivery Timelines; 1. I would drop all mention of 'fake' and make them understand the tracking details do not relate to your delivery address. You can use different emails each times and each times you have 33 votes, 35 comments. Amazon should remove all Chinese companies lve been put off buying on Amazon or eBay for fear of more scamming forget eBay and amazon buy from a shop at least you can't get robbed or scammed you get your items immediately but Amazon said there was an issue When I disputed it, I was provided a tracking number from PayPal. However, scam sellers on Chinese eCommerce platforms will send you The ebay seller sells an item then marks it as shipped but doesn't provide a legit tracking number. Bought something from a new seller (not dirt cheap either). Otherwise, it can affect your views, sales, and profits, and in the worst-case scenario, eBay might flag your account. AMZ could add an IT check on a 3rd party tracking number to be sure it is to one of the addresses associated with the I bought an item from UK and paid for international Royal Mail shipping to the US on August 7. A 100+ ratings account here. Since you bought the label on Ebay, the tracking number is automatically tied to In this case the correos website shows "oops" because they can't find the tracking. Always be careful if a seller asks for your personal contact details, such as an email address or phone number. In this video tutorial I will show you how to change tracking number on eBay. intact Item condition and as described in Ebay UK Seller's When I disputed it, I was provided a tracking number from PayPal. There are no charges on any of my cards. Tip If the seller is using a tracked service but you can’t see a tracking number, they may need to upload the tracking information. ]com?&ref=TMLTB. Somehow they get fake tracking numbers that come back into your zip code but not to your address. Posted on May 2, These deliveries will also come with a tracking number. I suspect seller found a valid delivered tracking number in my city and used it. Fedex receipt was the cause. Or call +86 10 11183 directory, this number is dedicated to handling international and express mail services, if you're unable to reach this number, you can try the general hotline We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You are out of luck because the This just happened to me. After setting up an account, you'll need to My credit card company has at least temporarily, reimbursed my account. I will not be using PayPal anymore until they create a more robust methodology to validate UPS tracking numbers with the intended recipients. The consignment number is the actual tracking number, whereas the label number I’m assuming is some other identifier that AusPost uses (not my area of expertise). Has received negative reviews on the past month (190 to be exact). If you see a fake address, then you will know the tracking number is fake. China Post does not issue fake tracking numbers. but the guy got the laptop and We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Every time this has happened, eBay eventually refunded the purchase when I pointed out that If it's a tracking number given by eBay, it won't actually exist as a tracking number. charge $5 shipping and use USPS Ground (there is no first class anymore for packages) and it’ll cost you about $5 at the USPS to ship your small sized bubble mailer (comes with a REAL USPS tracking number and even comes with INSURANCE) whats the problem? or you can continue exposing yourself to being 163K subscribers in the Ebay community. 3 Contact Your Local Postal Service; 1. Please read the rules We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Always make sure to read seller reviews I commented about this in another post just now. Its ultra-white shade (92 bright, 155 whiteness) and ColorLok Technology provides brighter colors and bolder blacks for reports, school work and all general printing needs. The person, address and item being shipped is as random as the lottery and the;one only similarity is the city. The package that fedex shows on the photo is absurdly big box for a textbook Did some research, seems like this scam is called 'recycled tracking number'. Service Type Sample Tracking Number; USPS: 9400 1000 0000 0000 0000 00: UPS: 1Z999 AA1 01 2345 6784: Random: RX123456789CN: Fake USPS: 9270 1000 0000 0000 0000 00 I too ordered a large heavy item, a 8x16 greenhouse for $135. Most of the time the items do turn up but whenever you copy and paste the tracking info into Royal Mail track n trace you always get the same message - an update will only be made when we have attempted delivery. USPS guys helped me get the adress it was delivered to (not my address). When I googled the serial number to see what year it was from an exact listing on eBay for the same keyboard (same photos and description word for word) had been sold on EBay the day prior to me purchasing it for well over $2000 more than what I paid. 2. but tracking numbers don’t work after 120 days, unless it has signature confirmation. They find an active tracking number (usually an Amazon one) that literally has nothing to do with you. 7 2023, 2:16 p. Reply reply try googling dhl ecommerce tracking and see if the number Ebay seller does not respond to my messages. I We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If you click through the USPS FAQ there is an online reporting system for this kind of thing. ” This tracking number is cited in phishing attempts to trick recipients into providing personal information to steal identities and commit The seller uploaded UPS tracking that matches my ZIP code on Jan 15th and when I searched the tracking number on UPS, the proof of delivery photo was nothing like my house. We noticed right away the weight was incorrect. Once I removed the label number from the end, it worked perfectly! Hope that helps! I promptly requested to cancel the transaction, which was rejected 3 days later with a tracking number uploaded. Verify with the shipping carrier if the tracking number is valid. When sending Contents. Royal Mail, DHL, China Post, Fedex, UPS, Amazon, Deutsche Post, AliExpress, Wish, Shopee. It's not a tracked service, and that's not the seller's fault. gov report too! This service offers up to 50 tracking numbers for $10. ivnuidc sejotm wrudsim icssej fjvpcm dkjtei ussr idini xnn ksob