Ibm error messages and codes API completion and reason codes For each call, a completion code and a reason code are returned by the z/OS MVS Programming: Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS. For example, if the PSF configuration object being used with the Infoprint Server printer device description is configured to create a PDF stream file in directory /ABC, ensure that user QSPLJOB is Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus message codes; Message code Description; ALD. IMS problem determination IMS messages and codes problem determination is accomplished by using procedures established by IBM. The messages are sent to the NetView® operator or the authorized message receiver. When you are instructed to “type” the text or to “press” other keys, no RETURN is required. API completion and reason codes For each call, a completion code and a reason code are returned by the A tabular description of the name/value pairs that make up each JSON format IBM MQ diagnostic message. The authorization code product and/or version does not match that of your installed product. SMP/E V3R5. In this guide, messages are listed numerically. Reason codes from ASN messages Product is licensed by a License Manager AND product on one desktop host is affected. Db2 Bind Avoidance return codes A Db2 Admin Tool Bind Avoidance job uses similar return codes with the following meanings: 0 CWB_OK Successful completion. ; eqqmc02e occurrence appl is too large. Messages and codes can appear on the server console, the administrative client, an operator terminal, the administrative graphical user interface, the backup-ar chive New, changed, and deleted messages and codes for IMS 15. For additional information, see Messages in IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS User Guide. The book lists the codes in numeric order and reason-code The Db2 reason code value that indicates the reason for the failure. IBM z/OS Connect server runtime errors, such as data transformation errors or timeout issues. This document lists the error codes and messages that are generated when a problem is detected:POST error codes , IMM2 , UEFI , DSA Messages. A drive requested a cleaning. The higher the severity code, the more serious the condition is. You can use the code and description when working with IBM Software Support to determine the cause of a problem. IBM MQ for z/OS messages, completion, and reason codes Use this topic to interpret and understand the messages and codes issued by IBM MQ for z/OS®. The message and code descriptions are To determine if the problem is with the drive hardware, or the tape media, perform the following procedures: If possible, run the tape cartridge in a different drive. The first three characters are always CSQ. Informational. When the message is issued by an online function, the identifier is not displayed with the message. I,32 During an attempt to open a VSAM KSDS data set, it was determined that the total length of the index VSI plus the data VSI plus the size of the IMS NCB was greater than decimal 255 (including the length field). Some of these error codes are related to the errors returned by For errors that begin with: Use this CL command; SQL: DSPMSGD RANGE(SQLxxxx) MSGF(QSQLMSG) IWS or PWS: DSPMSGD RANGE(ZZZxxxx) MSGF(QIWS/QIWSMSG) where ZZZ is IWS or PWS Chapter 1. Messages and codes can appear on the server console, the administrative client, an operator terminal, the administrative graphical user interface, the backup-ar chive Chapter 1. See Recovering from a tape or optical device problem. A drive requested a routine cleaning. If you cannot correct the problem from the information in the messages document, perform the problem determination procedure that is related to the message. hex_value Messages reference three types of macro parameter: the name field parameter, keyword parameters, and positional parameters. The topic is divided into the following parts: Messages for IBM MQ for z/OS Describes all IBM MQ messages in alphanumeric order. 3 Supports: Content Manager, FileNet P8, OnDemand, OASIS CMIS The following information is provided for each message: Message identifier The message identifier is in three parts: The characters "AMQ", which identify the message as being from IBM MQ. This reference manual is for users, operators, programmers, and maintainers of this product. resource-type and resource-name The type and name of the resource that the message identifies. If displays while "Function Code 6: Host Interface Test" was running:. 0 Messages, Codes, and Diagnosis Note: Please refer to the specific sections of the SWIFT documentation (parts II and III) to view the details of how field tag and code word validation is performed for all field tags. Recommended program action: None required. These sections have the message identifiers, the most probable as "DB2 for z/OS" and "DB2", in different IBM web pages and documents. 1 CWB_INVALID_FUNCTION Function not supported. Predefined messages are stored in message files and have a message number. Some of these error codes are related to the errors returned by the Convention Definition; ASCII_value. The meanings of the return codes that DFSORT passes back (in register 15) are: 0 Successful completion. b The dispatched task control block (TCB) address. 574 Data entry errors . d The first two bytes are the subpool identifier requested. Troubleshooting and resolution To resolve the issue, verify that the Database, Schema, and Snowflake File Format properties are correctly configured for the destination. Composite transaction business objects; Last updated: 30 April 2021 Contents About This Document. SWIFT MX messages error codes; Translator Error Code SWIFT Error Code Error Description; 1624: Invalid BIC Code: Invalid BIC Code. CIU6059I DB2 procedure procedure_name ended with RC=return_code. 219. ; For positive SQL codes, enter the code with There are global and specific IBM i Access for Windows return codes. 8 IBM Workload Scheduler message format IBM Workload Scheduler messages follow a standard message format. 25 Error Codes; Parent topic: Messages and Codes Messages and Codes IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS messages and codes. unit assignment error: ddname - reason code is rsn; ice043a invalid data set attributes: ddname attribute - reason code is rsn ; ice044i exit enn invalid option; ice045i end sort ph; ice046a sort capacity exceeded - record count: n; ice047a record count off, specified n, received nrcd count off; ice048i nmax exceeded; ice049i skip merge ph The account that is used in the investment register but that does not exist in the account structure is shown in the 'konto' column. Who should use this publication This publication is of primary interest to OnDemand administrators that require more detailed information about returned messages. The following table lists all the codes and messages that can be returned as a result of running a map. MSG control variable is set affects the message display as follows: )INIT or )REINIT section: the message is displayed on the panel. The return codes marked with an asterisk (*) are warning codes. Data Service server IBM EBCDIC SBCS code pages 290 and 1030). The messages are intended as a quick reference to get started with problem determination. The second Misc Info column displays information about the owning company, and the owned company. mcp update not possible. A reference to the name field parameter is indicated by the word "NAME" appended to the message. Descriptions of standard ASC and ASCQ codes Standard ASC and ASCQ codes are described. eqqmc00e - eqqm903; eqqmc00e operation appl, ia, oper, would become too big if dept operations are added. For an explanation of resource-type and resource-name values, see Resource types. For reason code 23, ensure user QSPLJOB has proper authority to the path listed in the message details, but also to the PDF directory specified in the PSF configuration object. 575 Chapter 5. DFSORT completed successfully. 0 for z/OS V1R12. IBM EBCDIC SBCS code pages 290 and 1030). This document lists the error codes and messages that are generated when a problem is detected with the IBM System x3100 M4: POST error codes , IMM2 error messages IBM Integration Community Come for answers, stay for best practices. 4 CWB_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES The system cannot open the file. The first parameter is the owning company, and the second parameter is the owned company. Verify adapter device and Bus Master fields are enabled in the PCI configuration program. This document has information about messages that are commonly found with Infoprint Designer. This book also documents General-use Programming Interface and The return codes are defined as follows: 0 The requested function was successfully completed. The introduction provides general information about DB2 This manual interprets the messages (and codes) issued by the IBM® DL/I VSE licensed programs. You can use the information that they contain to resolve such problems. The following lists the severity codes you can use and their meanings. Certificate validation errors. NA. 4. This tool allows you to search for an SQLCODE, message ID, SQLSTATE, or SQLSTATE class Reference information to help you identify and interpret the messages for IBM MQ Telemetry. 4 The requested function was completed with a warning condition. Please refer to: Explanations and suggestions for corrective action are provided for messages that might display when you integrate Maximo Health, Safety and Environment Manager with the IBM Chemical and Petroleum Integrated Information Framework or another MIMOSA OSA-EAI V3. Some of the messages are produced by errors that have occurred for one reason or another, some are warning VTAM Codes. If Db2 returns several tokens, they appear sequentially in SQLERRMC in the order that they appear in the message text. Searching for Db2 for z/OS messages and codes. An example of a system predefined message is: CPF0006 Errors occurred in command. An immediate message is created by the sender at the time it is sent. These codes also appear in the summary sections of an ABEND dump. ; eqqmc01w user level is lower than controller level: user user cannot get ad. A tabular description of the name/value pairs that make up each JSON format IBM MQ diagnostic message. This information provides reference information for the abend codes, messages, status codes, and return codes that are produced by IMS. Messages and codes can appear on the server console, the administrative client, an operator terminal, the administrative graphical user interface, the backup-ar chive Tokens in SQL code message text. IBM OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert on z/OS Refers to any of the following products: • IBM IBM OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert on z/OS BIP2000-2999: Runtime components - Integration nodes BIP2001 The IBM Integration Bus service has started at version <insert_2>; process ID <insert_1>. If your printer is not printing, check this list of common reasons. The test fails if the correct interface wrap tool is not attached. VTAM Cancel Codes; VTAM Resource Status Codes and Modifiers; X. Related information:. 4 Successful completion. Verify that the correct interface wrap tool was attached in the correct interface port during the test. Messages and codes can appear on the server console, the administrative client, an operator terminal, the administrative graphical user interface, the backup-ar chive This publication interprets the messages (and codes) issued by the IBM® z/VSE Package and its component licensed programs. ; The host name or IP address of a computer will be Where to begin recovery When you determine that you have an IBM i software installation error, first you need to determine what your first step to recovery should be. Messages issued by DSNTINST, DSNTINS1, and DSNTINS2 installation CLISTs use the following internal severity levels: -type FOR object-type = object-name FAILED BECAUSE CHARACTER CONVERSION FROM CCSID from-ccsid TO CCSID to-ccsid FAILED WITH ERROR CODE error-code FOR TABLE dbid. EQQATnn messages . . How to use this publication To interpret an SMP/E The information in this topic can be used to understand a message or code produced by the IBM MQ for z/OS product. IBM Z Workload Scheduler messages and codes. AC Messages; AD messages; AG messages; AH messages; AI messages; AK messages; AM messages; AO messages; AP messages; AQ IBM Aspera Error code reference tables. The type codes for MVS system messages have the following meanings. Previous topic | Next topic | Contents | Contact z/OS | Library | PDF Error_Extract Reason Codes and Messages z/OS MVS Programming: Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS code generation messages in the range 5000-5999, starts with IBMnnnnI X where: IBM indicates that the message is an IBM message nnnn is the number of the message the closing letter I indicates that no system operator action is required the X represents a severity code. Messages Use this reference to find more information about messages you might encounter while using IBM Security Verify. ; Attempted to checkout new object. Messages that are related to automations and triggers. Introduction 5 Icon Conventions Tip: When you are instructed to “enter” characters or to “execute” a command, immediately press RETURN after the entry. ; Image catalog recovery If you used an image catalog to install IBM i software, follow these procedures to determine where the failure occurred and the appropriate recovery action. Some of the messages are produced by errors that have occurred for one reason or another, These topics describe codes for the Db2 13 for z/OS product, with explanations and user responses for the situations that are associated with these codes. Explanations for other messages are also provided. : 6532 xxxx: It may indicate a Storage IOA failure. For other prefixes that may be seen through the ODBC Driver included with the System i Access for Linux product, see the following table: Related reference. 575 System action . Return codes and error messages; Troubleshooting tips for error messages The information in this topic can be used to understand a message or code produced by the IBM MQ for z/OS product. This document is intended for trained servicers who are familiar with IBM Personal Computer products. ; TR0105 The view of an ancestor custom view restricts the operation you requested. The following is an example of a sense code display containing both the long and short text. How this publication is organized. This publication will assist you in searching for a solution and, if necessary, reporting the problem to the IBM Support Center. The book lists the codes in numeric order and This book is intended to help you interpret messages issued by IBM DATABASE 2 for OS/390 (DB2 for OS/390). 573 Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS message format. 4 A number of messages and codes are new, changed, or deleted in IMS 15. This denotes that an ASCII code is displayed. 6 %âãÏÓ 26152 0 obj > endobj 26178 0 obj 86108F2FDEBF783EA5466D02AD042F54>]/Filter/FlateDecode/W[1 3 1]/Index[26152 110]/Size 26262/Prev 3887707/Type/XRef S3 Interface (vendor) Error: Message=message, Return Code=return_code, Reason=reason_code, File=file_name, Line=line_number ARS0452E IBM Cloud Object Storage Error: message , Return Code= return_code , Reason= reason_code , File= file_name , Chapter 1. c The input TCB address. If the operating temperature and airflow are within the specified range, and the problem persists, Use this topic collection to find descriptions of codes and messages returned when using SQL with Db2 for i. For messages that are found on the PC, go to the section called PC Messages. (These severity codes and their meanings are consistent with the severity codes assigned to IBM-predefined messages. Solution: Run ccmsrv status -a (ccmdb_server –s –a on older UNIX versions). A displayed or printed message can appear by itself or with other information, such as a time stamp. BRI. I (information) System operator action is not required. For example, enter -105. The following reason codes are used in replication and Event Publishing messages. Error messages are sometimes accompanied by abend and reason codes. CICS messages begin with the characters DFH. v You suspect a problem with SMP/E. ; The printer might be varied off or might need you to reply to a message. All IBM MQ message identifiers are eight characters long. 2 CWB_FILE_NOT_FOUND File not found. Messages that are related to LDAP authentication. SQL message finder Use the SQL message finder to quickly find specific SQL codes and messages. An abend is an abnormal termination of a component. An immediate message is not stored in a message file. Reason codes from ASN messages Completion code and operation code values overview IBM Tivoli Storage Manager device drivers provide operation codes and completion codes. For GA32-0883-03 This publication lists the messages and codes that are returned by the IBM® Content Manager OnDemand (OnDemand) server programs. TR0104 A user was expected but not found. The ─── symbol indicates the beginning of a statement. Either you have referred to a user by an object name or object identifier that Cognos Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the user. Specific information for this return code: One of the following events occurred: The OPEN routine was unable to get the resource that the system requested for the data set being opened because another task in the system was using the resource. 577 Chapter 6. This tool allows you to search for an SQLCODE, message ID, SQLSTATE, or SQLSTATE class The IBM® MQ adapter returns various error codes when it encounters a problem during code execution. Verify there is free space available in the ccm chunkspace. Error codes can be returned by the SQL30081N The following list describes the codes and messages that can be returned as a result of running a map. 221. This part explains all the error, warning, and information messages, as well as the user abend codes and reason codes, that IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS issues. 573 Where messages are presented . See Map Execution Warning Messages for a consecutive list of the warning codes for a map. Attempt to correct the problem from the information in the messages document. SRC What it means; 6149 xxxx: It may indicate an I/O adapter Licensed Internal Code failure. ) DSNT message severity codes. This part explains all the error, warning, and information messages, as well as the user abend codes and reason codes, that IBM Z Workload Scheduler issues. 0. Communication in this category is for advisory purposes and might provoke system operator action. A suffix letter, indicating the severity of the message (I, W, E, S or T), as shown in the Severity list. MQ Reason Codes. The tape drive determined that a failure occurred in the tape drive 's hardware or in the host bus. For the originating file module and file module specific hardware code (code 0, 2, 4), go to Table 3. This denotes that a decimal value is displayed. a The current address space control block (ASCB) address. A drive OAM Error: message, Return Code=return_code, Reason=reason_code, File=file_name, Line=line_number ARS0431E VSAM Error: message , Return Code= return_code , Reason= reason_code , File= file_name , Line= line_number Chapter 1. CIU6064E CICS IA Dump HLQ must be 1 to 8 characters and non-blank - for Reference information to help you identify and interpret the messages for IBM MQ Telemetry. ; For the storage enclosure hardware code (code 6), go to Table 5. Db2 Admin Tool also uses other return codes that are intended for use by IBM® for diagnostic purposes. All we're missing is you. Action: See z/OS Security Server RACF Messages and Codes for a description of the message and the condition causing it. 3 CWB_PATH_NOT_FOUND Path not found. ; For the originating file module specific software code (code 1, 3, 5), go to Table 4. For more information, see Format of z/OS MVS system messages. Note: ERROR CODE queue SENDING MESSAGE TO %2 QUEUE ; AZK1720E desc func FAILED, RC=rcode, DETECTED AT addr; Operation: Attempted to run ccmdb_unpack. The panel section in which the . Messages that are related to Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) authentication. 0016. For explanations of reason codes, see Db2 reason codes. obid COLUMN column-number. An example of an immediate message received at a display station is: Message Severity; Console Message Format; Log Message Format; Finding a message; Payment Feature Services messages that start with A; Payment Feature Services messages that start with AU; Payment Feature Services messages that start with B and C; Payment Feature Services messages that start with D and E; Payment Feature Services messages that This section contains error codes and their descriptions. 2. 0015. The return codes are defined as follows: 0 The requested function was successfully completed. Some of the messages are produced by errors that have occurred for one reason or another, Prior to V2R4, this document was titled z/OS Distributed File Service Messages and Codes. Severity 0 : Information Explanation This Execution Group's configuration message was rejected because the deployed configuration message would have caused more serious errors in other Execution Groups. Because V2R3 was the last release to support the Distributed File System / Server Message Block (DFS/SMB) functionality, the title is now z/OS File System Messages and Codes but the DFS/SMB messages are still included in the documentation. AOP3002E User exit exit-name returned a record length of length, which is too IBM Content Navigator, Version 2. To use reference codes effectively, you must use them along with other service and support procedures. For messages that are found on the IBM® iSeries® family of servers, go to the section called i5/OS Messages. Introduction to messages Messages, err or codes, and r eturn codes ar e issued by the IBM T ivoli Storage Manager server and clients. For information about how to display a list of spooled files, including the status of the spooled files, see Displaying a list of spooled files. You can specify a range of return codes or AMQ messages, as well as specifying specific return codes or AMQ messages. 25 Error Codes; Parent topic: Messages and Codes Messages and Codes Chapter 1. Messages and codes can appear on the server console, the administrative client, an operator terminal, the administrative graphical user interface, the backup-ar chive Listing of SQL messages These tables list SQL messages. Some SQL messages are associated with SQLSTATE messages, where SQLSTATE messages are return codes from These topics contain information about the messages and codes related to Data Virtualization Manager server issues. This manual interprets the messages (and codes) issued by the IBM® DL/I VSE licensed programs. Identify Sterling Connect:Direct error messages and their descriptions for UNIX and Windows operating systems. Posted Thu September 22, 2022 10:33 AM Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:25 PM 000 SCSI Adapter not enabled. Warning. For negative SQL codes, search on the code number and include the leading minus (-) sign. Messages that are related to the firewall bridge server utility (nco message or return code, (2) understand the action taken by the system, and (3) respond to the message or return code as needed. . Icon Conventions For errors that begin with: Use this CL command; SQL: DSPMSGD RANGE(SQLxxxx) MSGF(QSQLMSG) IWS or PWS: DSPMSGD RANGE(ZZZxxxx) MSGF(QIWS/QIWSMSG) where ZZZ is IWS or PWS These topics contain information about the messages and codes that the Data Service server issues. Preface This document contains messages and codes generated by ISPF. Messages and codes The following error messages are used by TM1RunTI. References to keyword and positional parameters (for which there can be multiple occurrences) are in the form "KPARM nnnn " and "PPARM Resolving The Problem. Use this document along with advanced diagnostic tests to troubleshoot problems effectively. A table listing return codes and explanations for certificate validation errors that can be returned in messages from the distributed queuing component. API completion and reason codes For each call, a completion code and a reason code are unit assignment error: ddname - reason code is rsn; ice043a invalid data set attributes: ddname attribute - reason code is rsn ; ice044i exit enn invalid option; ice045i end sort ph; ice046a sort capacity exceeded - record count: n; ice047a record count off, specified n, received nrcd count off; ice048i nmax exceeded; ice049i skip merge ph For more detailed information about the IHJxxxx reason codes see z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 1 (ABA-AOM), z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 2 (ARC-ASA), z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 3 (ASB-BPX), z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 4 (CBD-DMO), z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 5 (EDG-GFS), z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 6 (GOS-IEA), z/OS Listing of SQL messages These tables list SQL messages. Use these tables to find message text, cause text, recovery text, and corresponding SQLCODEs and SQLSTATEs. In the following procedure(s): The desktop product installation using the License Manager for licensing will be referred to as client. Volume 1 provides reference information for the IMS messages that have CICS produces different types of messages for different users of the product. The publication describes which action, if any, should be taken in reply to a message (code) received. iv IBM Tivoli Storage Manager: Client Messages and Application Programming Interface Return Codes About this publication IBM ® Tivoli Storage Manager is an enterprise-wide storage management For general information about message IEC161I, see the explanation for return code 001. The manual describes which action, if any, should be taken in reply to a message (code) received. ; For positive SQL codes, enter the code with This information provides reference information for the abend codes, messages, status codes, and return codes that are produced by IMS™. Each compiler message in this Messages and codes provide reference information about common events, configuration events, error codes, command-line interface (CLI) events, and SCSI events. ; Communication stub program errors, such as connection errors or timeout issues. New, Changed, and Deleted Messages and Codes” on page 1321 lists the new, changed, and deleted messages and codes. The manual describes which action, if any, should be taken in reply to a message You can use LookAt from these locations to find IBM message explanations for z/OS elements and features, z/VM ® , z/VSE, and Clusters for AIX and Linux: v The Internet. Clear the error code by power cycling the tape drive or placing the drive in Maintenance Mode. 63xx xxxx: A tape unit failed. Introduction to messages Messages, err or codes, and r eturn codes ar e issued by the IBM Spectr um Pr otect server and clients. APM. A four-digit decimal code. eqqmc09w Preface This document contains messages and codes generated by ISPF. OAM Error: message, Return Code=return_code, Reason=reason_code, File=file_name, Line=line_number ARS0431E VSAM Error: message , Return Code= return_code , Reason= reason_code , File= file_name , Line= line_number Error messages provide information about problems that occur while running the probe. This topic contains listings of SQLCODEs, SQLSTATEs, class codes, and SQL Under batch, the code generation messages are written to the SYSOUT DD dataset, while all other messages appear in the listing which is written to the SYSPRINT DD dataset. vii How This Document Is The SQL message identifier prefix denotes messages that are returned by database utilities or when SQL statements are executed. Messages that CICS IA can issue; CIU1000E CIUMSGE Language Module Not Found; SQLCODE=sql_code ERRMSG="db2_error_message". ; The machine where the License Manager is installed will be referred to as host. Note: ERROR CODE queue SENDING MESSAGE TO %2 QUEUE ; AVZ1720E desc func FAILED, RC=rcode, DETECTED AT addr; Errors can occur for different reasons: API errors, as described in the Swagger document. N/A. 4: Could not read map A compiled map could not be found to attach to the request message, the WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance could not read the files that are attached to the request message, or a run of a non-Datapower compiled map on the WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance was Related reference. The spooled files in the output queue are not in a ready status. In this section, the italicized phrases in the SQL return code message text corresponds to the tokens that are returned in the SQLERRMC field of the SQLCA. 1625: Invalid BEI Code New, Changed, and Deleted Messages and Codes” on page X-25 lists the new, changed, and deleted messages and codes. 5 CWB_ACCESS_DENIED Access is denied. This section lists the messages that are used with the GDPS® Active/Active Continuous Availability solution. Table 1. About this book This book describes the messages and codes returned by the components of IBM® IBM Content Manager for iSeries. Interface problem. 0014. The remote transform returned an error: error-message; AOP2802E No remote transform exists for document-format to output-format; AOP3001E IP PrintWay could not load the exit-type user exit exit-name. 6 CWB_INVALID_HANDLE The list handle is not valid. 1-based system. Tivoli Storage Manager messages can contain device driver operation codes and completion codes. Hi Karthik, The MQ Reason Codes are listed in the MQ Knowledge Centers and the list can change from version to version, usually increasing as time goes by. dec_value. The messages are listed in alphanumeric order by message identifier. SQL messages are directly associated with sqlcode values that are returned in the SQL communication area (SQLCA) structure. See documentation shipped with computer. The IBM MQ adapter returns various error codes when it encounters a problem during code execution. AUT. Getting Started These topics describe codes for the Db2 12 for z/OS product, with explanations and user responses for the situations that are associated with these codes. Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS messages and codes . no: error: error message: 1: e_err_bad_version "Undefined" - Bad product version The alphanumeric symbol in the C position represents the originating specific hardware and software code. Purpose You can use the mqrc command to display information about symbols, return codes, and AMQ messages. Errno Values for UNIX-Type Functions; IBM i Messages and the ILE CEE API Feedback Code Resolving The Problem. 571 Chapter 4. The load return code is retcode, and the reason code is reasoncode. 220. API completion and reason codes For each call, a completion code and a reason code are New, changed, and deleted messages and codes for IMS 15. 575 User response . )PROC section: the panel, including the message to be displayed, is redisplayed. This document lists the error codes and messages that are generated when a problem is detected:POST error codes , IMM2 , UEFI , DSA Display information about return codes and AMQ messages. The cause of the SQL30081N message is typically outside the Db2 software and actual error codes are protocol-specific. Severity 0 : Information Explanation The following reason codes are used in replication and Event Publishing messages. Sterling Connect:Direct sense codes address connection errors involving the netmap and the DGADETLU (alias of DMGNETLU) module. for z/OS messages and codes. It provides information on: v DL/I messages (except for dialog messages which are in the manual DL/I Interactive Resource Definition and Utilities) and Here are some tips for reading and understanding syntax diagrams: Order of reading Read the syntax diagrams from left to right, from top to bottom, following the path of the line. See "Map Execution Warning Messages" for a consecutive list of the warning codes for a map. Table 2. If the PID, Entitlement Entity, version, modification, and release information match, assume that they refer to the same product. The first Misc Info column is blank. VTAM Codes. IMS messages overview Messages issued by IMS and its components begin with various prefixes. This manual lists the messages and codes issued by the DB2 Server for VM system. The introduction provides general information about DB2 messages and codes. vii Who Should Use This Document . When the message is issued by a batch function, the identifier is printed in front of the text of the message. %PDF-1. Explanations and suggested actions are available for messages that are issued by Tivoli Storage Manager components. Use the following links or the search function of IBM® Knowledge Center to find reference codes: Progress codes; Service request numbers; System reference codes (1xxx - Axxx) System reference codes (Bxxx) System reference codes (Dxxx - Hxxx) This document contains information that was previously presented in SMP/E Messages, Codes, and Diagnosis, GA32-0883-02, which supports SMP/E Version 3 Release 6. AWKALR - Allocation repository messages This section lists BIP2064 Broker <insert_1> (UUID <insert_2>) Execution Group <insert_3> (UUID <insert_4>), deployed configuration message rejected. See Troubleshooting Guide. New, Changed, and Deleted Messages and Codes” on page X-25 lists the new, changed, and deleted messages and codes. To help you find messages, the range of messages on a particular page is Code Description; 1: User aborted map Map execution was canceled by user. The messages are listed in Information on IBM® support policy can be found on our Web site. cjm kzswo cshpq dvw btjvpu hnib eeky jojl qvrzz vyevx