Ionic debug apk To learn more, see I have installed ionic 5 and made project, it works fine on emulator, and debug on real devices properly working, Debug apk is working fine but after sign it and generate adb. Name the The . D:\Projects*****\platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug. Ionic 2 how to rename android I get that message when building the debug apk with Android Studio. While the build is running, it prints the remote build log to the terminal. Click the Debug item to launch a web browser or attach to a running Android web view for debugging. log output again?? Ionic Forum Before, it was working, even with Crosswalk, and the device is ARM, it's the same device, I must find a way to run this apk on the android device in debug with liveload just the Original issue by @lajos93 on 2019-05-30T19:06:03Z Bug Report Ionic version: [x] 5. I might be late but anyone who wants to generate an apk just using the command line interface, do the following. About. apk does not reflect the changes I made, and when I Name Type Description; appId: string: Your app's unique identifier in Appflow. For iOS open Safari and enable Develop Menu. You signed out in another tab or window. adb devices That command should give you a list of the attached devices. How to debug Android emulator with ionic? 2. 1. A fork of Google's Android ApiDemos application, used for testing Appium Resources. > cordova build android --device [app-scripts] [03:03:34] To deploy your app in debug mode, click Debug. apk you cannot and it’s the version to be prepared for signing. If you have any queries , feel free t W/zygote: Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86 2019-02-11 00:01:24. 1 for try cli packages: Bug Report Capacitor Version Capacitor 3. With your app running on the device, head back to Chrome and click on inspect chrome://inspect/#devices. To Run the command ionic cordova run android. json file is auto if you run your app directly connecting the device to your system, apk will install and run no problem. Ionic provides a native look-and-feel we’ll walk through Hello, I can confirm --prod version android-debug. apk is for developing puprposes where you cand debug your APK, meanwhile unsigned. Click 'Next', then on the second screen, click 'Create New' under the keystore path. Then your apk will be at: Debug in VS Code . apk in debug mode and depending on cordova version in release. Output: ` The issue was that I had custom configuration for android on the project level: /platforms/android/ and the project was deleted at one point and regenerated later when Ionic Framework; Capacitor; Stencil; Community Hub Forum. apk file using Android studios that generated an android-release-unsigned. paper. If you are an OS X user, note that Safari can be used to debug an Ionic app on a connected iOS device or iOS emulator. In this folder u can see the platforms. . cmd android --app platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\app Built the following apk(s): C:\tech\mobile-app-dev\budgetLenz\platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug. APK is built and installed in the device. Introduction; Environment Setup; Every Android developer learns a few common techniques for I have converted angular website to ionic properly also build is generated but after APK in the device I have tried below solution but nothing worked for me-1. But , when Ionic app is built and run , Oauth won’t work because of unmatched fingerprint. aab) rather than the traditional mode with an APK file. You can also create . apk Successfully As ionic CLI is based on cordova CLI, you can use, directly: ionic build android --release Also, if you are worried about optimization, you might find interesting usign zipalign, in Could you advise on how i’d run the ionic app to emulator via android studio with showing crashing log? I get no errors when i just run ionic cordova emulate android, the app I recently came across Capacitor and i tried it, I find it better than Cordova. Readme License. Add line cdvBuildMultipleApks=false into build-extras. It will stop the frustration caused by setting up the build environment on the machine of each Hello, I am using ionic appflow for building my android cordova app in release mode. So , to make it work everytime I have to sign the ionic built app manually using I want to sign my apk with my keystore file in debug build also ,i have created a build. however, it can't locate the app. Running Ionic cordova build android –prod –release builds only a debug apk gives I wanted to run my Ionic/Capacitor app via npx cap run android on an Android emulator. android; Share. ; Click Build. Using ADB. Nevertheless, the process got killed with the following error: × Deploying app I have the same issue, we have several flavors and the path to our built APKs is not the one hardcoded so none of our flavors are building with the capacitor run android Build your app and deploy it to devices and emulators using this command. These commands will help you build the Type following from your CLI command prompt cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-app-name --variable APP_NAME=“YOUR APP NAME HERE” build your app it will create app Error: Could not find apk architecture: arm build-type: debug at Object. after debug the app it shows fail status in the network tab. module. This problem related to https://forum. Hi, seems like the problem is with the --release flag. If it a debug APK then you can run the app in a This is a guest post from Simon Grimm, Ionic Insider and educator at the Ionic Academy. /platforms/android/app/build/output/apk/release/app-release-unsigned. /gradlew assembleDebug from ‘android’ folder located in I followed the documentation from the capacitor’s website for “Using Capacitor with Ionic Framework” My Flow is as follows Ionic capacitor build Then use ionic capacitor run -l - In Android Studio, navigate to Build > Generated Signed Bundle or APK. Code; no such file or directory, open 'F:\mini How to do a --prod build with the Ionic/Capacitor app? I have used this ionic capacitor build android --prod. android-debug. ionic build android --release will generate an apk ready for releasing to the app In this blog, I will demonstrate how to create an APK file (Android Application Package) for your Ionic app. Somewhere in the process of cleaning it up and upgrading various libraries I For debug, debug-production build use the below methods run ionic capacitor copy android or ionic capacitor copy android --prod from your root project. For Android open Chrome and go to Web Inspector. Getting Started. All http requests doesn’t work. Select your device and click Inspect. apk/. I am using Ionic 4 and native google maps. ionic build android will build a debuggable apk, mostly testing and not ready for the app stores. Steps to reproduce: npm run build npx Hi, currently, when building an apk with --prod --release this package is not installed due to being a “corrupted package”; it gets installed when signing it, but it only shows Using cordova-fetch for cordova-android@^8. Improve this answer. This After Built the following apk(s), cmd shows you the path to apk like. 6k. ; Select Debug as the build type. 0. Synopsis $ ionic cordova run <platform> <options> Example $ ionic ionic build ios Then go into your project folder and u see a “platforms” folder. Description: When i try to use the classic way to launch an ionic app into a device (ionic cordova run android --device) builds perfectly but native-run fails locating the app source F or some time now Google has only recommended deploying with the Android App Bundle (. Even if you try to use flutter build appbundle with --release flag, you are gonna get a app I am trying to run my ionic app on an android device by running the following command: native-run. Debug Ionic While building ionic app, by default ionic is creating platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-debug. To get the signature: keytool -exportcert -alias Ionic's iOS development guide covers how to build and run Ionic apps on iOS simulators and devices. And try again: Whatever your reasons are, Android apks could be built from your Ionic 5 project with a few extra commands. The weird fact is that it’s working well I'm submitting a (check one with "x") [x] bug report [ ] feature request. How to debug it as what is the issue, I have no way to Description: I use command set my_env=dev&&ionic cordova run android -l -c to run android app in emulator. So, in order to build the app, I did “ionic cordova build android” to produce app native-run. 4. I recently started a miniseries This used to build and install quite happily on all devices. findBestApkForArchitecture Due to this, I’m unable to checkout my app . Add To config. With permissions in place, we are ready to try out the app on a real device! Connect an Android device to your computer. When I launch it with the It seems that Ionic expects an output. 1. if you sent this apk by copy from build out put and debug folder it will For Cordova apps, Visual Studio Code users can install the Cordova Tools Extension and debug the Ionic application running on an Android device directly inside the text As you said you also could install the apk manually. Follow I am trying to run my ionic app on an android device (Xiaomi Pocophone) by running the following I’m struggling in making my app work on Android APK release, the only scenario it fails is at generating and signing the apk. Select Android as the target platform. Remote debugging of I'm working on an Ionic/Cordova cross-platform application and I'm struggling a little bit with the debugging. I . /gradlew assembleDebug && cd . Ionic 2: Application running on the android device can't be debugged. However, when I create signed apk and install (goes fine) onto my device the app cannot successfully call Hi @pabloo87!. Verify that you set all submodules to Debug. I have created an app and tested successfully with: “ionic serve” “ionic cordova run android --device --livereload --consolelogs” Creating a Other alternative is using a self signed certificate which you ca create FREE, here also you can able to connect to ionic web version via HTTPS but again after compiling, the apk This doesn’t show any network errors and also shows working images. I am facing issue while running live reload build on a real android device. But it shows this To continue, build your project using Android Studio! and open the Android studio. 5 Platform(s) - Command: "npx cap run android" - OSX - Android Current Behavior Running on android is stuck on the state 🎓💻Bootcamp: https://www. I have create a ionic angular project. 0 Current behavior: Trying to run a blank project on Android 8 with "ionic cordova run Save the file. debugging, monorepo support, and more. apk No hardare devices found, attempting emulator Selected emulator HKE839LB Hello. So, I converted it into an . Optionally specify the --livereload option to use the dev server from ionic serve for livereload functionality. Seems that the app is still trying to build referencing localhost:8100. 7), I am no longer able to a release of the code. Install the APK, enable Developer Options and USB Debugging on your device, then connect it to your debug. (EDIT) I also just realised “ionic cordova run android -lc” doesn’t work as well. It goes directly to Ionic app page after showing a gray screen for 2 I am using Cordova (5. Here make sure to use the correct apk. Before trying to run the app with a hardware device you should check that adb has a Do you have USB debugging turned on in the developer settings? installing apk on device and try to debug it use this chrome://inspect/#devices but make sure that mobile is The Ionic Visual Studio Code extension helps you perform various functions that are common to developing an Ionic app. On your device settings of your Android device, you should In the menu bar, click Build > Generate Signed Bundle/APK. ionicframework. gradle. Unless you're debugging Java or Kotlin code, the run button is preferred. Build the Ionic Project Generate the web assets for your app: ionic build Generate non-debug apk from ionic. I've been rebuilding my project from the ground up, so there's been a lot of problems with it. aab and use bundletool I am The Ionic CLI has been updated for ionic 2+ to deploy app in live reload mode use the following command. apk without even opening Android Same here, from yesterday I can’t compile my app on release mode, only debug. But it always ionic cordova build android Look for the apk from platforms\android and manually install it. I've followed the official documentation for debugging and livereload, but still Ionic debugging for iOS. so I click the Run button and I can see the This is how i use ionic native/http and httpclient both returns observable at the end; if you are at web and desktop then use httpClient from angular else use ionic native/ http. Share. 7. For the full list of all of I'm new to Ionic and want to debug the Ionic app that's running on Android device (and emulator). For example, . cmd Now, I would like to test the production api URL installing also the apk to my Android device. ionic-v3. devLearn how to create simple mobile apps with ionic 5 and Monetize with Google Admob. apk directly my ionic 4 HTTP request is not working fine in android 9, but in android &lt; 9 it working perfectly. Debug can of course be done directly from the browser by running Check if the apk you have is a debug or release apk. However, when I try to build the apk, why the file name is always "android-debug. json versioning. The case is that i wanted to make the app so that it runs without ionic (d) The APK file is always stored in <Your-Ionic-Project>\platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug. ; Now run ionic Yes, you can generate an apk file with VS Code. In the Generate Signed Bundle or APK dialog, select Android App Bundle or APK and click Next. At the moment, everything's working great, except that when I try to run the can you please tell me how to rename the apk name to my project name "Test" using ionic3. Hey Ionic devs! I’ve an issue to run my android version of my app in debug mode (with my android device connected to my computer). Trying to install it resulted in a “a package with the same name already exist”. Current behavior: When I build an app using ionic Cordova run android or installing debug . So in your example ionic build android will build a ionic cordova prepare ios --release --prod (or android) Then hit Y and it'll re-install ios in accordance with your package. apk. Searching into apps I If you’re testing on a real device and you’ve installed adb, you don’t need bluestacks I guess (I never use it anyway). Live Reload is useful for debugging native functionality (such as plugins) on device hardware. The first thing you need to do When I run ionic run android, my app successfully calls REST api’s. apk for cordova I just made a simple app in Ionic that ran well on browser. 8 or greater but there are still I'm able to run an app on my android mobile I try to run ionic Cordova run android and so try to remove and @pcr you were right! I built the app locally and then sent it through email. apk and android-x86-release-unsigned. Plug in your device. done. 1) and ionic framework to create my android. ionic cordova platforms remove Trigger a web build from the most recent commit. Below the Debug keystore are just able to sign your apps in Debug mode (not Release mode). 2 google play services! thabks It's already signed with the certificate of name androiddebugkey in the ~/. apk > native Hello, I have created an app with ionic v3. Simon also created the Built with Ionic book where he breaks down popular apps like Netflix and rebuilds them completely with Ionic cordova build android --packageType=apk It will create . Copy I’m trying to use genymotion for testing ionic apps, but when I execute : ionic cordova run android, I get the following result: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 10s 42 actionable ionic cordova platform add android after that you have to do this for a debug release: ionic cordova build android or this for a production release: ionic cordova build android --prod --release After that you will find your APK file in Build Android Debug APK with IONIC Capacitor ionic cap copy ionic cap sync ionic capacitor copy android && cd android && . But the only thing is I could not find a command to generate . cmd android --app platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug. apk or archive. and then run. 312 5945-5945/io. apk Step one will create release apk file inside, . The API services that I am using are hosted on a cloud. com/t/cant-install-debug-apk/127379 I just upgrade from Ionic 3 to ionic 5 and create new project, run and You signed in with another tab or window. ; Once the build starts, you should Here are steps to do that: Make a file build-extras. keystore keystore. –>ionic start mytabproj tabs --type=ionic1 --cordova –>ionic cordova platform add android –>ionic cordova build android this build is working on device Debug apk is working I am working on Ionic 3 app which was working grt in all device but suddenly It will closing immediately when I am trying to open. Within Android Studio, click the "Run" button, select the Compilation guidance for Debug builds Android Studio IDE Select a debug build variant from the Build Variants menu. You switched accounts Im usign ionic cordova build android en generate arm7 and x8 debug apk but can not installed on my device Gradle 3. ionic-cloud build android [ionic-cloud, build, android]This command creates an Android build on Appflow. For more details, check out the Google Play Automating the build process will increase the efficiency of the development team. One can run an ionic application on a mobile device directly. Running your app in debug mode lets you set breakpoints in your code, examine variables and evaluate expressions at run-time, and run debugging tools. ionic. json file, but the folder C:\\ionic6_app\platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug contains only the output Error: Could not find apk architecture: arm build-type: debug when i use gradle 4. apk will be generated. The debugging target list includes two additional targets: Simulate Android in browser and Simulate iOS in browser. App is serving good in browser and the build ionic capacitor build will do the following: Perform ionic build; Copy web assets into the specified native platform; Open the IDE for your native project (Xcode for iOS, Android Studio for platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\ or come back and run the following command again - ionic cordova emulate android But as per ionic, using Genymotion for The problem is the keys that have been used to sign the APKs, by default if you are running directly from your IDE and opening your Emulator, the APK installed in the Emulator is signed when I run the command line ionic capacitor build android --prod Android studio automatically opened with android project inside. Ionic Framework. keystore ionic/angul. invoicer Name: I used cordova version@6 with JDK 1. 3 with 3. Learn how to install Ionic apps (native apps) are web apps that run in an embedded browser, so you can use remote debugging with chrome dev tools on Android or Safari Web Inspector on iOS to debug JavaScript, Make sure you can deploy to your device. ionic build android --release. In the popup, select the path to Ionic 2 - Build Prod - Generates Debug apk. ; Select the latest build stack (learn more about build stacks here). This development guide covers how to run and debug Ionic apps on Android emulators and devices. /gradlew installDebug will make a debug apk and load it onto a connected device (though it won't open Also, tried to build apk and white screen comes up on mobile device as well. starter I/CordovaLog: Changing log level to DEBUG(3) 2019 This makes it useful for sharing debug type builds. View license Navigate to your Ionic Vue project directory in the terminal and add the Android platform: ionic capacitor add android. js and REST API for android platform. Click Debug > Web to launch a debuggable web browser such as I have compiled and released a production version of the app since I was last debugging, is there something I need to do to see the console. json file with following info when i build the apk with command ionic cordova build ionic cordova build android --prod --release. (The server is running And the APK generated in Android Studio shows blank screen I really need the APK for testing purposes ;/ Another thing Im worried about is this warning when Gradle builds 3- Debugging during development using native IDEs. techbootcamp. apk native-run. In Cordova, I was able to generate . iOS apps can only be developed on macOS with Xcode setup. Copy app-release Learn the fundamentals you need to know to start building Android apps with Ionic Framework and Cordova. Also, since you just have the APK you can't run ionic specific commands. Reload to refresh your session. A couple of days ago I tried wrapping it up and signing a release for the play store. /apks/ApiDemos-debug. gradle and put it into platforms/android/. xml. According to this answer in StackOverflow, you simply remove the --release flag I am creating IONIC 2 App and it was working good and my ionic build android command was creating android-debug. How can i change the name of I can't use ionic, cordova or phonegap. when i build the apk for android. Complete Playlist: https://www. TL/DR: The issue is that when we run our app locally un debug mode To sign the unsigned APK, run the jarsigner tool which is also included in the JDK: jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key. apk for testing but recently I am not sure what change Then, . You must accept the debug mode on the phone. How to automatically build the android-debug. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about So most of the ionic commands are essentially aliases for the cordova commands so ionic run ios is cordova run ios. apk generated using the CLI is always named CordovaApp as opposed to the name of you project. cd project_root; ionic build; ionic cap add android; cd I'd like to ask for some help with an Android issue my team is having with our Signed Build (. aab). apk in app folder? the . apk" ? Is there any way In Android Studio, first select the device or emulator and then click the run or debug button to run your app. apk is the development build (no --release tag) and since your It can build all your project in the cloud in a minute and you can download the apk anytime. If you don't see these targets in your debugging target list, you might Hi there, keep in mind im kind noob. Rather than deploy a new native binary each time you make a code change, it reloads the browser (or WebVie Yes, you can debug a deployed APK by connecting your device via USB. apk file. buildNumber (optional): number Nuxt offers a simple and easy-to-use structure with file-system routing, auto-imported components, and more. cd to your ionic project folder by Ionic CLI. cmd android --app Hi, while testing the app i came across the problem that i can only run the app if ionic serve is running. tonyawad88 January 26, 2017, 4:48am 1. exports. Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings; Fork 1k; Star 12. Before building, you can test if your app runs fine in the browser Android Studio builds 4 apks (develop-debug, develop-prod, demo-debug and demo-prod) But, since I made this implementation, I can't run the app from Visual Studio Code using the "npx cap run android" command. The build completes successfully but the apk is signed with the “Android Debug” BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 2s 42 actionable tasks: 42 up-to-date Built the following apk(s): C:\test\myApp\platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug. In that case, I suggest you to do as follows: ionic cordova platform remove cordova. If you use Xcode or Android Studio to run your app on an actual device or simulator, you can look at debug logs output in IDE. Hello, I am trying to build using ionic build android - On your device, open the Ionic app that you would like to debug using Chrome. The download link can optionally be restricted to specific emails as well. Now I would like to run my app on my device using one of these apk's, ionic-team / capacitor Public. Can I use debug. I have added. apk doesn’t have long white loading screen issue. buildId (optional): number: A unique identifier for a build done in Appflow. Click on Terminal menu then click on New terminal, it is open terminal in vs code in terminal write this command: ionic cordova To create an AAB binary locally using Android Studio: Open the Build menu; Choose Generate Signed Bundle / APK; Follow the prompts to sign the AAB with your keystore file; For complete Learn how to debug your ionic / cordova android apps using Chrome Developer toolsDon't Forget to subscribe our channel. it is I am having an Ionic application with Angular. native-run. I thought those didn’t work as well? it works perfectly whether on the browser as you saw it and even on This generated 2 apk files: android-armv7-release-unsigned. After this do that: ionic cordova platform add cordova@7. 2. y ionic cordova run android to deploy my debug version of the app to an actual android device, the generated app-debug. android/debug. 1 im downloadig 4. 0 Adding android project Creating Cordova project for the Android platform: Path: platforms\android Package: id. exe: device offline means the device/emulator is turned off (offline), try starting it up before running the app on it as it can timeout or fail to start Since my latest update of the ionic cli (5. run “chrome://inspect” in the chrome status bar. For me the problem came from Firebase, I uninstalled it to fix the problem (Latest version of firebase, ionic and cordova).