My long term boyfriend broke up with me reddit. True or not, his reason it's not up to me.
My long term boyfriend broke up with me reddit It's small change compared to what you will lose in the long term. Wouldn’t compromise when it came to communicating, had a really iffy relationship with his mother. We are 2 healthy cats these days that like to workout, cook, and stay active together. I'm not a commitment-hating macho douchebag, but I have a sort of catch-22 with marriage/long-term, in that I am inherently desiring of long-term intimacy and commitment, but I also know I'm not capable of providing for someone in the long-term at this point in my life. It was a long time coming. A friend told me I didn't seem happy, we argued all the time. We ended up getting back together. My boyfriend (23M) and I (24F) met in college and have been dating on and off for 3 years. other than him being in the movie, my bf didn’t know I know it sounds bad, but hear me out. When I asked whether or not he loved me, he said "I didn't stop loving you, it's just that my problems are bigger than whatever I feel for you". A few weeks ago, my boyfriend of five years – the person I thought I wanted to marry – broke up with me. I know who I am and none of those narratives made sense to me. When I finally went back (only because I was backing up on work) I was approached by my gf and she privately told me she wanted to head out separate ways. I found out a week later it's because he found out who I have slept with in my past. It was pretty upsetting for me in the moment, but I get it now. We met on a dating app at the end of June. Breaking up a long term relationship that doesn't serve you is a power move. Looks like you've got yourself a classic freeloader. That’s my current situation right now, to this day I’m still questioning if she’ll ever come back to me. For my birthday he gave me a beautiful necklace. I recently got out of a very serious relationship where we lived together. Then, she suddenly broke up with me after getting a new job and befriending new coworkers. He just packed up his things and left the apartment the same day. Long term, find a book/book series or game that you can stay distracted with, and keep your mind busy. No idea why it's rough for you. Ironically, my ftm boyfriend is living with an ex who has been having the hardest time moving on. When I broke up with my first boyfriend, my parents let me cry and eat as much crap as I wanted. My boyfriend (20M) broke up with me(19F) four days ago after seven months of dating, he is my first long term relationship but I’ve had flings before. - Feb 25, 2023 my long-time girlfriend just broke up with me because of her coworkers. This guy had been my life for such a long time. He started putting up walls and I started getting depressed. We have always payed everything 50/50. :) Although,Good thing na din ngayon ginawa ng long term bf mo, kesa one day before mismong PLE. I keep remembering past memories and it tears me up. In person this would be an easier issue to resolve. My 77 year old uncle just got broken up with by his 65 year old girlfriend and he’s absolutely devastated My boyfriend told me that “he wasn’t sure if he saw me in his future” over a year ago and I asked him more about it, since it obviously broke me (we were together for four years at that point and those are breaking up words in my previous opinion) and he told me that he just hadn’t thought about it at all/much. Honestly, I've had a hard time accepting it. My friend helped and encouraged me while I wrote out a thoughtful letter to read to my SO in order to break up. I didn’t even get a phone call or My bf has a hard time coming because of taking antidepressants so we hardly have sex, like once or twice a month. my 20th birthday was the last straw for me. O. He lost feelings along the way and fought himself for a long time (about a year) to stay in the relationship but eventually he accepted that it wasn't gonna work out. He actually called me a year out to pick up some things. She said “You’ve been the perfect boyfriend and this is the first healthy relationship I’ve ever been in. Less than a month ago, my boyfriend of 1. My boyfriend was dealing with a lot and a new business and overwhelmed himself. We got a dog. My gf of almost 2 years just broke up with me today and a lot of these responses have helped me a lot. Q&A. How long do I wait to make sure to give her the space she needs but before another guy comes in and sweeps He was pushing narratives on me that I know isn’t true about me. I recently left for a deployment and our relationship is now long distance, and I’ve been wanting to experience new things with other people. I blocked him on everything and cut contact. I did kind of see this coming. I contacted her to see if she wanted to attend the funeral and she was excited to telling me she can’t wait to be together and wanting to go on dates. My long-term boyfriend broke up with me right before my 3L finals, and I'm broken! I'm truly in a really bad headspace and can't even concentrate on studying for my last 2 finals. but three days ago my bf and i went to go see the barbie movie. Hahaha. It never happened. My (f29) boyfriend (m31) of 7 years broke up with me 2 weeks ago. idc abt how many people someone has been with in any kind of way but i dont want to be with someone whos been with my friends. Known her for a few months now, more of an acquaintance then a friend but I have had quite the crush on her but never really did anything to show it since I knew she had the long term boyfriend. He had gone to therapy and thanked me for my support and apologized for what he put me through. He was my first love and I was his, and I saw my future with him. The first two times I immediately believed the girlfriend and was made a fool, the third time I started calling the police and then she came clean in We were in college, so in my mind, it's not like we were going anywhere anyways- we'd graduate and move on. It's been less than 2 months after my break up but I feel like I had mentally and emotionally disconnected so long ago it feels like I had actually mourned the relationship a while ago and soon as I ended it I was ready to move on with my life. I have been very unhappy for the past year, I’ve always known that he hasn’t treated me the way he should’ve. My hunch is that I just need to meet her in-person (just as a friend), feel her out on the situation, and if it is me, ask some hard questions before I know whether we can truly be compatible. On Friday I cleared all my voice-mail When me and my ex broke up 3 months ago (or went on a “break”) I initiated knowing full well possible consequences. I'm proud of you for knowing what you deserve, from one hurting girl to another we will get through this. Last night I (25F) received a call from my boyfriend (28M) of 5 months that we needed to talk. Blocked me from social media when he got First of all, I am sorry you are going through this. 5 years broke up with me to what it seemed out of the blue to me. Telling me what I’m thinking. They thought I'm not good enough and out of her league. It broke my heart when she told me “I really tried to be a good girlfriend” as if I cant talk for other men but for me personally, I woudln't care about body count number as long as I get to know this person well enough to the point of being sure that this woman is not going to go away looking for other men and increase this number. He did as well. I just went through a extremely rough breakup with my girlfriend of four years because she wants to drink and party, (we are both 19) I grew up with alchoholic parents and in a family that abused substances. So when I turned 30 I broke up with him and he married and had a child with the next girl he dated a few years later. this has caused a majority of issues now that we’re back together, and now he doesn’t trust me because I was untruthful when we started talking again and because of the fact I called a My girlfriend broke up with me 4-5 weeks ago now. She said still wants to be friends but I refused because I know that would only cause me more pain. We broke up about 6 months ago and still live together like roommates. She still tried her best, but she asked me if she could take time off of social media for her mental health. This may seem out-there but My boyfriend, or ex probably, I will call him V (M18) and I (F18) just recently broke up. Check Recently, she broke up with me over text. I don't understand what made him do this last night. He ended up getting into another long term relationship not long after we broke up and I went a handful of years before having another meaningful relationship, and then still more years before I met my husband (and then even MORE before we got married). Obviously this is doable because we had an amicable breakup and 10 days ago, out of the blue my (30F) boyfriend (31M) told me he wanted to break up and go through with some arranged marriage because it "Aligns with his financial goals long term". I had my entire bloody future planned with him. I know he is a good person and he never wanted to hurt me, and he hated whenever he did. I just told him “Do Better tl;dr: Boyfriend of 3. I broke up with him after realizing that he was "in love" and didn't think we'd automatically break up Take time to assess and heal. No matter how long it takes. We've been long distance for a month and will be for another 5. Somehow he and a friend of mine got friendly and they came to chat with me and Jason. I didn't see a future with him because he wasn't what I wanted long term. It sucks and it's hard, no sugar coating it. It physically hurts knowing what ive done to her. I totally wasted my prime child bearing years waiting on my long term boyfriend to get his shit together. 5 years broke up with me on the spot after I asked him to consider an open relationship. I have tried calling, texting, every single form of communication aside from showing up to his actual house. Though I appreciate that he didn't just He broke up with me out of the blue on Jan 26. We shared a home and a dog together (who he absolutely adored) and all of this seemed extremely hard for him. I don't regret my As long as my gf doesn't try to take my money (she doesn't) or be a huge financial burden (she isn't), I'm very happy and don't see the problem. I never cheated on her or neglected her in any way. I know what I did was completely wrong and disrespectful and I hope to change from it. I felt powerless, like it was his word against mine. During this time he was off his medication, just starting It seems like he should simply put less pressure on himself to help you. He broke up with me because he succumbed to the family pressure. But none of that My boyfriend of 6 months broke up with me kind of out of nowhere last weekend. But for years now I’ve only dated women, and I’ve realized that my sexuality has changed. He wants to be with other people, have new experiences and a sense of freedom he never got to have because we started dating so young. I talked to my therapist about these fears this week and she said they are completely normal but kept reiterating that “32 is not I feel that long distance breakups are especially bad because nothing was particularly wrong in the relationship and we made an amazing pair, but we met at the wrong stage in life. " Thank you for posting in r/abusiverelationships. A friend a few states away needed a My ADHD boyfriend broke up with me for about eight months. Thank you OP for this post and Months before we broke up, she wanted marriage and to be the final say if I had any health complications/death. Here we are, aproaching our 5 year anniversary, happier than ever. He seemed sad to be doing it, and he told me "I've played out countless scenarios in my head over the past couple of weeks trywto figure out ways how we could still make it work, but I don't see any. Ilabas mo lahat ng nararamdaman mo. But how and what to ask, I have no idea. I mean, I've literally had this happen to me THREE times in my young adult life. My boyfriend of 6 years has recently been during a very low depression and broke up with me pretty abruptly right before Christmas. Ever since the start of summer, she’d been super drained emotionally. Still overseas, and hasn't come back. Now she wants to be with me, but I have my doubts. They divorced when I was very young, and although she never said anything bad about him when I was growing up, he stopped making an effort to have anything to do with us around the time I became a teenager, and eventually my sister Just want to share my experience that I was younger I identified as bisexual, and had a long term boyfriend who I was super in love with. my partner of 4 years broke up with me a few years back for the same reason. He called me his life partner. I think what you’re doing so far is really great. I miss him, but at the same time, I feel like I'm floating in a sea of freedom and possibilities. Thanks in advance for reading. He was the male version of me. Top. We dated irl for 4 Me and my bf had been together for just shy of 4 months. It was probably the most like "meh, whatever". Me and my GF broke up 1 month ago - dated for roughly 8 years, first and only girlfriend. my original post Ah now this all sounds like a fake story. I have known my only friend (16M), (I'll call him Alex) for an year and I met him on League of Legends, we even live in the same city My boyfriend broke up with me a week after my birthday and two weeks before Christmas, within 48hours of planning Christmas together. About our relationship. She told me it took her at least a year to build up the courage to split up with me. It felt impulsive at first, but I realized the issues after a month or so of being alone. He said he had been debating that decision for a while but barely decided to pull the plug. Never have I regretted that decision in the past 20 years. Now april 2020,i broke up with him on february and i am still trying to cope with it. So, my crush (more than a crush i am in live with her, but crush is easier to write) just broke up with her boyfriend, i really like this girl! I have told her before my feelings for her and i was one of the first people she told she broke up with him to. And, really importantly, him getting help after I was gone, to be there for someone else, did NOT hurt as much as I After my support network couldn't figure out why my girlfriend left, my cousin suggested trying here. Always prioritized his needs over mine So this past Wednesday night she invited me to watch a movie and afterwards broke up with me. I just broke up about a week ago with the love of my life. Thanks for the messages and comments. I was completely dumbfounded but decided to let her stay until she found a new place. This had previously happened and boyfriend told me he was uncomfortable with it so I asked him if he was okay with it. Just broke up with a long term boyfriend. The hurt feels compounded by the fact that you weren't prepared and didn't see it coming. What your bf needs to do is communicate better. The original post is by u/ThrowawayRAhelp1 posted August 19th, 2020. Speaking from experience, when I was around your age, I broke up with my then boyfriend and I decided to solo travel. It was so out of the blue, i felt like i got slapped in the face. He says he still loves me and that’s the hardest part of letting go. But I don’t regret doing my best to wake him up tho. We got together when he was 19 and I was 22 (we are now 25 and 28 respectively). (we got into a argument he kept trying to talk to me while i kept telling him i don’t wanna talk i need time to process and he then proceeds to continue so i snapped because i felt overwhelmed and overstimulated and this is days If you left him in sure it's for a valid reason, and you just have to remember the WHY when you are feeling down, I've made the mistake of breaking up with a long term ex for a valid reason but I missed her so much I took her back, low and behold a few months later the same issues arose and we br0ke up again. Sorry for venting here but I feel like I need to tell someone. Everything appeared fine and it’s like he just woke up and decided he didn’t see his future with me and Literally just disappeared and moved on with his life and got a new girlfriend a couple months later. TL;DR: I cheated on my boyfriend with his cousin's husband, and he broke up with me after I confessed. I feel like I was so deep into this relationship that I forgot to work on myself. It was a month long process until we finally had a big fight that ended up with us breaking up. Let yourself assess the positives and negatives of your relationship. r/offmychest A chip A close button. It took him two out of three years to decide. We have been living together for a very long time. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. My first love in college on the other hand? If I get cancer, it probably was that, haha! am i (23F) the asshole for breaking up with my bf (23M) over the barbie movie. They divorced when I was very young, and although she never said anything bad about him when I was growing up, he stopped making an effort to have anything to do with us around the time I became a teenager, and eventually my sister My long-term boyfriend of 8 years broke up with me in March, right after I asked him what he wanted to do for our anniversary after having a casual morning. I would have been fine with him saying "no", but he clearly wanted nothing to do with me after I asked a simple question. I was ungrateful and didnt treat her right. I fell into a bad depression and I missed him deeply, but my ego wouldn’t let me correct my mistake. He was engaged to a friend of a friend a year and a half after we broke up. The jealousy factor just made it too toxic for her and being long distance it’s hard. I thought she was the one but she said she had lost a lot of her feelings for me. I’m not interested in men anymore, and I no longer identify as bisexual. He didn't take it well at all, and I sort of went off the deep So one of my best friends in the world is a guy. But it was due to her wanting marriage/future/etc. About a year later I started dating my now husband. My first long term boyfriend was a college drop out living a nomadic lifestyle with a small amount of family money that was bound to run out. Well before she even packed her first bag, she ended up 475 votes, 54 comments. Let me give some backstory. 5 years through my previous employer. Best. i'll be with them doing stuff, knowing my best friend has been in this exact situation I (21 female) slept with someone two weeks after my boyfriend (22 male) broke up with me. I did not even know life without him could exist. I have known him forever. very long story. I He was ready to spend the rest of his life with someone and I was not. For all intents and purposes, we were married, as he said. 5 years broke up with me last week and I’ve been a mess ever since. it’s very hard to stop being intimate after doing so for so long. I feel like the most cruel person on the planet, I may never date again of fear of causing someone else the pain I just caused my now ex. I'm still having a hard time accepting it. I thought everything was smooth. Fuck, I couldn't even find my shoes this morning. She told me she enjoys hanging out with her friends more than with me she was hanging out this much with me just because I'll be sad if she didn't hang out with me And we broke up. The best place on Reddit for LSAT advice. It was so hard. After the break up we started talking casually and now we talk to each other almost all the time, share everything, have This was me, was in a relationship for 5 years. I felt like I was fighting for my truth. My GF broke up with me because my illness was affecting her happiness. It hurt me a lot because she was my bestfriend. You can't The party pooper. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. It has been an emotionally draining few days. My ex and I lived together for 4 years and she was celebrating with her online friends the day after we broke up. Sending good vibes. Pagdaanan mo lng yung sakit, tapos bangon hah. I'm I broke up with my long-term boyfriend about a month ago for similar reasons. (I really feel you It's not easy to do. We had been together officially for 6 months and in a situationship type thing for 6 months before that. (So I mean atleast I broke up in the dead middle of my thirties, my second longest term relationship. Background and job have both never mattered to me He ended up being a lost cause. If it isn’t, I’d advice caution getting with the friend so fastyour emotions are super charged right now, and they’ve been supportive to you. First off, let me start by saying that our age gap is not the issue here. I’ve talked to him about it (I don’t want him to go off the pill) but to try with me more (he has no problem with master bating) this stems from a relationship in high school where his ex only wanted sex and that was it, so sex because more of a chore than something you My boyfriend broke up with me then changed his mind and refuses to apologize . It that does’t mean that I didn’t love my boyfriend and that we had wasn’t real- it Boyfriend committed suicide 6 weeks after we broke up. Believe me, I wish things could be different and that there I recently broke up with my long term boyfriend, after finally coming to terms with the fact that that I’m not bi, I’m a lesbian! I’m sad and heartbroken over the break up, but I’m also very hopeful and trying to be excited for the future! This is something I suppressed for a long time, and now that I’m out to all of my loved ones, I Hi, person from the other side here, me (F27) being the one that broke up with my bf(M27) after a 12 year relationship. This happened after she was out of the country for 2 months, so for me it kind of feels like she is just still away. 1. I’m heartbroken right now, struggling to eat and sleep and shower, and I know I’ll have to tell my parents at some point. I opened up as much as I could, but sometimes you dont know what to open up about. He said that "he I was the depressed boyfriend. its too weird and uncomfortable to me. We were watching movies, laughing, and having a good time and he just brings up this break up out of nowhere. Every break up or let down teaches you something about yourself and others. We had started saying when I was about to be 18. I have had all the same thoughts you mentioned, OP. Now Jason had literally no idea that I had been with this guy My parents think of them as part of the family. You dodged such a bullet there. This has been helpful for me in understanding (perhaps) my ex, who broke up with me. I lost my job one day, and, on somewhat of a whim, packed my things and drove home to Except my boyfriend gave in before his parents could. I graduated 6 months before my boyfriend, and have since started working. I told him this, and he was fine with it (I'm 22 now, he's 24). He kept the promise for a long time until Im feeling this too. We see them almost every day, we’re all planning to go on vacation together, basically my partner is a part of the everyday life of my parents. My entire break up was done over text which really sucks. That's the one thing that gets easier. I have been in love with her for 6 years. Best option, walk away and wave goodbye to what you gave him. Honestly if a woman just wants to be with me and only me now, I dont care about her past. But how do I tell them? My boyfriend(24m) broke up with me(23f) 4 days ago and it’s been messing with my head. It just doesn't seem like a feasible reality that we could My boyfriend (M27) of 6 years broke up with me (F26) last night and said it was due to lack of sex. Three years. I sometimes feel bad because maybe I should've been Never been happier with my sex life, I have probably done some long term damage to my brain but at least I'm clean and I feel a lot better & more confident, finally I can get hard simply thinking about someone I find attractive instead of whatever unrealistic expectation of a woman pornography depicts. I want to make amends and win him back Being broken up with especially if it’s because of mental health reasons. I’ve broken up with him about 4 times before due to the same issues. Here is a list of international But, before I started going out with him the stuff that happened with my old boyfriend really solidified for me that I wouldn't date someone unless they seemed great and unless I could see being with them in the long term. True or not, his reason it's not up to me. I’ve had a history of depression and I feel best when I’m able to love on people. Thank you for giving me something to think about. I really love hi. 9 years of relationship and my first to make it worse. At one point my drunk friend asked Jason if he had any jealousy about my past experience with him. Just broke up with my long term girlfriend because she chose to drink and party . Hey I was 30 when I broke up with my Fiancé because even though he claimed to be a Christian I realized it didn't truly mean it. This is NOT to give you hope, but for you to understand that just because he has ADHD me and my ex were ldr for 4 years. Edit: Wow! I got off Reddit yesterday and was not expecting this many replies and support. “I am sorry to tell you this but he doesn’t see a future with you. I’m devastated. Now, he can't commit to me without My long term boyfriend broke up with me two weeks to the day after my mother’s death. Happened to me, my bf actually broke up with me around after 2 years of being together but asked to see me after a couple days and got back together. For context, we had been dating for over a year. brief__encounter • Me! My boyfriend and I met while I was abroad in 2019. This last month has sucked ass, obviously. I asked why, he said he no You dodged such a bullet there. Unfortunately he only informed me of this a few weeks before the breakup. I found that all my relationships I've had taught me to value myself and understand what I wanted in a partner and what I didn't want. Don't wallow in the grief, but allow yourself to feel it. I had no motivation, abused alcohol, and couldn't be the responsible person she needed. If I were to abandon all of that while he maintained his healthy lifestyle, I can definitely expect his interest in My boyfriend and I have broken up a handful of times in the beginning of our relationship. We were like a couple in all but the bed and shared our deepest desires and uncertainties. Despite not being in a relationship for the first 3 years that I was in love with her, she has been my entire world that whole time. I decided to focus on me. As my feelings of confusion and a long for the unfamiliar intensified, these people were more persistent in telling me that I should break up with him. This time got less and less, until she told me she thought we should break up. So bear with a newbie at this. Yep. Studies have found that journaling can improve emotional and physical health in the long term and may also help you release emotions about your breakup. Keep him busy and let him wallow when he needs to wallow. We’re long distance I (F25) live in MD and my ex/boyfriend (M24) lives in FL It’s kind of a long story as to why he did i’ll try and keep it short. They've ranged from students to upper management. We deserve better. I stopped caring overall. Stopped showing up for his recitals and things like that. won’t commit or move in. I know a lady like My boyfriend of nearly 7 years just left without so much as goodbye. I messed up here because I My partner of four years broke up with me suddenly two weeks ago. He broke up with me, but we had been arguing a lot I was briefly engaged to one in college and broke up with him when I saw that he wasn't going to shape up. I started dating another guy and completely overcorrected in every conceivable way, he was becoming a lawyer and wanted to take care of me and blah blah. I didn't see that as a warning sign at first because I have my own set of guy best friends, but last week his girl best friend came by surprise from another city to meet him for their Friendversary. He made it clear to me that we were done for good and he wanted nothing to do with me. But it was just so diminishing to my self esteem that I didn't go to school for the next three days. After a 9 month break, we got together for 9 more months and broke up for When I was 23 I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 yrs. My girlfriend/best friend of 2. Ended my first long term relationship after almost 4 years. I feel like he’s actually breaking up with you because he will be happier, he’s prioritising keeping you happy as he can over the relationship as a whole, it is great he’s worrying about you, but he seems to be worrying so much he’s making himself feel worse, if you both try and keep each other happy and have View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Hugs OP. . My boyfriend [m22], now ex, broke up with me because I did something really stupid. He said he loved me but yet he was so hard on me. I fully intended to spend the rest of my life with her. And specifically, it's daunting being in my own and not being interested in jumping into a new relationship. He has oats he needs to sow. We planned to get married sometime after the summer, even though he hadn’t officially proposed. My boyfriend broke up with me. Its new and exciting, but also daunting to be on my own for the first time in a few years. I am unable to deal with the breakup. Everywhere and every thing I do reminds me of him. My ex and I were best friends, we looooved each other and saw each other every single day. But I’ve also Hey People, this Friday my bf broke up with me after I drove 2h to his home to pick him up for our couple weekend. A year later and he sent me a long ass apology in a DM. am i (23F) the asshole for breaking up with my bf (23M) over the barbie movie. The Reddit LSAT Forum. He was my first long term relationship. It really, really sucks. In the end, he ghosted me for 10 Some people simultaneously process their emotions and goals through expressive writing like journaling or poetry. Our wedding was in six weeks and we have lived together for two years. I know we had a good relationship. With time, it got a lot easier. My boyfriend of a year and a half experienced so much together, and now I feel completely lost without him. Seriously porn is a plague and should be treated as such, never going personally i wouldnt be comfortable dating someone my best friend had messed around with. I became really insecure and felt incredibly guilty for feeling the way I did. We'd had a lovely day together I don't know why it was that one that broke me. I’ve brought this to his attention that it hurts me and messed with my feelings every time and he apologized and said he won’t do it again. This coming weekend the dog will be staying with him and his daughter all weekend cause I have to work. We have an amazing relationship and connection. My Gf broke up with me recently, we have similar very similar issues. I don’t want to break up but I need to break up. My boyfriend broke up with me after 2. Tl;dr : Unintentionally wrecked a relationship with my crush. We are here to support you. Bare minimum the last year of I was done with the relationship and grieved for maybe a couple of weeks after the actual break up, started casual dating about a month after that for a little while and have now been with my new boyfriend for about 5 months. I understand that. It should of at the very least been brought up before you became long distance. I’d stood by him through thick and thin, but when the cards were down and I needed him, he was nowhere to be found. We agreed to work on things but eventually it felt like nothing could be fixed. I tell you, readers, I was a fucking mess. I have a terrible relationship with my It’s not neccessarily an indicator of his love for me, but me gaining a significant amount of weight does say something about my mental well being and how much I take care of myself. beast mode come January Dahil december is around the corner napakahirap magreview, mixed with fresh break up. other than him being in the movie, my bf didn’t know I feel like this is what happened to me and my boyfriend last year, but roles reversed. Whether you start dating new people or not, some sort of space My first heartbreak was a long distance boyfriend who broke up with me via text message. We lived together for 4 years and traveled extensively together. Don't force yourself to get on tinder and find a rebound, don't focus on anything romantic for the time being, and just take care of yourself. CONTENT WARNING: SEXUAL ASSAULT I (16F) and my boyfriend (17M) (I'll call him John) have been a couple for a month and we loved each other for a long time, we even considered marriage. He broke up with me because “he had to start sleeping with a girl in order to have a place to live. I can totally empathize because I am going through it myself. I don't really ever want that shit around in my life and I feel extremely frustrated Original Title: I (24f) asked my boyfriend (41m) his thoughts on an open relationship and he broke up with me. My dad is super religious, and my mom is not. Our final break up felt serious and we were apart for two months. My partner of 3 years left me this week. So I won’t bother with the long details. other than him being in the movie, my bf didn’t know He flirted with someone behind my back, my friend was the one who told me about it, my ex then told me to stop talking to said friend so that the situation could “blow over”. So, I’ve let him see the dog a few times since break up (3 months). The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the test required to get into an ABA law school. Was supposed to be his/his daughters dog but he very quickly became ‘my’ dog. we broke up in April of 2023 and we didn’t talk again until may when my dad died. Do things I want to do, basically make a life of my own on my own to prove I could be independent. Usually I am the one who breaks up with the other and although it still hurts me I get over it quickly by remembering the things the that they were not able to put into the relationship. Boyfriend and I have been together for 6 months. Enjoy your freedom, and continue to do what makes you happy! Lately she had been slipping into conversation that she would need me to step up into more of a step fatherly role with her kids if we were to stay together longer term, even though I have told her that I will never live with another woman again after my 17 year long relationship before her went south. This year, the guy I'm dating gave me a necklace for my birthday and my immediate response was "oh god you're breaking up with me. He didnt even ask for sex today. Then, I realized why the relationship wasn’t good for me all over again, and I was just And it's not a loan, it's a gift, from my long experience if you ever 'lend' someone money, they see it as a gift, they hardly ever pay you back. We talked for 4 hours afterwards about why. This was two years ago. How can I fix this? This is a repost. To give some background, I have been struggling with bad family relations, depression, basically 0 self confidence and anxiety for as long as I can remember. No fights. She suddenly broke up with me during lock down, and out of anger i just left call not giving us or her a chance to speak. It ended up being the best time of my life and so insightful. I asked if he wants to talk about it. i’ve been really excited as i’m a huge greta gerwig fan and my bf liked ryan renolds. I obviously miss him a lot, he was my best friend, and the person i thought i would spend the rest of my life My long term boyfriend broke up with me and I can't move on. I know she was the one. Now I just want to get away from him I want out and I don't know what to do anymore! I need help please someone point me in the right direction! Trust me, I broke up with my abuser, and weeks later, I panicked and begged for him back because he stopped responding to me and was telling me to back away. i literally dont know what to do right now and i feel so helpless turning to reddit for advice/validation. I thought I feel like this is what happened to me and my boyfriend last year, but roles reversed. Thank y'all so much for sharing your stories and advice! My long-term boyfriend and I also broke up about a month ago. Hey everyone, this is a long one. Once in highschool and twice in college. My long-term boyfriend dumped me through text and blocked me on everything and I don’t know how to move past this. with with all my heart but he broke up with me. No That’s what I’ve been doing, at any rate. He was the person I was looking at houses with and planning my future with. I’ve never been broken up with before. For a little bit of context, I still love her, but she isnt the right woman for me and I know we would have had to break up eventually. He was my twin. To get Said he loved me, and the next day he breaks up with me by phonecall. We had really honest communication and were loyal throughout the relationship. My boyfriend of 6 years and I recently broke up. I’m hoping that during no contact he’ll reach out to me, but I know that it doesn’t 100% guarantee he will reach out. I (M35) met my ex-girlfriend (F35) (my cousin said to use fake names so I'm going to call her Mel because writing ex really hurts) of 1. We just celebrated our 3rd Valentine’s Day together, and everything seemed perfect, but I came home today to him telling me he will be moving to Philadelphia to find a better job and he doesn’t want me to come with him. Rightfully so though. Well a few days ago I made the decision to break up with him and My boyfriend broke up with me because I got SA'd. Old. No explanation. On Thursday he even wrote me that I should be excited because he has some ideas for the night ~ And then immediately after I picked him up he told me that his depressions are very strong today. We had a little disagreement about something, which wasn't that big of a deal, and he ended it because we apparently had bigger issues than that argument. Me and my LDR recently broke up due to my jealousy issues. Hi 19m here. He was my best friend. ” Which felt like a real shit excuse. while seeming somewhat immature to what it truly entailed (I was married once before). It does make sense that its better to move on than to be with someone who didnt even bother talking to you (us) about breaking up. so I Well a few days ago we had a party and one of the guys I had hooked up back in the day was there. Around a week ago we were hanging out and he started asking the Skip to main content. My boyfriend is the best thing to happen to me in my adult life because of his age, not despite Boyfriend broke up because I didn't get along with his female best friend He had never been in a long term relationship before so had few friends who were girls for emotional support. When she told me she To start off, me and my boyfriend broke up a few months ago because things got overwhelming, and I talked to guys very shortly after we broke up and sent pictures to somebody he really hated. Eventually, we broke up due to other issues. My boyfriend graduated in December, and has been really lazy How did you handle it? What steps did you take to rebuild trust and mend the broken bond? I am open to any advice, even if it's tough love, because I truly want to change and grow from this experience. But even though it might not seem I was really happy with a guy and we were good together and then he broke up with me out of the blue. After the initial “I’m lonely and everything sucks” stage, I’ve mainly been in the “pissed off” stage, both with him and It does get better. It was perfect, except I have OCD. I have a terrible relationship with my This post really caught me off guard. We started dating our high school senior year at the end of 2019. A Reddit user answers the “Will he miss me?” question: “When my ex and I broke up, it took me a few years to get over her. He wanted an LTR too. A couple of days before we broke up, we were talking about renting a flat and moving in together. She married him before he revealed just how religious he was. She is my best friend in the world. He told me that he did not want to continue the relationship because he felt we were two different people. Right now what’s more important is focusing on myself. It took him awhile to budge, but he took me back. 5 years of our relationship and I totally understand why he did that, I was at fault to many extent. I really had visions of us together long-term and even pictured us starting a family together. Holding hands , kissing , cuddling, having a deep connection. But yet I still I really need some advice so i broke up with my boyfriend of two years about a month ago. I felt very alone and hated feeling that way. Controversial. We’ve been dating for two years now and he used to break up with me then change his mind in the same day every week. The whole take time for yourself actually does work. The fact that he shoots down every possible option Whether you were together for 2 months or 2 years, a sudden breakup can leave you reeling. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Lately she had been slipping into conversation that she would need me to step up into more of a step fatherly role with her kids if we were to stay together longer term, even though I have told her that I will never live with another woman again after my 17 year long relationship before her went south. It wasn’t easy but I realized that we all have a finite amount of active love within us. We share financial I was in a long term committed relationship with my ex boyfriend and out of no where he sent me a cryptic break up message saying he could not be invested in me and then ghosted me. I remember crying so hard I threw up multiple times. I found I think I regret ending it with my long term boyfriend [new] So I F(25) and ex bf M(24) we’re together for 5 years and recently I began having doubts about us, which were discussed and he also agreed the relationship wasn’t quite right. Me and my bf dated for 5 years and about 3 years ago we bought a house together. One of the big reasons we split up is because he says that, since we got together when he was so young, he never got the chance to date around. I’m in the exact same situation as you. I've dated women of all economic backgrounds, from dirt poor farmer's daughters to an hieress whose family lived in Monaco. I am heartbroken and don't know how I can make it up to him. Getty/AnnaStills My boyfriend broke up with me: Now what? (Update) My 24M Girlfriend 23F Just Broke up With Me Because of Her Work Friends. My friend asked me if he could stay at my place for a night while he was in town. During this time he was off his medication, just starting a new one and had just started to see a therapist. I was the one who broke up with him, I felt like he didn’t care about me. My boyfriend broke up with me for mentioning that I wanted to try a poly relationship. It was like am i (23F) the asshole for breaking up with my bf (23M) over the barbie movie. Ok the Week she came we had a great time together we kissed , cuddle had sex and everything a couple does we took My boyfriend (25M) and I (24F) have been together for the past two years. My heart dropped and I made the drive over to his place. It was a love-hate relationship. ” It makes me think he broke up because of the situation and not because of me. I cant say ok lang yan, because it is never ok. Open comment sort options. "She started making out with another dude while we were Here are 16 Redditors on what you should do when your long-term S. We were soulmates, and he was actually more important to me than anyone, even my boyfriend (who I broke up with in the meantime with no regrets). I kept asking him to just keep trying with me to My boyfriend [m22], now ex, broke up with me because I did something really stupid. Started dating in high school, I am now 25. New. We have been dating for 4 years and this was the first time she said she didnt love me in a romantic way which Do not waste your final few child bearing years on this. Add a Comment. I was so used to disappointment at that point. If you are looking for resources such as support groups/helplines etc, we have several in our sidebar and in our wiki for people of all gender identities. Defending my character. Since then, we’ve both graduated and I moved back home about 3 hours away. We had broken up and got back together to try again, but i felt off and a gnawing feeling that i wasn’t happy anymore with him the entire time we had gotten back together. It gets extremely lonely when your friends are enjoying their life with their dates and planning their future. Expand user menu Open settings menu. We’re back together now, but we both should’ve gotten consistent individual therapy in between the breakup. Share Sort by: Best. I'm a relatively smart person. She is the closest friend I ever had and the only person I truly opened up to. This is my favorite post. Anyways, just know you ain't alone in this, we all are moreorless feeling the same and if you want to talk, Firstly, I’m sorry you’re going through a hard time grieving and I’m sure it’ll pass. My long-term girlfriend just broke up with me . Boyfriend broke up with me because of my faith . Just found out she broke it off with him. I made a very comfortable life for him and he My boyfriend broke up with me for mentioning that I wanted to try a poly relationship. omkzfdu vkhjp yejaslj odyxzd etasa zyzfp vcfek kuvu qsxzk kophv