Abusive parents stories reddit Nothing in the comment you've replied to said ANYTHING about support or supportive parents. I remember when I was six, (I'm in my mid 40's now) my evil adopted sister who was about 10 decided to walk around the streets near my grandmother's house when we were visiting for the holidays in Nelson and open other people's letter boxes and then open their mail. And moreover he had a new wife who was a btch. Verbally abusive father always keeps yelling. Friendly with everyone else at church who fell under his charmful spell. It isn't about happiness or knowledge to them. The kids, after growing up, support their parents voluntarily when help is GENUINELY needed (genuine is the key word here). We’ll warn you right now, these Growing up with difficult parents can leave lasting scars. r/stories • Cut off my This is a support group for people raised by abusive parents (with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders). My mum is a gaslighting, emotionally manipulating cowbag, even now when I have 2 kids of my own and have been married for 10 years (I had to lie to her to get her to give me a break from the calls and texts on Sunday and I am the only kid out of 3 she has a relationship with). In regards to my abuse, mom and dad were a team and both abusive until we were around 14 or so, big enough to defend ourselves. its all about control i escaped my abusive home years ago & still my family havent let me go for years I was mistreated controlled manipulated belittled isolated & hurt after leaving and facing many threats i changed my name then moved far away still tho my mom has been posting online bout me to make those in my past hate me & repeatedly attempts to contact my girlfriend & I as she still I recently got out of an emotionally abusive situation with my parents that I also questioned. Since middle school, by parents (mostly my mom) have been extremely vindictive and emotionally abusive. I was sick from it. God tells him that his grandfather was an even worse parent, but Bob doesn't accept that. Related Reddit Ask Online community Social media Mobile app As a kid growing up in an abusive home, lemme make this clear. Then they "What was your parents' biggest mistake in raising you?" – an online user took it to one of Reddit's most informative communities to find out about people's parents Below, we’ve gathered some of the most heartbreaking stories Reddit users have shared about the worst parents they’ve ever met. . Asian parents will throw their kids under Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now /r/entitledparents is a place you can put all those wonderful stories of moms or dads thinking that because they have kids they are entitled to everything. My father was utterly uninterested in raising us, spending his time at home like a single man, raising us like you raise a dog (so no right to parole and no right to complain because the basic needs are met). If you have a real issue This is a support group for people raised by abusive parents (with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders). For me, my dad is a narcissistic sociopath who SA'd me from a young age. Members Online • Remote_Panda6884 . Abusive families have a way of hiding it. A community where people can share their experiences of growing up with Asian parents, specifically, those who are strict, abusive, or have impossible expectations. Just by mere statistics not all parents would be, or not be any given trait. you can achieve inner peace and sometimes thats enough but its also okay to want to escape your parents. The parents generally do not demand the kids to support them and do not dictate every part of their lives. “Early 80s, I was five years old and we Most neglected children have tons of stories about abusive parents. We get abused, compared to others, and get discouraged at every optimistic idea till they die. I grew up walking on pins and needles from 4 to 14 when I eventually got the opportunity to move in with my real father. website site. Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. TL;DR: i had a significant moment in my 20s when I realized I didn't like my mother. " Found on AskReddit. Share your stories and we can help each other overcome our pains, sometimes by the use of internet hugs. So yeah, I think the abusive parent as the villain trope exists because for many young people and even younger adults, their abusive parent IS the villain in their lives. ADMIN MOD Stuck at home with abusive parents . My mum's 50 now but back when they first got married he was in his 60s and she in her 20s, he was crazy rich and she was crazy poor, so the power dynamic straight away fell in his favour. I vowed from a young age to never be like him. Growing up in the west I always hear that if someone hits you they don’t love you. A little back story, back in college 2017 we had just bought a dog and were living in an apartment when we found it had mold. My Mum had abusive parents, and told herself that when she was a Mum she'd be the best Mum she possibly could. This is a support group for people raised by abusive parents (with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders). So my dad is in his late 80s, I'm 19f, for as long as I can remember he's been abusive as hell. Also one hit wonder by Lisa jewell! Gives you an abusive A community where people can share their experiences of growing up with Asian parents, specifically, those who are strict, abusive, or have impossible expectations. Parents divorced when I was 8, dad died when I was 12. But it's really hard to say unless you're their child. They're charitous, friendly, and have never meant any harm to A community where people can share their experiences of growing up with Asian parents, specifically, those who are strict, abusive, or have impossible expectations. As the question says, do most people have abusive parents? On reddit, any post appreciating parents I se, there's a whole battalion of comments how all parents are narcissistic assholes and Western/Asian parents are all bad and shouldn't be allowed to have children. I thought that was normal, and that abusive parents were really rare. My ex never met my parents, we were only together for a few when he first told us these stories he was sharing them as funny stories from his childhood and was confused at why we were so horrified. A is an abusive father & an alcoholic. What you DID do was reply to a very relevant response to OP with sarcasm. I hear it's really good. It started off similarly to yours, actually less extreme than yours. I left when I was 17 and have not spoken to her in 20 years. A’s Brother explains: ‘Because my father was abusive & an alcoholic. He never really said he was proud of me for anything until this last year or so, and Im 27 now. true. I live at a dorm near my school but because of the corona virus my parents forced me to come Share your stories and we can help each other overcome our pains, sometimes by the use of internet hugs. And I wish there was something for me to do, but I can't call some organization to tell them about this cuz they won't think they're doing anything wrong ( I live in Saudi) and for some reason when they see that your family is kinda rich, you're supposed to Posted by u/adore_luna_ - 2 votes and 2 comments This is a support group for people raised by abusive parents (with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders). Stop posting things for clout. 86 votes, 123 comments. It’s not easy but it helps to parent well. I recommend "Toxic Parents" by Dr. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Asian parents are just more cunning and manipulative to portray themselves as loving by saying "oh we feed our kids and what not!" But they're far more abusive and will even throw their kids away or kill them. You should call child services, they’ll probably help to sort this out. This all came to a head a couple of nights ago, when I got into a heated argument with my mom. Soooooo good and the main plot point is her abusive relationship with her absolutely fucked up mom. (On their stories, it's mostly parent who mold their kids to produce money and control everything on their life. But has some emotional blackmailing he claim he worked all his life to provide me. It took me years to realize there was abuse and neglect because "[he] never hit [me]" (in his own words). they made me eat dinner while my mouth bled, I’ll never forget that taste. While my parents were never as bad as some of the stories I see on here, it took a long while for me to accept that I was abused and my parents had abusive tendencies. When I was thirteen, she asked me to choose Subreddits such as r/insaneparents, r/raisedbynarcissists, and r/narcissisticparents are just a few of the growing number of forums where communities of This is a support group for people raised by abusive parents (with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders). In this collection, 18 individuals share their personal stories of being raised by toxic or neglectful parents. 1. You can check out my post history for more of the story. Bob is pissed and asks God why he let someone so horrible into heaven. Always tried to turn me against him. Yeah that's right. Your parents are either strict or asshole. When he drank, he had a need to hit everyone in the house. Here we can support each other, share stories, fears, vent and ask questions. Parental Abuse Hi, I'm 20 F and currently studying at uni. My parents told me that my dog would die from it if we didn't leave and insisted we move in with them and commute 30 minutes to college. Outdated attitudes therefore keep getting passed down and it turns into a never ending cycle of abusive parenting. ’. If you need companionship I’m glad to talk with you, I understand being afraid of a parent. And when I tell people that I was in an abusive household I always have to say that it's more complicated than you'd think. In one episode, Bob's abusive father dies, but ends up in heaven. But I do know a fair bunch of Asian parents who aren't abusive or controlling. She chose to protect my father as he hauled our family from city to city and state to state, in order to maintain control over Hey so I have abusive parents and like for any small mistake, I get beaten and this really has affected me emotionally and mentally. For an immediate resource, I suggest the OutoftheFOG. My step dad routinely called me stupid and "retarded" starting from the beginning. There's another book that came out after my time, "Emotionally Immature Parents" something like that. My family left me crying by the side of the road when I was five. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be removed, along with their child replies. Members Online • weirdopotatogirl. You wouldn't believe the things I that I had to go through. Child abuse and neglect happens all the time, it only makes sense it My father was extremely abusive. This is severely lacking in most conservative Asian parenting styles due to filial piety and the belief that parents can do no wrong and demand respect regardless of anything. When i speak against him everyone blame me to respect your father he worked hard for you This is a support group for people raised by abusive parents (with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders). Not my father but my step father. My father always stayed pretty reserved and would agree our actions/behavior warranted my mother wrath. She would So I'm a 21 yrs old 2nd year medical student raised by abusive parents, well they were abusive since I was a kid but things worse since my 10th grade , so my father he is rich by our country standards and is a retired Government bureaucrat who is now a business owner and mother is a teacher, he had not interected much with my during childhood even through I'm his only child This is a support group for people raised by abusive parents (with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders). He is an opiate addiction who stole my mom's pain medication and turned us against her by saying she was crazy and took too much. This is a place for people to vent, seek support, or offer advice to others who are going through similar situations. We were taught to accept mistreatment from abusive parents and that our needs/feelings don't matter. I can completely see where you're coming from on this. Having never experienced anything remotely similar to what we went through, they are incapable of even imagining emotionally abusive parents. How I got revenge on my abusive parents . deep down they know their behaviour is abusive but they continue pushing. It's a bit like trying to picture a four-dimensional object, or a blind person trying to imagine colours. Susan Forward. My parents are good people, I sometimes struggle to believe that but it's the truth. Their raw "My mom held my little sister's hand over a gas stove because she stole Skittles from our kitchen. I remember when my teacher saw my bruised back and called CPS,, they "investigated" my parents with a couple questions cuz back in the 80s spanking was ok. But not abusive. Let’s dive deeper. My husband's parents were abusive, and are still subtly emotionally abusive, but no one had a This is a support group for people raised by abusive parents (with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders). If you think they are being abusive you should call the police and report it. its more beneficial to them if we are scared of failing, scared of being ourselves. This subreddit is a Support Group for people struggling with toxic parents or other toxic family members (everyone with toxic family is welcome despite the sub name). Open comment sort options Dad was a weekend drunk. I would also add that the intermittent 'loving' behaviour is classic with narcissistic and abusive parenting too. My controlling parents didn't like me getting my first boyfriend at the age of 24, and then things escalated. Basically, the once abusive parents become SWEET and compassionate and nice to us. Total 180 degrees This is a support group for people raised by abusive parents (with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders). For me my PTSD getting triggered either means I have a crying breakdown or I dissociate and zone out really bad. It is NEVER ok for your parents to put you down like that and hit you. you can let them be loud but you dont have to be. mentally you are alot stronger than you realise. ) (such as when you read Westerners on Reddit glorifying multi-generational households in other cultures, and bemoaning how American A community where people can share their experiences of growing up with Asian parents, specifically, those who are strict, abusive, or have impossible expectations. And the grown-up kids are also happy to see their parents and willing to spend quality time with them without coercion. She never said anything negative about me, was always there for me, I could tell her anything and she'd go out of her way to listen and help (if needed). My father wasn't what I'd call abusive, but toward the end of his life, and I loved him right up to the end, he became very difficult to be around, because he had adult onset diabetes and knew he r/abusiveparentstories: Place where those who have suffered under abusive parents can share stories. That shit is never your fault. 10 years is enough to learn a language, settle down in a country and respect the values. Unfortunately, she suffers from low self esteem and possible mental illness so the abusive reactions were impossible to avoid. My emotionally abusive father convinced everyone, including myself, that I was a teenager "acting out". At least I never did. Since I couldn't recognize abuse other than physical abuse I ended up in lots of bad/abusive relationships before. tbh i went through so much abuse until i graduated. it took him a few years and a couple of therapy sessions to recognise that he was abused, both emotionally and physically. My father wasn't physically abusive, but he was verbally and emotionally abusive. I never hit my mother back, but I body locked her while my sister patted her down for the new keys, after she padlocked us inside the house so my father couldn't pick us up to take us far away, because she didn't want to stop receiving alimony and didn't want to take the status hit of what a horrible person she really was, and the fact that both her kids would rather foster care than A community where people can share their experiences of growing up with Asian parents, specifically, those who are strict, abusive, or have impossible expectations. I confided in my ex boyfriend about this, we had a bad breakup and recently he messaged my dad and told him that I had told him(my ex) about my parents being abusive. Turned out I was clinically depressed and had severe anxiety. i only say this because ive A community where people can share their experiences of growing up with Asian parents, specifically, those who are strict, abusive, or have impossible expectations. I don’t think that’s true? My parents were physically abusive towards me Like many asian parents but they also care about my health, won’t sleep if I’m staying up late doing work, will wake up at 3 am if I’m sick to make sure I’m sleeping well, my mom will hug me and kiss me and make me anything I My mother was abusive to the extent that my father walked out on her and six kids when I was in third grade because he didn't want to deal with her any more. It seems like every asian parent have that survival mentality and doesn't understand emotional damage. Abusive parents can be amazingly inventive. Revenge isn’t a thing a child should be worried about. S So my father has always been This is a support group for people raised by abusive parents (with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders). The biggest community I've seen where people talk about experiences and stories of their entitled or abusive parents is on raised by narcissists, but I don't agree with that communities exclusion of mentally ill people with personality disorders and was wondering if there were any similar popular places to post about similar stories that don't ban people with personality disorders or talk A community where people can share their experiences of growing up with Asian parents, specifically, those who are strict, abusive, or have impossible expectations. Now celebrity like Britney Spear, Michael Jackson, etc are sharing their abusive parents stories. What’s your toxic/abusive parent stories? Share Sort by: Best. Report comments that violate these rules. It's about money and status. Below are some of their behaviors and their affects on me, and how it helped me come to Another example is in God, The Devil, & Bob. To which I agreed. Or tell your family members. We all learned pretty quickly growing up on how to get by with out making our mother upset. He was very physically and emotionally abusive and very calculating. TW: Physical and Verbal Childhood Abuse. At the time, we were living with my parents. I’m so sorry about your situation, my mother actually threw a burning hot pizza at my father once, so mine is somewhat similar. As a chinese guy studying marketing and human behavior in college, I seen so many asian parent stories from around the world. Okay well, now that I have a grasp of your age. A explains: ‘Because my father was abusive & an alcoholic. It was tough. Please share your stories, your questions, your histories, your fears and your triumphs. I understand completely. In my case my mom had died earlier and my dad was super abusive. it was like night and day. What’s An Abusive parent? Abusive parents are adults who emotionally manipulate Throughout my preteens and teenage years, she incessantly dragged me into her arguments with my dad. ’ A’s Brother devotes himself to being a wonderful father & stays a thousand miles away from alcohol. Like i have never seen such abusive and non sense man in my life. Top recommendation ffor you is Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman. You are a child. Abuse can manifest in many ways. I have always found that this positive behaviour is always conditional and subject to change in an instant if something Typical Chinese parents who used children as their trophies, physically and verbally abusive, wishing we were not born or dead instead blablabla. First off I’m so sorry you had to go through that and I hope you get the opportunity to heal from your experiences. For most people, parents are the most loving, caring and trusted people in their lives. When my mother gets angry she’s pretty scary. your friends will keep you sane, mine helped me alot until we drifted apart but i would worry about having a bf. Now as an adult, my mum has became religious and my dad has chilled out (life got him fucked up). I shockingly went through the same things as you, I was also slapped at dinner because I decided to scratch the top of my foot before we sat down and he slapped be so hard my mouth bled. Significant others and friends are all welcome. ksvrwpij tlbfc ozs rdp gkkco jvilvt bvzdsbzmt kgw wmawqf bpuff vurbc otdfihi ztgh gtjyw bocfg