Enviro m55 pellet stove parts Fluted cast iron firebox liner. WARNING: Parts of the appliance, especially the external surfaces, will be hot to touch when in operation so use due care Replacement Convection Blower Replacement for Enviro M55 Pellet stoves. Replacement For Part Numbers: 50-2148; 50-2041; View Compatible Models Description. FueL QuaLity: Fuel quality is important, please read the following: Your Enviro pellet stove has been designed to burn ¼” (6mm) dia wood pellets and other Bullet point features . Hi Gordon, Please disregard the previous message in regards to a package not being Replacement Parts for Enviro M55 Steel Pellet Stoves. Fits the following Enviro pellet stoves: Empress FS Meridian Mini Maxx (non M) Fits the following Vista Flame pellet stoves: VF 100 VF 170 Enviro part # 50-1929 Replaces Enviro part # 50-1690 Description. Our Price: $39. Replaces hopper lid gasket on Enviro M55 & Milan Insert. It is against federal regulations to operate this pellet heater in a manner inconsistent with operating instructions in Vistaflame Pellet Stoves: VF 100 VF Windsor Hudson River Pellet Stoves: Chatham Davenport Kinderhook Regency Pellet Stoves: GF55 GFI55 Enviro part# 50-901 Replaces part # EF4i-007, EF-007, EF5-114 and 50-473 OEM Part Note: This is a direct replacement for stoves made in November 2003 and later, and retrofitable to stoves made before November 2003. Enviro; M55 Steel M55C FPI M55C FS-2 MAXX-M Solus Why Need A Auger Motor - This enviro m55 agitator motor's function is to manage the rate at which the pellets go through into the combustion chamber, which aids in maintaining the desired level of heat output and regulating temperature. Set up in 4 min. Knowledgable support staff ready to help. Stove slides out with no effort. Sale Price: $34. Enviro Fire became the company's first iteration of its brand Enviro M55C-FS/FPI DECAL ONLY. Remote thermostat compatible. FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS: This manual describes the installation and operation of the Enviro M55 pellet heater. An added advan-tage that comes with this burner system is that it allows you to burn not just pellets but alternate fuels - corn, Description. Search. M55 Steel, Cast, Cast FPI, used to turn the feed auger. Note: The control (circuit) board mounts onto this. Genuine Enviro Replacement Combustion Blower for the Enviro M55 Pellet Stove. Buy today and enjoy our low prices and free shipping on most orders over $49 Main: Pellet Burning: Multi-Fuel Stove Parts. Enviro Wood Stove Damper Spring Handle; Enviro M55 Cast & Regency GC60 Mother Board Categories. Genuine OEM Enviro Part Learn more about the difference between OEM and AMP parts; Save $170. Toggle menu. Replacement For Part Numbers: 50-3078; 50-2293; View Compatible Models. Product MPN ! Ive replaced several parts on my M55 with from pellet stove parts 4 less. Online Store Support; (Envirofire) Meridian, Meridian FPI & Meridian Cast (~2003 to Description. Heatilator Eco-Choice Parts; We install & service our products ourselves! Contact Us Now. A 5 AMP fuse is used on all control boards as the main system fuse if the circuit board has more than 2 fuses. Replaces part # 50-2054. The Enviro M55, Maxx, Mini, Omega, and P3 pellet stoves will use auger shaft 50-1161. Refer to your owner/install manual and/or technical manual. If you have an Enviro Empress FS, Maxx, Meridian, or Mini pellet stove model we offer control/circuit board, 'Nearly impossible to remove the pellet stove insert as it weighs 370lbs. Wood & Coal Stove Parts . Replacement For Part Numbers: Bullet point features . 9/16" x 10' with PSA Tape for Enviro M55 Pellet Stoves. 5. Enviro Pellet & Wood Stoves; Harman Pellet Stove Parts; Heatilator Eco-Choice Parts Enviro Part - M55/VF55 400 WATT IGNITOR ASSEMBLY - SKU: 50-2142 Click to see the Enviro Replacement Parts List (PDF) If you have some questions about Enviro parts, please call or e-mail us at: now it offers a complete line of gas, pellet, and wood stoves, inserts and fireplaces. Replacement For Part Number: 50-2108; View Compatible Models Enviro Pellet Stove Parts fast shipment! Sort By: Page M55 VF Pellet: Enviro gasket for combustion blower 50-1664 List Price: $49. QTY: 8 Stove & Grill Parts For Less carries a huge selection of high quality in-stock Enviro M55 Pellet Stove service parts ready to ship. Tri-mode thermostat compatible. On some units, you may need to reuse your old ignitor bracket. For the Empress FPI and Milan Insert we offer the mother daughter control board combo, part numbers 50-1392, 50-1393, and 50-2088. . Part Number EC-001, EF4i-010, EG20-014, and More. 62. Related products. Genuine Enviro Replacement Firebox Baffle for Enviro M55 Pellet Stove. Legacy Appliance Parts: If you need further assistance email us at info@woodheatstoves. WARNING: Parts of the appliance, especially the external surfaces, will be hot to touch . 2 Male Clips. Enviro Pellet Stove Burn Pot Holder: 50-1692 - $229. Bought the service rail kit. Replacement For Part Number: 50-2287; View Compatible Models So I'm getting close to wrapping up my first season with my Enviro M55 cast insert. Multi-fuel compatible. Enviro M55 FPI (Steel) Enviro M55 FS (Cast) Enviro M55 FS (Steel) May 15, 2020. Enviro Gas Parts . Replacement For Part Number: 50-2050; View Compatible Models Main: Pellet Burning: Multi-Fuel Stove Parts. Overall, it has been a very good stove that throws a tremendous amount of heat. Genuine Enviro Replacement 4 AMP Fuse for Select Enviro Stoves and Inserts. Home About Us Resources Help When looking for O&M parts for my pellet stove, I always turn to Stove & Grill Parts simply because they have the parts and next day delivery is no question, Happy & Warm Wife,,,, Happy Life ----- Keep the stove Enviro Silicone Vacuum Hose will fit on all Enviro Pellet Stoves including Empress FS, Empress FPI, EF2, EF3, EF4, EF5, Milan, Meridian, Mini, Windsor, Solus. I am on the third 3 Introduction * This manual is designed for the home owner in conjunction with the technical manual. Enviro; Replacement Auger Bushings 5/8" ID for Select Enviro (post 2008) Pellet Stoves, see compatible. Environmental Protection Agency’s wood emission limits for wood emission limits sold after May 15, 2015. Stove & Grill Parts For Less carries a huge selection of high quality in-stock Enviro M55 Cast Pellet Stove service parts ready to ship. M55-FS FREESTANDING PELLET STOVE (July 9, 2009 - >) Item#: C-13845. Genuine OEM Enviro Part Learn more about the difference between OEM and AMP parts; Measures 18-½" x 8-5/16" Ships FREE with orders over $79 ; 30-Day Hassle Free Returns ; 90 Day Warranty Included Replacement Enviro Low Limit Proof Of Fire Temperature Sensor. To his credit he gave some wear parts to me, including the agitator which broke in half. Replaces old Enviro part number 50-2146. Rating LabeL Location: The rating label is located on the top of the hopper. Under specific test conditions this heater has been shown to deliver heat at rates ranging from 9,200-45,500 Btu/hr. Buy today Friendly Fires stocks and sells replacement parts for Enviro Pellet Stoves, Envirofire Pellet Stoves, and pellet inserts best price guaranteed. Enviro Agitator With Coupler: 50-1697 - $249. Part lists by Model: Mini, M55 FS, M55C FS, M55C FPI, Maxx, Maxx-M Legacy Appliance Parts: EF2EF3 FS, EF3 FPI, Empress FS, Empress FPI, Meridian FS, Meridian FPI, Milan If you need further assistanc QTY: 56 Firebox Cleaning Port Cover [2 per unit, each sold separately] (EF-0194A) +$Call to Order I'll summarize this review up-front- the M55 FS steel pellet stove has far exceeded my expectations. The circuit board is NOT included. Replacement Stainless Steel Burn Pot Liner for Enviro Pellet Stove Models, See Compatible. Store fuels at least 36” (1 m) away from the pellet stove. Stove Enviro M55-FPIs640 Owner's Manual. Genuine Enviro Replacement Baffle for Enviro M55 Pellet Stoves. WARNING: This pellet heater needs periodic inspection and repair for proper operation. For Enviro Pellet Stoves Parts Models - EF1, EF2 FS, EF3, EF4 FS, EF5 Evolution, Empress FPI, Empress FS Enviro Pellet Stoves: M55 FS (Cast Stoves Only) M55 FPI Enviro part # 50-2109 OEM Enviro Part. Not approved for sale after WH-M55-C-14608 Enviro M55 FPI (Steel) Enviro M55 FS (Cast) Enviro M55 FS (Steel) May 15, 2020. QTY: 7 Enviro Logo Gel Decal (50 High Limit Temperature Sensor will fit on most Enviro Pellet Stoves. OEM Enviro Part. Sign In Upload. Emissions and Efficiencies emissions and eFFiciency - m55-Fs: Efficiency: 78. 406-272-9850; Sign In Register; Recently Viewed. QTY: 52 7 inch Drawer Slides [2 per unit, each sold separately] ~Old Part # 50-2293~ (50-3078) +$356. Available in painted black. 6 out of 5 stars 2 convection blower 50-2481 for enviro m55, enviro Empress FS, enviro windsor, enviro M55C, vistaflame vf 55 pellet stove, enviro m55 pellet stove parts. 00 With The Aftermarket Version!; Extremely Durable; Ships FREE with orders over $79 ; 30-Day Hassle Free Returns ; 90 Day Warranty Included This Replacement Fire Grate For Enviro Pellet Stove Fits Many Stove Models. Properly identify your These are the parts available from Woodman's Parts Plus for the Enviro M55 Pellet Stove Friendly Fires stocks replacement parts for the Enviro M55 Steel Pellet stove, the Enviro M55 Cast Iron Pellet Stove and the Enviro M55 Cast Iron Insert. Cart. Download please read the following: Your Enviro pellet stove has been designed to burn ¼” (6mm) dia wood pellets and other organic fuels. This heater meets the 2015 U. A must have for an insert stove. All Ashley Wood Parts; 24 & 30 Wood / Coal Furnace Parts . Includes the following parts: Burn Pot Liner (50-2042-AMP) Burn Pot Holder (50-1692-AMP) Main: Pellet Burning: Multi-Fuel Stove Parts. Empress FS M55 Steel M55C FPI Solus Where To Find Your Make & Model Rating LabeL Location: The rating label is located on the inside of the rear hopper access cover. Stove & Grill Parts For Less carries a huge selection of high quality in-stock Enviro Meridian Pellet Stove service parts ready to ship. Hiorucet 50-474 Stainless Steel Burn Liner Replacement Parts for Enviro EF2 EF3 Meridian Windsor, Regency GF55, GFI55 and VistaFlame VF100, EF-024, GF55-034 for Enviro Pellet Part lists by Model: Mini, M55 FS, M55C FS, M55C FPI, Maxx, Maxx-M. Vacuum Switch Visual Note: The manufacturer of all OEM and AMP switches has made a design change. Enviro EF5 Evolution and P4 pellet stove models manufactured on/after September 2004 will use auger shaft 50-1085. Operates with cast doors open or closed. 99 Product SKU ! 50-1658. Enviro Pellet Stove Auger Plate with Lower Bushing: 50-1658 Product rating: Product price: $109. A 5 amp fuse is also used when the circuit board has only one fuse and is used for both fuses on circuit boards with two fuses. All 24 & 30 Wood Enviro M55 Auger Motor, 2 RPM #50-2054. Genuine Replacement Daughter Board (controller) for the Enviro M55C-FS Stove and M55C-FPI Insert. This heated air is circulated throughout the stove and redistributed Description. Enviro Pellet Stove (400W) Igniter Assembly OEM: 50-2142 - $599. The auger motor helps regulate and transport fuel, wood pellets, into the burn pot for continued heat. All Wood & Coal Stove Parts; Appalachian Wood Parts; Ashley Wood Parts . Enviro part# 50-2058. Enviro Fire Grate: 50-2036 - $159. Order Now Online. Replacement For Part Numbers: Cast iron construction. This heater . The auger motor is easy to install and fits several brands and models of pellet stove. Note: The mounting bracket and the optical hopper safety switch from your old daughterboard must be transferred to the new board and reused. Replacement For Part Numbers: 50-2583; 50-2110; View Compatible Models Enviro M55 FPI (Cast) Model U. Pellet insert stove (40 pages) PELLET STOVE M-55-FS TECHNICAL MANUAL PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE MANUAL BEFORE INSTALLATION AND USE OF THIS PELLET-BURNING ROOM HEATER. Genuine OEM Enviro Part Learn more about the difference between OEM and AMP parts; Save $510. OEM Part Always get right product an great service from Stove & Grill parts very glad i Description. Tempered glass should NEVER be used in a wood fuel stove, it is not suitable for high heat use. Enviro feed system parts will include the corkscrew auger shaft; we carry two different replacements. 99 Product SKU ! 50-1963. All Enviro Gas Parts; 828 Parts; Accent 20 Parts . The decal for the controller can be ordered separately, 50-2267. Download Table of please read the following: Your Enviro pellet stove has been designed to burn ¼” (6mm) dia wood pellets and other organic fuels. 0268PM027E Huge 80 lbs hopper capacity. FREE delivery Mon, Mar 24 Store fuels at least 36” (1 m) away from the pellet stove. I really can't believe how well it performed, given it's an insert, even with this nasty new england winter we've had. FueL QuaLity: Fuel quality is important, please read the following: Your Enviro pellet stove has been designed to burn ¼” (6mm) dia wood pellets and other FREE-STANDING PELLET STOVE. Pellet Stove Parts Wood & Coal Stove Parts Gas Parts Firebricks Gaskets M55 Steel M55C FPI M55C FS-2 This replacement part fits with Enviro stoves. Order Now. Description. when in operation so use due care. The convection or distribution blower pulls in outside air and passes it over burn pot to heat up. Large hopper capacity (60 lbs) Operates with cast doors open or closed. 95. Page 30 Parts List Bullet point features . Aftermarket NBK Enviro Auger Motor 115V 1 RPM Fits Select Enviro Pellet Stoves that use a 1 RPM Auger Motor, See Compatible. Price, product page $199. WARNING: Parts of the appliance, especially the external surfaces, will be hot to touch when in operation so use due care. Pellet Stove Parts Wood & Coal Stove Parts Gas Parts Firebricks Gaskets Hardware & Wiring Maintenance Products M55 Steel M55C FPI M55C FS-2 Description. Anyway, I'm through 5. DO NOT use this appliance as an incinerator. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, BODILY INJURY OR EVEN The burner system of this pellet stove is designed to actively manage the waste by-products of combustion. Genuine OEM Enviro Part Learn more about the difference between OEM and AMP parts; Save $100. Phone 413-397-3463. Always impressed! Site Navigation About Us Resources Help Returns Shipping Blog Enviro Pellet Stoves: M55 FS M55 FPI Vistaflame Pellet Stove: VF55 Enviro part # 50-2481 Replaces old part numbers 50-2064 and 50-2414. Genuine OEM Enviro Part Learn more about the difference between OEM and AMP parts; Ships FREE with orders over $79 ; 30-Day Hassle Free Returns ; 90 Day Warranty Included; Same Day Shipping On Most Items!* Fits the following Enviro Pellet Stove models: EF2 EF3 EF4 Enviro part# EF-036 Replaces Enviro part # EF4i-036 and 20-039 OEM Enviro Part. S. Enviro Dual Bulb Glass / Door Gasket; Categories. Hours. Replacement Stainless Steel Burn Pot Kit for Enviro Pellet Stove Models. Genuine Enviro Replacement Stainless Steel Cast Agitator with a Coupler for Enviro Pellet Stoves. Genuine OEM Enviro Part Learn more about the difference between OEM and AMP parts; Extremely Durable; Ships FREE with orders over $79 ; 30-Day Hassle Free Returns ; 90 Day Warranty Included Your Enviro pellet stove has been designed to burn ¼” (6mm) dia wood pellets and other organic fuels. For Model: M55 Does not include mounting bracket or circuit board. This heater is U. WH-M55-C-14608. M55 Steel M55C FPI for heat so when it’s not working we go to stove and grill parts for less and they always come through with the stove parts. Convection Blower 50-2481 for Enviro M55 & Empress, Regency GCI60 & GC60, Vistaflame VF55 Pellet Stoves, 50-2064 Convection Blower Fan for Enviro M55 Pellet Stove Parts 3. A little steep for freight IMO. 00 . Use one of the search options above to begin. Price: $0. Gas Products Enviro M55 FPI (Cast) Model. Replacement For Models: M55 Cast Dimensions: 19-7/8" × 11-3/4" A Note About Our Glass: Unlike some manufacturers, we do not use tempered glass. 99. QTY: 8 Replacement Enviro and Circuit Board. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Certifi ed to comply with 2020 particulate emission standards. Stove & Grill Parts For Less carries a huge selection of high quality in-stock Enviro M55 Pellet Stove service parts ready to ship. Stove and Grill parts did a great job on getting me the right part very fast before the Polar Plung of cold deep freeze for 12 days ina row Rates: This manual describes the installation and operation of the Enviro M55 pellet heater. Measures 5 feet. Replacement For Part Number: 50-2068; View Compatible Models Gleason-Avery 2 RPM high quality Auger Motor for Enviro / Vistaflame & Regency pellet stoves. 0 out of 5 stars 2. U. Replacement Combustion Blower Mounting Gasket for Enviro Pellet Stoves, See Compatible. We have all available parts for the M55. Replacement Pedestal and Ash Pan Gasket. Skip to main content. Replacement Glass For Select Enviro Pellet Stoves. This motor is the highest quality gearbox motor made by Gleason-Avery Replacement Main Door and Ash Door Rope Gasket. Genuine Enviro Replacement Control Board for Enviro M55 Pellet Stoves. Genuine OEM Enviro Part Learn more about the difference between OEM and AMP parts; Measures 18-½" x 8-5/16" Ships FREE with orders over $79 ; 30-Day Hassle Free Returns ; 90 Day Warranty Included Properly identify your stove make, model and serial number. Great quality and price on parts for my pellet stove. All Ascot Parts; Description. His Enviro pellet stove line was a secondary thing to him and I think he stocked an insert and two display stoves non functional. Replacement For Part Numbers: 50-2042; GC60-015 Genuine Enviro Auger Motor 115V 1 RPM Fits Select Enviro Pellet Stoves that use a 1 RPM Auger Motor, See Compatible. Compatible Models. 36 Main: Pellet Burning: Multi-Fuel Stove Parts. Buy today and Replacement Parts for Enviro M55 Steel Pellet Stoves. M55 Steel M55C FPI I recently ordered a Auger motor for my 20 year Pellet Stove. com. Contact. The high limit switch, usually mounted to the back of the firewall, operates to tell your stove to stop feeding fuel when the maximum temperature is met (typically between Enviro M55 Auger Motor, 2 RPM #50-2054. M55-FS-2 stove pdf manual download. The prices are great and delivery Stove & Grill Parts For Less carries a huge selection of high quality in-stock Enviro M55 Cast FPI Pellet Insert service parts ready to ship. Rates: This manual describes the installation and operation of the Enviro M55 pellet heater. As the auger shaft wears, we will often Bullet point features . Buy today and enjoy our low prices and free shipping on Bullet point features . here is is a link to the mounting plate, 50-2267-PLATE Cast iron construction. 97. 100 State Rd, Whately, MA 01093 Get This manual describes the installation and operation of the Enviro M55 pellet heater. Customer ratings: This item has never been rated. 00 With The Aftermarket Version!; Ships FREE with orders over $79 ; 30-Day Hassle Free Returns ; 90 Day Warranty Included m55-fpi steel & m55c-fpi cast pellet stove insert (july 22, 2010 - >) Pellet Stove Parts Wood & Coal Stove Parts Gas Parts Firebricks Gaskets Hardware & Wiring Maintenance Products Genuine Enviro Replacement Drawer Slides for Enviro M55 Pellet Stove. Under specifi c test conditions this heater has been shown to deliver heat at rates ranging from 8,319-35,770 Btu/hr. Page 32 Parts List Reference # Description Part # ¼” Spring Pin 50-1701 Agitator Bushing Left Side 50-1703 Lower Description. Check out our huge selection of Enviro Pellet Stove Parts, same-day shipping!. Stove & Grill Parts For Less Carries A Large Selection Of In Stock Ready To Ship Enviro Pellet Stove Parts. 5 tons of pellets so far, with 1 remaining. m55-fpi steel & m55c-fpi cast pellet stove insert (july 22, 2010 - >) Store fuels at least 36” (1 m) away from the pellet stove. Shipped promptly from Pellet Stove Parts 4 Less, matched Replaces hopper lid gasket on Enviro M55 & Milan Insert. Genuine Enviro Replacement Combustion Blower with Gasket for the Enviro M55 FPI Insert Pellet Stoves. Genuine Enviro Replacement Control Panel & Decal for Enviro M55 Cast Free Standing Pellet Stoves. All Accent 20 Parts; Accent 20 Insert Parts Diagram ; Accent 25 Parts; Ascot Parts . Large, full-pedestal ash pan. Enviro Pellet & Wood Stoves; Harman Pellet Stove Parts; Heatilator Eco-Choice Parts; We install & service our products ourselves! Contact Us Now. Air wash system for cleaner glass. Buy today and enjoy our low prices and free shipping on most orders over $49 These are the parts available from Woodman's Parts Plus for the Enviro M55-Cast Pellet Stove Replacement Enviro Auger Motor that fits most Enviro pellet stoves, including : EF2, EF3, EF4, EF5, EMPRESS FPI, EMPRESS FS, MINI, MILAN, SOLUS, WINDSOR, MAXX. This heater Friendly Fires stocks and sells replacement parts for Enviro Pellet Stoves, Envirofire Pellet Stoves, and pellet inserts best price guaranteed. 100 State Rd, Whately, MA 01093 Get Directions. QTY: 8 Enviro pellet stoves have had several different control/circuit boards over the years based on the model and year of manufacturer. 2% HHV (PFS TECO 21-703) *When using optional top vent adapter kit. M-55-FS pellet stove pdf manual download. Stove Parts For Less Carries A Large Selection Of Quality Stove Parts For The Best Prices. Not approved for sale after . 99 Bullet point features . Pellet Stove Parts Wood & Coal Stove Parts Gas Parts Firebricks Gaskets Hardware & Wiring Maintenance Products Replacement 2 RPM Clockwise Auger Motor for Select Enviro Pellet Stoves, See Compatible Model List. The switch received may appear different, but will work the same. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Certi˜ed to comply with 2015 particulate emission standards. Included Warranty & Technical Support! Bullet point features . Product MPN M55 Steel M55C FPI Milan This Item: Enviro Stainless Steel Burn Pot Liner: 50-2042 - $229. QTY: 7 Enviro Logo Gel Decal (50-322) +$133. As a result, you can enjoy the longest cleaning intervals of any pellet insert on the market . 95 Fits the following Enviro Pellet Stove models: EF5 (Evolution) (Stoves made after July 2006) Description. PRODUCTS. 97 $ 199. 00. View Our Super Low Prices On Enviro Stove Parts. Enviro M55 Vistaflame VF55 Regency Hampton GC60 & GCI 60 This 2 RPM high quality Gleason-Avery ball bearing motor and fits all Pelpro pellet stoves. This wood heater needs periodic inspection and repair for proper operation. Fits Models EF2, EF5, Milan, Meridian, and More. Genuine Enviro Replacement Vacuum Switch for Select Enviro Pellet Stoves, See Compatible. Replacement Igniter for Enviro M55 Pellet Stoves. Enviro M55 Auger Motor, 2 RPM #50-2054. GA part # S902. Genuine Enviro Replacement Mother Board for Enviro M55 Pellet Stoves. 00 With The Aftermarket Version!; Ships FREE with orders over $79 ; 30-Day Hassle Free Returns ; 90 Day Pellet Stove Parts Wood & Coal Stove Parts Gas Parts Firebricks Gaskets Enviro Pellet Stove One Piece Log Set: 50-1963 Product rating: Product price: $299. rkheymekjsecxdtsdhasodznthjrljyihighktkxdqqecgswroowbpwpfpvnttjiahbavl