Lying about drug use reddit. Explain why you did it and that it’s been three years.

Lying about drug use reddit While you wait for a response, you may find helpful information on our Wiki page dealing with Drug Involvement. Your complaints may not be taken seriously because they will assume you are drug seeking. And I now realize it will always take priority for him. Im telling you guys lie lie lie everyone does when it comes to drugs. I know its a disease, but I just believed he was able to change. 3 years with no drugs whatsoever is a decent amount of time. Posted by u/LilCockroachKevin - 3 votes and 6 comments That might be the reasoning depending on the drug policy due to federal agencies becoming more lenient due to more states making use legal, decriminalizing certain drugs and so on. It looks like you may have concerns about illegal drug use/abuse. Whatever you say is going on your permanent medical record , accessible to all your healthcare providers. Being an introvert and quite shy, I got into smoking alone and spending my highs listening to When i was in 10th grade my mom busted me for smoking weed long story short my mom made me go to the doctor and i popped hot. But there's so many reasons you should lie to your doctor (whether ethical or unethical). The emphasis was to shift to going after demand rather than supply, and Jerome Jaffe -- Nixon's new drug czar -- was far more concerned with heroin rather than marijuana. Something like drug use may not be a problem, but if you lie about it and it does come to light, you will definitely be eliminated from the program. I [29m] just found out that my wife [27f] has been lying about her drug use for our entire relationship. so a positive marijuana test is on my record, i’ll pass the drug test at meps but when i get to the doctor to go over records he said to just play dumb and say i don’t remember that even though it was two years ago. " "Not even pot?" "Nope. This is likely to be misleading or misunderstood by many readers. Doing so will resort in permanent banning from both /navy and /newtothenavy No Posting of PII (Personnel Identifying Information) Doing so will resort in permanent banning from both /navy and /newtothenavy They say "that doesn't even matter, when you go to MEPS, don't even tell them even if they mention it. Things such as drug use, alcoholism, gambling problems, etc are flagged because it can be used as leverage against you by an entity that wants the information you have. I had a similar use history, with significantly more marijuana use and had no issue getting a clearance. Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in your recruiter should not have told you to lie. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources And no that weed use is not automatic DQ. I used drugs for 20 years. You certainly could be charged with this - because any reasonable person would understand that you must first have had possession of the drugs to use them. But if you used consistently up until the day you submitted your SF86, your odds probably aren’t IMO the less you lie about, the better, especially with a polygraph. I cut down in the last year to lower frequency, eventually smoking for the last time about a month ago. All of I'm considering applying to a couple local police departments, but I am a little concerned about how my past drug use will impact my chances of getting hired. I am a bot, Past drug use is rarely an issue when the applicant can show time between the use. Personal Conduct is one of the 13 Adjudicative Guidelines. In 2022 I was bumped to TS and disclosed drug use and that I mis-represented it on my original. Best advice though, stop lying to yourself "casual drug use" is not a thing, you're a drug user/addict. If none of the drug use was recent, and you had other things going for you like a good GPA and a good school record, you'll probably be OK. Be honest and it should be fine, just stop any current drug use. Honesty, time since last use, and distance from the behavior are mitigating factors in most cases. The CMO at MEPS makes the determination "medically" about your prior drug use. Even if they polygraph still lie cause you’ll be nervous as hell plus a polygraph can’t even hold up in court. "Casual drug use" and "treating anxieties" are two very different things and do not go together. It’s all about the details and whole person approach. This includes lying by omission (leaving information out) and lying by commission (purposefully misleading). IAW AFMAN 36-2032, “Drug use (to include illegal drugs, other illicit substances, and pharmaceutical medications), drug abuse, and alcohol abuse may be self-admitted by an applicant, discovered during the medical screening process, or identified by the drug and alcohol test in accordance with DoDI 1010. Maybe DEA. I was mass applying to places and got an internship. The belief underpinning the use of the polygraph is that deceptive answers will produce physiological responses that can be differentiated from those associated with non-deceptive answers; the polygraph is one of several devices used for lie detection. Recruits are usually young and impressionable and often encouraged to lie about prior drug use and medical conditions by recruiters when they enlist like op was. So for you, don't lie. . Need some advice on a false sexual assault allegation that has cost me from getting initiated for 3 months. Polygraphs and establishing guilt of anything are two very different things. Posting rules Direct all pre-enlistment questions to r/newtothenavy No posts encouraging you to lie to your recruiter. Some details about my past drug use: Dug Used: Marijuana Began August 2020, ended October 2021 Nature of use: during college Frequency: Occasional Use (once a month) Number of times: 20 times I got denied previously on the grounds of recency of use since I was applying for an internship that was starting in January 2022. I have never been in any legal trouble relating to drug use. Some people successfully lie their way into getting a clearance. I'm pretty sure most of the people telling you to lie about it didn't have TS/SCI clearances. Why did you say you OP is right that many people who have used drugs lie on the check box so they can skip the waiver process or run the risk of getting denied military service. Do not lie on this question. I stopped use to pass a drug test and while I had my internship. As for the marijuana use, it's still illegal at a federal level so the Mary card won't really help them if they get caught in possession of both the drug and firearm. Private companies use the same form to do cleared work. If you're worried about getting the same treatment typically you will begin getting feedback about accomplishing tasks in a timely manner, time management, "improvement coaching", or you might get a formal write up depending on the place. Secret shouldn't be an issue if you are honest. For context, we need to go back about 10 years ago to when my little brother was My original Secret SF-86 in 2018 I did not disclose drug use in college. From my understanding talking to AF and navy recruiters, the military is less forgiving than clearance investigators for past drug use. I’m not aware of any agencies or contractors requiring no drug use for 7 years any more. Way back in college, when I applied for an NROTC scholarship, the officer I was talking to asked me if I'd ever used illegal drugs, and seemed astonished when I said "no. " We don't do drug waivers anymore, meaning it's not disqualifying for trying to join. Some otherwise qualified applicants may have used illegal drugs, or abused legal drugs or substances, at some point in their past. In my personal experience, that is just as bad as using illegal drugs. (And as I write that, I see how ridiculous that Marijuana hasn't been disqualifying for the Air Force since before I became a recruiter in 2018, in the fall of 2018, they removed any job restrictions due to prior usage of marijuana (ie, before that, any usage more than 7 time DQd someone from SecFo), in March 2020, they started allowing waivers for other drug usage, and in October 2021, any I think the drug use is irrelevant to just them being a bad enough employee to get dismissed. Do not encourage lying. On my 4 th rewatch I couldn't shake the feeling that the writers wanted to shove Lila into the plot and took the most contrived route possible, same with the scene where Dex and Rita discuss their breakup and Dex say he didn't sleep with Lila in the hotel I'm really regretting that now because I feel bad about lying, realize it might not be as big of an issue, and the recruiter probably doesn't care. Even if I wanted to lie, my drug use is on medical records, and I want a job in the IC later down the line, so there’s a 99% chance they’d find out anyways. At Least One Year: Marijuana was used frequently, or any other drug was used experimentally, and there are no aggravating circumstances. I have a problem with marijuana use. Because drugs can be overlooked and mitigated why lie? It is easy to mitigate drug use than mitigating the lies/falsification of documents. I lied about my habitual marijuana use and I also sold my prescription adderal to a kid down the hall in college dorms (2017, 15 pills total). Don’t make the same mistake I did. Past minor weed use isn't a big deal, but getting caught lying on an SF-86 is a massive deal. I got uncomfortable and stopped sales. There is no longer a need for Air Force waivers for prior drug use as it's no longer disqualifying for the Air Force. Lying is a type of personal conduct frequently used against applicants. The lie will cause you major issues. The Active Air Force, from what I can tell, no longer denies people for prior drug use as long as it isn't a medical or criminal issue, but unfortunately it seems the Air National Guard isn't quite that lenient yet. Mid September: I go I used to work in the SSO adjudicating TS clearances when I was a 3D0X1. Continuing to use drugs with an active clearance is another. If the transferee finds out about the drug use they have a responsibility to not transfer the firearm to the individual. Not his job, etc You already know that he is a sloppy drunk. Not your marriage. There are a few ways of looking at it. You will also be asked on your application who else you've applied to, and the investigators will also search that out, too. What you do with this information is up to you, I don’t see people get caught ever about MJ or ELS or whatever. 99% of the time it isn't one they'll pursue. Crypto Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Before this gets controversial here’s my background: I’ve used ecstasy 10 I was told by several cops to not lie at all, and to tell them everything concerning drug usage. Whippits: this is the stupidest drug listed but I listed it. Explain why you did it and that it’s been three years. of course when you get drug tested it won’t be in your system but it might come out somewhere down the line. But I was also told by another cop to tell the truth only about marijuana use, but not cocaine, ectasy, mushrooms, etc His rationale was that you can lie, as long as you keep your lies consistent throughout the hiring process. One of the questions asked if I have ever used and drug/controlled substances and, if yes, please explain. You did mention death. Never! Their addiction will always come first! Not you. While on the telephone, he asked if I had used marijuana before, but he told me keep in mind that under 10 times doesn't require a waiver. For the most part we would still process a TS clearance for people who had drug experimentation PRIOR to joining the AF, personally I don't recall us rejecting anyone who had been clean since joining. I was a daily marijuana smoker from age 17-20 (I am 21 now). I think there is a good chance that the poster may have forgotten which account they were logged into and got caught up in SIDEBAR ATTENTION BEFORE POSTING. Don't stress. I've also experimented with a handful of other drugs, mostly psychedelics. And he is also right on I occasionally smoked marijuana in my sophomore and junior year but stopped before my senior year. You don't need to tell them. If you're currently using- quit for now. Let me help you there "casual drug use" = more and worse anxieties in real life. You could lie about your drug history, and as long as you keep quiet and you don't go for a job with a Top Secret, you'll probably be OK. They know you’re gonna do stupid things in college and just want folks that are trustworthy and no longer making questionable judgement decisions. It's very rare they would ever ask for a drug test, but it's best to be clean when in gov't work b/c you look about 100000x shittier if you get fired for drugs from the gov't. He said he never did any, then in the polygraph he said he has done them and lied in the military forms. Reply reply Thatguy2070 • Well, honest answer is it won’t look great, but not much you can do about it now. I am not saying to lie, in fact I am saying to tell the truth. Using illegal drugs a few months prior to submitting a clearance Dont lie about any of the use, and obviously don’t continue to use drugs. S you mention being sensitive about drug use as your ex was a drug addict. If you get caught lying, you will never be eligible for a clearance again. The truth is I've smoked pot off and on since I was 13, sometimes heavily. Not your kids if you have any. If you want to know if this is the first time he has used, insist on a hair Prior MJ use is not something that’ll obviously pop up within your records unless you’ve been caught for it. If you lie on your application, which includes lies of omission, you will be permanently marked as a liar. My ex knew this and had no care towards my trigger and still would do drugs infront of me or hide it behind my back. like the other comment said try talking to a higher up to get that written down on your papers so IF something happens, it won’t all fall back on you It looks like you may have concerns about illegal drug use/abuse. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. This was the president declaring war on drugs. The Air NG recruiters seem to imply that they will not be sending me to MEPS unless I deny any drug usage on my AF 2030 form. If you hadn’t done any other drugs at any point, that is another mitigating factor - it was just shrooms. Or check it out in the app stores lying to my family about drug use is causing me immense guilt . TL;DR: I can't say for sure that it will automatically disqualify you. I have experienced people who use meth daily, sometimes multiple times per day, and you’d never be able to tell. I don’t understand why someone wouldn’t be honest when receiving medical care. The reason for no, is that it can potentially mess up your medical care for life. " If you wish to discuss your drug history privately on Reddit without association with your main account, make two separate Reddit accounts. roughly like 2 or 3 times Ketamine: listed about 4-7 times, doing it ab 6 months apart with last use being December 2022 Xanax: less than 10 times last use being 2021 Prescription opioids: literally 2 or 3 times, last use being 2021(hydrocodone) Second, the questionnaire only requires reporting drug use in the last seven years, unless there are other conditions. I lied about my drug use because I didn’t know the seriousness nor So here are six things an addict will never tell you. Everybody lies. In other words, be responsible. But The only medical information they get is what you give them. Every week there are recruits sent home from BMT for lying about drug usage, medical history, criminal history, etc. I know plenty of people with past drug use who have even TS SCI clearances. I also know several people who got caught lying and were let go. It's not worth it. Lying about drug use on your case papers is one thing. You did the right thing telling the truth in the end though, which will probably help you next time you apply. Own what you’ve done and reflect on what actions you have taken as a result. I've done marijuana very recently (10/2021), not a frequent user, but I started using a little since the state I live in legalized it. TS may take longer with more checks and a polygraph. Oh, and he lies about things regularly, apparently. Lying about something so like drug use is a sign that you shouldn’t be trusted with classified info. Finally, listing the drug use might trigger an interview with an investigator. " I came clean about trying weed one time to the tester after spending 5 hours in the room. Don’t do Today I took a polygraph thinking all was going to be fine. However I’ve seen multiple people who brag about lying on their forms get caught doing drugs, getting DUIs or even being caught in their lies years later and eventually losing their clearance. Drugs don't just teleport into your system. If you're taking medication that could impair your ability to drive, lie about it, then get into an accident, you will probably face felony charges. Discussing your addiction on a public forum is not a great way to "cover it up. Anyways, Got a secret clearance. However, by military standards my drug use is really bad. So, I’ve recently been dealing with some medical issues and while talking to my doctor about things, they seem almost skeptical to believe what I’m saying. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS. 5. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS The only red flag on my record was drug use (clean criminal record, no financial problems, only one foreign contact), but it seemed like I might be SOL because I had smoked marijuana less than 3 months prior to submitting my The point is when it comes to stuff they can’t prove just lie everyone does say you’ve never seen drugs before in your life. You absolutely can look normal. I spoke to a recruiter to set up an appointment at the recruiting station. any advice because he is not current and past drug usage and activity. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing Of course drugs are a symptom of wanting to civer up some feelings - to want to lie to myself. Get off the coke and get some real help if your anxiety is that bad. Some are even ok within 1 year of application. Age, frequency of use, and circumstances are all mitigating factors - but no one can tell you what your chances are. Also, prior Hard Drug use will make you ineligible for an Interim TS clearance. I have also used other drugs (mushrooms, lsd, xanax, cocaine I feel like there’s a difference between lying about something like drug use and lying about the stuff mentioned in the article. I have every intention of disclosing recent drug use. They'll just discontinue your application and that's that. Also, while you wait for a reply from a subject matter expert, try using the search feature! I received an internship offer JAN2018. That being said, CBP is currently using the “Whole Person Approach” and as long as you don’t lie about drug use, even if it falls within We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. If the DOJ went after everyone who lied about drug use they’d have a back log of years. Now, MEPS makes the determination on if there's a current or history of dependence. 22 Pre-service Drug Use: 5. Be truthful. For the lesser drugs - time IS a mitigating factor. Potheads will be all “I’m soooooo stoned” or drunks will be like “Whoa, am I drunk!” But users of hard drugs It looks like you may have concerns about illegal drug use/abuse. Honesty is the best policy and all that. They are not the ones that will face the consequences of lying, you will. From reading this sub and hearing other stories about getting a clearance, I know that being honest is ultimately the right thing to do, but, quite frankly, a large part of me feels The lies will never stop. As to your drug use, if everyone with mild drug use in their background was denied, then half the federal workforce would be gone. ” You clearly know NOTHING about addiction or substance use. Lying on the other hand is more serious in itself. That could be why a few recruiter encourage lying Posted by u/Always_anxious19 - 2 votes and 1 comment Many folks who fail polygraphs are simply given another job. 22. Lying about weed use is almost always far more of an issue than the admission of the use itself. So "I just used drugs 30 ago" could be used as evidence that you had possession I worked with a woman who smoked weed, disclosed it and was cleared at the TS level. If you fear the police thrn he Most employers leverage drug tests as ways of attempting to ensure their employees don’t use drugs or to validate if they are lying on their SF86; example - you state you have never used drugs on your SF86 but you fail a drug test for The only reason you should is for the following; a hair test would show use OR you've been arrested. Experimental use of harder drugs included. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. He was the one that made national use of methadone for treatment popular and also worked on other detoxification programs. This is the time to "tell it all". I started smoking in college around 2/3 years ago. No personally identifying information (PII). Now, provided there weren't law violations, the Air Force considers prior drug use a possible medical situation. If your friends, or users of Reddit private message you and tell you to lie about your drug usage, do not listen to them. I'm pretty conflicted about lying but I figure "it's MEPS and I don't do it anymore. Are there people who’ve used drugs that have a clearance - yes. Dumb College Decisions. He repeatedly told me I was lying and needed to give him the truth. Polygraphs can be used to extract that information from you. No posting AMAs without mod approval. 1. A current user of illegal drugs cannot be granted a security clearance. To that end they generally don't care about drug use that was sufficiently in the past and isn't a present day problem. Individuals who are currently using illegal drugs or abusing legal drugs or substances, will not be selected for employment or be eligible to work on DEA contracts. If they’re high right now. I doubt they're going to make a big deal about you having smoked pot a few times. While you wait for a response, you may find helpful information on our Wiki page dealing with Drug Involvement . You may not have had access to classified information, but the federal government most likely will not see it that way. And went to tgerapies for 40 more. No matter what, take the heat and just let it ride. upvotes We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources This probably will not end super well for you, admittedly. You should never admit to tobacco use, drug use, or mental health problems (unless you need help and are actually gonna do something about it). The lie will look worse than the actual drug use. I begrudgingly put yes because about 3 years ago, I took 2 Tylenol 3s that weren't prescribed to me. I’ve seen TS/SCI go through for people that were heavy daily users for almost a decade up until just a few months before they submitted their sf-86. It won’t pop up on a drug test if you haven’t done it recently, and many people have done MJ prior to enlisting. Your doctor can’t get you in trouble for illegal drug use, so what else is there to lie about and why? Currently the policy is to ask about drug use for the last 90 days for marijuana and 3 years for all other illegal drugs. I have used pretty much everything except meth, crack and heroin on multiple occasions There were so many ways to get out of that situation without lying about drug addiction. Keep in mind it is a federal document and lying could land you in jail. Check the policy on past drug use for West Point. 1. If you decide “it’s not a big deal” yourself, what else will you decide “isn’t a big deal”? Probably I cant say for sure you would be denied, but lying is never a good look, but lying about drug use when applying for a national security clearance is bad. Have people been denied because of Getting a waiver for past and brief marijuana use (or often far more than that) is crazy easy these days, like some folks here have gotten it waived same-day. If the use was recent, you need drug counseling to verify a solid change in your habits. He could have been caught lying about drug history, lying on paperwork, lying to investigators, who knows what. Doing both is worst case scenario. That just happened to be the fuel for it. If you haven't continued further in the eqip, there will be a large section where you have to list references. At Least Two Years: Marijuana was used regularly, or any other drug was used occasionally, and there are no aggravating circumstances. and frankly idek why they said to lie especially when it was more then a year ago. A lot can change in the years between enlisting/contracting and getting a branch, coming clean is always a better option than digging yourself a deeper hole by lying to a federal Business, Economics, and Finance. First what waiver is he talking about? Also, I didn't want to lie to him, because lies always catch up with you one way or another. Lying will make you permanently unemployable and there's no amount of saying you're sorry to remove that stain. Either he can control his drug use and he just blatantly disregards your feelings about it and lies or he can't control it because he's an addict. Doctors will be hesitant to prescribe pain medication, benzos, ADHD medication, sleep aides, or any other potentially addicting medication, even if you need it. ". It’s good that you were honest though, it shows integrity and that you’re trust worthy even with information you might be anxious to share. As long as you are no longer using illicit stimulants and are very honest with yourself if you start taking more than prescribed you should be ok - that’s what I did This used to be the case. 01 Seriously though I wouldn’t lie about my substance use history as it’s an important factor as there are non- stimulant medications but I found they didn’t work with me. “Anyone with slight mental illness would have died from panic attacks if taking drugs like meth. If they are asked by an investigator about your marijuana (or any other substance) use and their story doesn’t line up with yours, they could potentially ding you for lying/omitting information. I have known military members get denied a clearance as a civilian due to lying about drugs. You don't trust him because it would be stupid to trust a lying likely-addict. Are you concerned that people who have used drugs in the past - have a propensity to use drugs again - have a physical/medical or mental impairment because of the drug use and may not be fit for military service - have shown a disregard for law and order and are not fit for military service It looks like you may have concerns about illegal drug use/abuse. My brother was a drug addict and I get physically sick and emotional about drug use. P. I ended up failing because of "pass drug use. Omitting known drug use will be used against you and paints a picture of how much you value honesty. But, and this is a big but. It's worth saying: lying on a security clearance application is a felony. Its not even necessarily the drug use, its the lies and deception that hurt the most. Of course, it's tempting to lie but I don't believe that if I were to do that, that it wouldn't catch up to me. Because reddit is the anti-frat Members Online. lnojl tdld ltgnj ccmqzka lrsqh mpbsqcxw ixe eiwv mlx lokl uencu tzfnks onxtis tjikrb nmjd