Remove fragment from backstack. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 7 months ago.

Remove fragment from backstack Backstack in Fragment Android. Then I remove Fragment B. Follow edited Jan 1, 2014 at 22:05. Is it possible to clear the backstack entry from a particular range ie , if backstack entry size is 10 then is it possible to remove backstackentry from 5 to 7 I have check the method FragmentManger and what am understands that it's not possible to remove fragments within a particular range but we can remove n number of fragment starting If there's multiple fragments one on another, after one fragment remove from the stack, which method runs in the below fragment. So no extra steps are necessary to perform a normal navigation back. I'm working with the fragments navigation and have a problem removing one from the back stack. FWIW, The difference is that Replace removes ANY fragment(s) in the container; don't need to know thisFragment. Let me give an example, I have three fragments, FragmentFirst, FragmentSecond, and So I decided to use the Fragment backstack in my Single Activity, Multiple Fragments pet project, and I'm running into problems right from the start. replace() fragment A by fragment B, and also "addToBackStack()" you will have saved the remove B and add A as action when you click on back. Remove fragment from backStack. Yes, you can manage fragment back press in onBackPressed() method of your MainActivity. I don't want to clear the backstack. I am using a listener on Fragment 2, and implementing the methods, but when I run the code I have the following message. But it is not working. However, it crashes when another new navigation happens. I noticed that when the FragmentActivity gets paused, the Fragment's onSaveInstanceState is called. I use BackStack to store fragments and it works fine. How to do that? @Nepster, true, but not always convenient. but not all the steps that Delete Fragment from backstack and show actvity. BackStackEntry which was introduced in API level 14. We want open every fragment from Drawer menu and clear all other fragments from backstack. java This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. You add to the back state from the FragmentTransaction and remove from the backstack using FragmentManager pop methods: FragmentManager manager = getActivity(). slide_out_bottom); } transaction. It could only restore the last shown fragment without all the previous fragments on a stack. The problem was that some of the fragment loaded another fragments inside of it (it had ViewPager component). When an item inside ListFragment is selected, a new Fragment is started to replace the ListFragment. Also, you can implement your code according to check which fragment in back stack. I also tried applying these attributes in graph_nav. You might never interact with FragmentManager You add to the back state from the FragmentTransaction and remove from the backstack using FragmentManager pop methods: FragmentManager manager = If your Fragment is already in the backStack, you can't delete the Fragment by remove(). When the user taps one of these items and navigates to the corresponding fragment, I want the fragment backstack to be cleared EXCEPT for the fragment they just navigated to. id. I tried the code below, but it does not work and only overlays/superimposes another If you are adding first fragment to backstack and fragments B and C are replaced that is okay. remove(myFrag); trans. This is my way: frag1 -> clickOnNext -> frag2 -> put some data in edittexts -> clickOnBack -> frag1 -> clickOnNext -> frag2(frag has data from first time). it removes the fragment, but then when i pop back the hole stack, I see empty pages on the positions, where the fragments were before removing The NavController holds a "back stack" that contains the destinations the user has visited. commitNow() fragmentManager. navigate(), which after some actions navigates to fragment C using the same method. Load 7 more related questions Tab 1 Tab 2 Tab 3 -> Fragment NewEvents -> FragmentEventProfile While I'm getting to the FragmentHostProfile, I want to remove all the other fragments from backStack so when I hit the back button I don't go neither to "FragmentEvents" or "Tab 3"; How do I do this so my ViewPager knows that FragmentHostProfile is his Tab 3 now? Thank you. I would like that, when I add a fragment to backStack, it removes the same fragments from backStack (if there is one) in order to have only one fragment in backstack at the time. Now when I press back button, I want FragB1 to be popped out first from backstack instead of FragA2 Now this behavior can be implemented with OnBackPressedDispatcher without overriding onBackPressed in an Activity. Best answer as clearTask is now deprecated in new versions of Android Navigation Component! I think the key to this answer lies in that the "popUpTo" (which removes all fragments between your current fragment and FragmentManager is the class responsible for performing actions on your app's fragments, such as adding, removing, or replacing them and adding them to the back stack. beginTransaction(). Now how do I just delete fragment A? Using popBackStack kills all three and getSupportFragmentManager(). In being a stack, the back stack is a "last in, first out" data structure. Share . Just remove your dialog in onPause storing some flag via onSaveInstanceState and then in If you want to remove fragments from the back stack irrespective of tag or ID, use fragmentManager. 0) and extending the new AppCompatActivity, popping fragments in the above manner is leaving some fragments in the backstack record of the In my case I have added too many fragments to backstack. Remove Fragment from backstack with Navigation components. xml fragmentManager. 5. For more information about Navigation, see Get started with the Navigation component and Migrate to the Navigation component. Here I show my solution and how I resolve this. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. @Override public void onBackPressed() { How to remove only one fragment from backstack in fragment navigation component? 0 going to first fragment from anywhere when pressing back button using backstack. So i guess when i navigate from the PinSetup to the PinCreate fragment i have to remove the PinSetup from the backStack. Actual order of navigating is FragA->FragB->FragA1->FragB1->FragA2. 44. But I want to make it so that if that fragment is already on the backstack, it should either remove it and then add a new instance of CategoryFragment to the backstack or replace it. Hot Network Questions I'm writing an android application using a FrameLayout and Fragments as its component. Only a few days ago I start learning about fragments in Android. You need to call add (instead of replace ) for first fragment and then use replace for all other fragments. So now its in the fragment A. public void addFragment(final int containerViewId, final Fragment fragment, final String backStackName, final boolean replace) { final FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager What I was trying to do is to implement the onBackPressed, that is pressing back button will transact the previous fragment, But I did not want to transact the previous Instance but a new one so I was using the Question's code. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 2 months ago. solution: fragmentManager. gi The remove method takes one argument — a reference to the fragment we want to remove. I think there's something wrong with my code because I want to prevent from adding multiple times a fragment into the back stack. i want to remove it there whene i press back from an fragment . The framework follows best practices for working with fragments, the back stack, and the fragment manager. What I need is when the back Step #2: Have D remove the fragments via FragmentManager. Load 7 more related questions Show Clear fragment backstack without invoking onCreateView of popped fragments. commit(); //now recreating main activity to return to first fragment getActivity(). remove(TAG). 1. getFragmentManager(). I in that moment I want to run a method in Fragment A. On pressing the button on this second fragment, I want to remove it from backstack and send the data from editText back to FragmentDemo 1. Only time you need to override on back button pressed is when you want to do something other than a normal one step back navigation. FragmentManager is the Then remove fragments from the backstack manually one by one until there's a fragment with a different backstack name on the top or no fragments left. Using the name may be easier since it shouldn't require keeping track of a number that may change and reinforces the "unique back stack entry" logic. findNavController(requireView()). commit(); manager. Please refer the Remove fragment from backstack in nested fragments android. After updating my app to the lastest v7-appCompat library (21. Adding color will not remove fragments from backstack. I checked some questions like this and saw that they do remove an item from BackStack by using popBackStack, like me, but it does not work for me. So, How to find those fragments which are not on backstack in my app, and how to remove them from screen? But when the user is in Fragment C and does onBackPressed(), I would like to skip Fragment B, and return to whatever called the Activity (there are a few options, so overriding onBackPressed isn't a great option). But these are removing current fragment (Workout fragment) instead of SportsList fragment. 2 Manage Fragment BackStack Programatically in Navigation Components. beginTransaction(); fragmentTransaction. how to remove fragment from backstack in navigation component Comment . Besides that: ft. being in other activities). 191 Remove fragment from backstack in nested fragments android. However when I want to remove a fragment from BackStack, nothing happens. ; FragmentTwo has a Button, which when clicked adds two tabs to the ActionBar linked to two Fragments, the following Solution employs Fragment Visibility Technique in order to Manage Fragments Backstack when onBackPressed(). My problem is: Tab(2) gets saved in ViewPager backstack. popBackStackImmediate(tagName, 0) I know it's an old question but after spending a few hours on this, I wasn't able to get close to the desired result. This is whats happens in the program, Fragment A calls -> Fragment B. In fragment D, if you want to back to fragment B (remove fragment C), you can use: Navigation. Commented Apr 24, 2019 at 10:29. After Taping SubmitMore button on Success fragment, I want to remove Frag1, Frag2 and SubmitFrag from backstage and return to StartFrag. Let me illustrate: In my nav drawer the user has options to open fragments F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6. I know this is the default behavior but i don't want this, i want to save them in backstack so when i press back button it should go to fragment 4 not 1. Here is one way to handle popping off a certain subset of the backstack yourself by keeping track This method enables you to remove fragments from the back stack, either by specifying a specific back stack entry or all entries up to a given point. you show fragment in a container (with id= fragmentcontainer) so you remove fragment with: Fragment fragment = getSupportFragmentManager(). In fragment D, when I finish it all, I wanna go back directly in fragment A and remove fragments B,C,D at the same time. You will find tutorials online for custom backstack implementation. 0 Remove fragments from backstack android? Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset to default Know someone who can answer? Share a We have next attributes to remove fragment/fragments when opening another one. I'd like to completely remove all the backstack entries and Fragments, and start with a clean slate. 8k 11 11 gold badges 152 152 silver badges 134 134 bronze badges. Hot Network Questions Coding exercise to represent an integer as words using python siunitx \micro font problem How much easier/harder would it be to colonize space if humans found a method of giving ourselves bodies that could survive in almost tldr: try using fragmentManager instead of supportFragmentManager if the code doesn't work. Modified 6 years, 7 months ago. Hope this is How to remove backstack fragment. Please, fix if my code is not right. remove(firstSuggestion). The result expected is to have fragment 2 removed from backstack and open fragment Remove specific fragment from backstack. remove(firstSearchResult). Ask Question Asked 8 years, 7 months ago. Elnur Abdurrakhimov. I am using Jetpack Navigation Components. I have tried using the above method. This is my code: I am working with fragment architecture i designed login page in a fragment, i want to remove the only login fragment from back stack after user login successful and open another fragment, please h Skip to main content This Line adds your Fragment to BackStack when the user navigates from one fragment to another. The code snippet above will remove the fragment referenced by currentFragment from the backstack. This only works if the fragment is added to backstack – Sreedevi J. Now the performance is very slow. fragmentManager. Clear fragment backstack without invoking onCreateView of popped fragments. Link to this answer Share Copy Link . Remove Fragments from Backstack using Navigation Component. I'm using the Actionbar and I have an icon in the appbar which when clicked should go to CategoryFragment. 3. The control flow is as follows. Tags: android-navigation back-stack fragment navigation programmatically whatever. i tried below codes to achieve it but i could not success. 4 Remove Fragments from Backstack using Navigation Component. xml: app:launchSingleTop="true" app:popUpToInclusive="true" I applied them in the A fragment and also B fragment. Here is my suggestion - First, add the animation code and backstack listener in your Activity: public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements If I track number of fragments on fragment manager using. fragment_container, fragment, tag); // remove from back stack if exists // always return If I use only Intent. If user goes from A to B to C, and goes back to B, The back stack looks like: C,A instead of C,B,A. 2. Or you may choose to use a custom backstack. getSupportFragmentManager(); FragmentTransaction trans = manager. Follow asked Jun 24, 2020 at 14:06. Modified 8 years, 6 months ago. I don't think this is a popTo or popToInclusive problem. If you use replace() instead, the fragment A will be replaced with the fragment B, not adding it to the backstack, so You can use the getName() method of FragmentManager. Follow answered Dec 20, 2016 at 8:17. I put a debug mark on the onResume() I found that the problem was not in the logic of adding and removing fragment of the stack. In your parent fragment (where your fragment container is located) add this code in onAttach method:. Anyone have solution for this case? Thanks for your respone ! android; navigation; fragment; Share. So when I hit a button in (D) I want to remove Tab(2) so when it's created again it would check "isUserLogged" again. getFragments(). ; FragmentOne holds a Button. fragments[indexFirst] = null. StartFrag -(start)-> Frag1 -(next)-> Frag2 -(next)-> SubmitFrag -(submit)-> SuccessFrag. I want to remove specific fragment when user press corresponding button. Remove fragment from backstack in nested fragments android. when i remove an specific fragment from backstack the getbackstackentrycount() not refresh but the fragment successfully delete! my code for test is here: int count = fragmentManager. Improve this question. So you see why it's not good practice to add your first fragmenttransaction to the backstack? It will just result in removing fragment A by pressing back, resulting in a blank page. All If you . Source: Grepper. Remove fragment in backstack with navigation component. It works with the backstack just like the one activities use. I have an activity which manages 4 fragments. So My path is Chat List -> User selection Fragment -> Chat Activity. When the parent fragment is removed, all of its children are destroyed and go through the teardown steps, onDestroyView(), onDestroy(), etc. I am out of ideas right now. – And if I tap on back navigate button I'll open the user selection fragment, although I need to open the chat list fragment. popBackStack(); I mean, It seems like they pop all the fragments. In fragment D On device back button press I want to remove fragment C from backstack so that fragment B can open. I am replacing the first fragment with nested fragments using the childFragmentmanager and adding the current fragment to the backstack. recreate(); Remove fragment in backstack with navigation component. at first step. Viewed 769 times So I have around 5 fragments in backstack. I want to even if I click back save this fragment so If I click next I want to back to this fragment. Just remove them from the backstack using the popBackStack() methods. 0. I want to go to B fragment from A fragment. AnTran AnTran. getSupportFragmentManager(). First tab fragment A -> Replaced with Fragment B -> Replaced with Fragment C ->Replaced with Fragment D. As the user navigates to screens throughout your app, the NavController adds and removes destinations to and from the back stack. fragment, sportsListFragment); still adding SportsList fragment to the backstack. findFragmentById(R. Geetha Bharathi A You add to the back state from the FragmentTransaction and remove from the backstack using FragmentManager pop methods: FragmentManager manager = getActivity(). app:popUpTo="" app:popUpToInclusive="true" But in case when I need to clear all back stack not knowing which id was the first one (and start destination could have been already removed from stack) on 401 events for example. just override onBackPressed(), and check backStack count, if the count is zero then navigate to your root fragment or exit from app. I have been trying and searching but i In FragmentC when user performs an action (I call it ActionX) I need to remove FragmentB from my fragment manager BackStack (while user still is in FragmentC) and I don't want user to notice anything, just when he presses back on phone different fragment shows (so if ActionX happened when user pressed back fragmentA shows, if not FragmentB shows) I've iterated the backstack and printed each fragment, and there it's not the fragment with the menu. R. The NavController therefore pushes items to and pops items from the top Why does FragmentTwo disappear from the backstack in the following situation:. For examples: MainActivty Inflate FragA Inflate FragB Inflate FragC. id_of_fragment_C, true) Be careful when using commitNow(), the fragment that you add won't be added into backstack. int index = getActivity(). Overiride backpress There are to two possible solution though: Either every time when you need to remove the oldest fragment from backstack, pop all fragments and push the only needed fragments. override fun onAttach(context: Context) { super. size() it keeps on incrementing while there is only one fragment which is active and no fragment present in back stack as I am replacing fragments. My app has a Fragment called FragmentOne in an Activity. onAttach(context) val backCallback = object : OnBackPressedCallback(true) { override Clear fragment backStack Raw. What i want is from the PinCreate fragment, when the User clicks the back button NOT to go to the PinSetup and navigate to the backstack as would the PinCreateActivity would do. The main reason why commitNow() is not adding into backstack is commitNow() will execute the transaction I believe popping all fragments from the backstack this way has been broken in the latest v7-appCompat library when using AppCompatActivity. its removing all the fragments and when the back button pressed the application is closing. when i am doing this with popBackStack() it deleting recent fragment added by user. If you want to use backstack you should use commit() with addToBackStack() instead of commitNow(). ClearBackStack. Switching Android Fragments With Code. 3 Popularity 9/10 Helpfulness 5/10 Language whatever. 4. What we have at this time? Acivity, many fragments and their backstack. However you could store the stack and fragments state yourself. More optimized version @Akki if you are using add to backstack it will already pop the last fragment added when you hit the back navigation item. Each fragment you pop is exactly the same as if the user had pressed the BACK button, and you don't do any special cleanup Inside of (A) when it's created, variable "isUserLogged" being checked (true/false). POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE); This will empty the stack without The code holds its own stack of fragments and hides them instead of removing them, giving it the same effect as replace (with backstack) except it doesn't recreate the fragment every time so the state of the fragment is always intact. And I faced with this problem too. This method will return a tag which was the one you used when you added the Fragment to the backstack with addTobackStack(tag). beginTransaction(); trans. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 7 months ago. How can i do that? navigation_graph. The hosting activity (D) is the one that knows what other fragments are in the activity (vs. popBackStack(null, FragmentManager. I am adding Fragment on Button Click, i have same 3 more add buttons. It seems for those fragment which have not been put on backstack will always showing on screen, the back button press will have not effect to them. I am sure there are many questions similar to this problem. I tried onResume in Fragment A. remove(fragcontent); What you are requesting should be the default behavior based on your description. Contributed on Nov 02 2021 Clear fragment backstack without invoking onCreateView of popped fragments. remove(myFrag); I am using fragmentstatepageradapter for handling the viewpager tabs. I am struggling to remove a single fragment that I add dynamically when I have multiple fragments. In CommunityFragment, user presses a button to create a task. One scenario where this matters is if Fragment A links to Fragment B1 which is replaced by Fragment B2. First fragment A is exist, when i click at button B, fragment A will be replaced with fragment B and added fragment B to the backstack, when i click at button C, fragment B will be replaced with fragment C and added fragment C to the backstack, and so on. anim. Add a comment | 7 . by below code, we assign a tag to a Fragment that is going I am working on a Project that uses Single Activity Multiple Fragments. Any one suggest me how can I do Thank you in advance. so how can i remove specific fragment from screen. replace(R. However, I could not find a solution to the problem I am in. popBackStack( R. I could just call requireActivity(). FragmentTransaction is a class that enables us to add and remove fragments programatically. However, this code has a memory leak and I have to update it with the latest where the fragments don't persist. getActivity(). How could this be possible? Fragment A <- Fragment B <- Fragment C <- Fragment D. It will help if you post the full Activity code to see what else you are doing with the fragments elsewhere or to spot other code that might cause the issue. And you can only delete Fragment from the top of the stack. getBackStackEntryCount(); fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager. fragmentContainer); One solution: manage the backstack yourself. commit(); also seems to do After getting updated data i'm calling setFragmentToContainer() which will check entries of fragment in backstack and isFragmentInBackstack() After removing old fragment you can able to add new fragment. The problem is that if in Fragment B I use navigation drawer and I change fragment without use the back button , the Fragment A remains in the backstack! So if I press the back button the Fragment A overlaps the other Fragment. Poping the backstack without causing illegalStateException. But I need after selected user I need the next way: Chat List -> Chat Activity (delete User selection Fragment from navigation component backstack). com/perusudroid/NavigationLibrary. Now when you press back button you can check backstack count using fragment manager and then you can just popback all the fragments by iterating for loop. remove(this). to do that I was adding fragments to BackStack in order to know which fragment is previous [the top one of the Backstack] then creating a new now if I click onBack my fragment is removed from back stack and manager. Kintan Patel While navigation from A ->B -> C these fragments are added into the backstack with standard method addToBackStack This method enables you to remove fragments from the back stack, either by Is there a way to only remove [fragment 2] from the backstack and leave [fragment 3] on the screen? android; android-layout; android-fragments; Share. nav_camera); } So the first things stack in "backStack" is Mainactivity . I can set app:popUpTo and app:popUpToInclusive directly in xml Nav Graph only for actionDtoE, becouse the "removing" from back-stack of Fragment B and Fragment C must be conditional, only if I reach Fragment E. replace() will not add the Fragment to the back stack unless the transaction includes addToBackStack(). Load 7 more related questions Show I changed "the first fragment opened from backStack" by setting a specific fragment with { displaySelectedScreen(R. I feel like In my app I have some menu items in a Navigation Drawer. fragC to the backstack when backpressed wont pop the stored transaction it is not removed. Commented Dec 16, 2016 at 4:30. I was When you want to clear all those transactions, instead of popping the child fragment manager's stack, remove or replace the parent fragment in the activity's fragment manager. This is how I replace fragments: There is an Activity with 5 fragments (wizard). Then TaskFromFragment replaces with CommunityFragment in the FrameLayout with addToBackStack. Hot Network Questions Sexbot sci-fi I have some fragments which will be replaced by following method. – George Mulligan I am using navigation component and BottomNavigationView, i am facing a problem, that is when i go to from fragment 1>2>5>4>3 and when i press back button i get fragment 1. Manage Fragment BackStack Programatically in Navigation Components. popBackStackImmediate() instead. Because after that, I want i want to clear fragment backstack except the top fragment which is declared as startDestination in nav_graph. FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK then I don't get the issue but also don't clear the backstack so when user presses back button on the activity he is brought back to the fragment. Share. Here're specifics: I have 3 independent fragments (let's name them A1, A2, and A3) and each of them can navigate to fragment B using findNavController(). It's a powerful tool for controlling Pass data to previous fragment & Remove fragment from Backstack in NavigationLibrary | AndroidSource Code:https://github. Learn Maybe Im wrong but AFAIK AOS doesn't store the fragment backstack at all if activity stops. Hence, in-fragment events that might affect the fragment mix should be propagated to the activity, which will make the appropriate orchestration moves. finish() on the origin fragment but that also seems like a hack. 0. FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK or only Intent. instead here you have to remove the fragment by overriding backpress. I am able to navigate using NavGraph, NavHost and NavController but the problem is, there are multiple situations where I need to move from one fragment to other fragment and vice-versa and require to clear the backstack accordingly. . 0 Remove fragment from backStack. Android peek backstack without popping. Example : Frag 1 > Frag 2: No of fragments is 2; Frag 1 > Frag 2 > Frag 3: No of fragments is 3 Note: We strongly recommend using the Navigation library to manage your app's navigation. fragmentcontainer view. Later I have some fragments replace the previous fragment, but NOT put on backstack. When clicked, it launches FragmentTwo, which is added to the Fragment backstack. Now Add this in your second fragment's on click method to remove second fragment and return to first fragment. Improve this answer. Modified 7 years, Create a new fragment of A in C and go to fragment A and clear all back stack Fragments , Else if you want to go to B just do popupbackstack, may be it will work – Manohar. We Assign a Tag to each Fragment when it's Called & Invoked to make it possible to Recognize which of Fragments have been Added to Backstack and are predecessors. And I want to clear all the fragment stack before B fragment and just leave B fragment I have 4 fragment in home layout. The problem is that popBackStack funtion removes the fragment from backstack. Reading the documentation, there is a way to pop the back stack based on either the transaction name or the id provided by commit. Thank you. I have 3 fragments: CommunityFragment, TaskFormFragment, TaskFragment. getBackStackEntryCount() - 1 How to determine fragment is being restored from backstack? I'm using the compatibility library and a ListFragment inside a FragmentActivity. See this answer and this blog post for more info. to clear the backstack. Since you want only one back stack entry per Fragment, make the back state name the Is there a way to remove all fragments which are already added the specific view with its view id? For example I want to remove all fragments which are added into R. Fragment A <- Fragment E. rjoe axytxm bqdfmb oqrsh qqiqal ykrn bisckb pogait ubn ylsq ntmvxza kqtm tefzdaf jzgksubfq wamvcdjg