Uad arrow latency Then I zoomed in to count the latency in samples. I’m running UAD Arrow into ‘18 256GB MacBook Pro 13”. Troubleshooting and results: Audio sounds crisp and clean when played live from Microphone directly through the interface to headphones or The latest from Universal Audio is a 2×4 Thunderbolt 3 bus-powered audio interface called Arrow. Thanks. Whenever I connect the UAD Arrow, would stabilize after few seconds. 1. I was looking for the impedance of the Arrow in the headphone output but I could not find it. I tried this and it works (routing Pro Tools to Virtual 1/2 and controlling it via the Console) but doesn't that add latency to the Pro Tools playback when doing it this way?. 90 output latency (overall 9. I changed the thunderbolt 3 cable, uninstalled and reinstalled all relevant software and drivers (ASIOFORALL, UA Drivers Hi, I am using a iMac (Retina 5k, 27-inch, 2020) on macOS Big Sur. Everything worked fine - No DSP problems at all running on 32 buffer size. 8ms at 32 samples, 48K. a couple of months ago, I couldn't use my Arrow with Ableton on my DELL XPS with Windows 10 because of crackling and warbling sound. 1 & 96k) the chart will show how many plug-in can fit on one SHARC DSP chip. That is the only case where latency needs to be considered. 6 ms of latency at 96khz 32 When using UAD plug-ins from the Apollo Console (tracking/monitoring) your DAW latency can be of any size (typically I keep it @ 1024), as you avoid the DAW buffering altogether. I have several pairs of headphones I can use with the Arrow, including the AT M50s. More guitars, amps, and pedals than anyone needs. [Support request (#756764)] Mac Studio M1 Max 32GB | MacOS Sonoma 14. The UAD Instance and Latency chart in the Resources tab above states the Pure Plate Arrow promises 11 UAD plug-ins straight out of the box, including a Marshall Plexi Classic Guitar amp emulation, LA-2A and 1176 compression and Pultec EQ. At 96kHz with a 32 sample buffer (which only some software supports) the latency of the iD22 is 4. Now, if I go with At the top of this forum page is a link to "DSP & Latency Chart (44. L. . 3 ghz 8 core i9 32 gb 1tb ssd (Sonoma), Luna (ex-cubase). I'm running i/o buffer of 32 at 48 khz , which I understand to be irrelevant if monitoring via Apollo. Programs like Discord, OBS, Skype, online gaming, are ALL affected unless you're in a DAW using the buttery ASIO drivers. Something like 1. Moderator. This is especially true if you are using firewire, as the UAD plug-ins are locked to a low of 512 samples. You can check RTL for your Apollo with this program. First I advised him not to use any UAD plugins within Live (I read elsewhere that this could be the culprit) but the problem persists nonetheless. 6ms at a buffer of 64. To maintain the lowest possible input latency, UAD plug-ins used on a single Console channel strip must run on a single SHARC processor. 2 NVME 256gb / UAD 6176 / UAD-2 Quad PCI-e / PT-HDX 12. Thread and was wondering what the latency would be if used with the thunderbolt card. :- Don . Arrow, l'interface audio au format desktop pour Mac et Windows alimentée par le port Thunderbolt 3 vous permet de profiter du son du matériel analogique classique grâce à la puissance du Of course, but that's the issue!! I can't use a low buffer for decent latency. Came back on that project the other day, to finish the vocals and noticed Problem is, the artist has no latency when tracking but the resulting audio is a few milliseconds/samples late when playing back. If the latency is really less than 10 samples, as it visually appears to be, I did not On a video by Marcus Huyskens at Studio One Expert, Studio One: Low Latency Monitoring - Blue Z vs Green Z he mentions this feature but does not list Universal Audio. linksm As soon as I connected the UAD Arrow, Boom! Terrible latency issues! Even system sounds got crackles and get you blue screen. 7. Apollo and Arrow Interfaces No Latency Punch Ins? Start date Aug 14, 2016; J. Kinda like those people using saying Mac when the refer to Apple So you are planning to use the arrow for uad plugins but not for any inputs? At the top of this forum page there is a clickable link to the "DSP & Latency Chart". And in that case, the difference in latency between the TB Apollo and USB Apollo is surely much less than the buffer size of the DAW. I With its Unison technology and built-in UAD-2 SOLO Core processor, you can record through classic audio tools including the UA 610-B Tube Preamp & EQ, LA-2A and 1176 I mainly use my interface for recording guitar through VSTi, so I bought the Arrow specifically to get as low latency as possible, I'm shooting for around 2ms. Latency goes up because in LTM, you are inserting UAD plugins into your DAW, which necessitates monitoring from the DAW. You should get between 4. Arrow is the world’s first Thunderbolt 3-powered desktop recording audio interface for Mac and Windows — delivering class-leading audio conversion, two Unison ™ mic UAD Powered Plug-In Features • Run UAD plug-ins with Arrow’s integrated UAD-2 DSP Accelerator • Arrow includes the Realtime Analog Classics UAD plug-ins bundle • Over 90 UAD plug-ins available at the UA online store • Fully functional Apollo and Arrow Interfaces Plugin, Dsp, Latency - Newbie questions my latency actually at 44100 is set to 9 ms (256 buffer size) (mac mini i7 8gb ram + ssd) My question are : 1)on the sharc the dsp can i load only the uad plugin or for example i can load any vst like maschine, or for example waves limiter? 2) do you think this audioboard Don't really want to start a new thread on latency but on my TB Apollo 8 Duo, I'm getting around 8ms latency in Studio One 3. 2ms plus plugin latency (if any). Pros + A compact, bus-powered UAD-2/ Unison The arrow is 24 bit interface ( I believe all of UA's are 24bit), so no can do on the 32 bit float front - sorry The Arrow sounds great at even the lowest sample rate of 44. 137049-136957=92 You could simply select the tracks recorded through ADAT, and move them together by whatever sample latency your Ferrofish gives you. 9ms in 11. This info is harder to find than it should be. 2 On mac. The SHARC DSP chip was only ticking over and Preshan Apollo and Arrow Interfaces experiencing latency -- reverse latency! -- with I/O plugin UAD Apollo x16; Apollo Quad Silver TB3 (2); Logic X on Mac Studio M1 ULTRA 64GB. 36 output latency (overall 12. Running PRS supermodels Dallas alone in Logic X gets me annoying latency I am wondering if Arrow (because of its Thunderbolt 3) with Windows 10 PC will actually have a lower latency with non-UAD amps/effects emulators like BIAS FX compared to USB audio interfaces? Thanks! Matt Hepworth Master of the UADiverse. As the Apollo Twin is my main interface I use its driver and the latencies I get for tracking with non-UAD plugins are acceptable but improvable in my opinion. Far too many use UAD to refer to the company. If you're only monitoring through the blackhole reverb set the plugin to 100% wet I'm looking for a new interface, that's price around Arrow, has at least equal level ADDA or better than Arrow, has good latency performance, that has actually working driver on Windows. 5ms latency at 96kHz without any At 96kHz you get about 3ms NATIVE latency from an Apollo/Arrow at the lowest buffer of 32. Two Notes Captor X, Warm Audio WA273EQ, most of the UAfx/amp pedals, the ever-growing handful of decent mics (SD7 and pair of SP1s) and a Beagle named Ruby. in Logic Pro and then export the midi back to Luna. At first I couldn't get the Kemper to route into into CH1 / CH2 in the Console software. • Thunderbolt gives you ultra-low latency and huge bandwidth for higher sample rates and track counts • Compact, bus-powered design makes it perfect for mobile recording, mixing outside of your studio, and even performing live And you can capture everything with near-zero latency, thanks to Thunderbolt 3 connectivity. I want the latency for tracking with NON-UAD effects to be lower. The spectacular converters and other features of the Twin X give you the best quality and great usability for the cost. Are there any settings in your UA interface that will accept the occasional slow buffer? The Perfect Entry Point into UAD Powered Plug-ins. The latency never really goes away. Doing so is annoying while recording, so you monitor through Console instead, which masks the latency. Apollo Twin X Quad, Arrow/Solo, TB3 Octo and Quad Satellites, 2020 mbp 16" 2. For what? Well maybe to use those nice new UADx I was never dissatisfied with latency performance in my DAW. Stefxy Member. Apollo and Arrow Interfaces How Apollos use SHARC chips? Important: UAD Powered Plug-Ins within Console use DSP differently than when used within a DAW. Mac Studio M1 Max with Apollo Twin X TB4. Downloaded from UA website the latest UA software and when connected with a thunderbolt 3 cable, for the first minute all the lights around the main knob flashing orange every second, then they all stop; however, the audio interface is Near-zero-latency tracking with classic UAD plug-in effects; It’s not often I buy a new computer to do a review, but that’s exactly what happened when the Universal Audio Arrow Apollo and Arrow Interfaces Apollo Twin MKII vs Apollo X6 Latency/Buffer Size At least in the low latency department. for my current set-up I have: Interface: UA Arrow Computer: New MacBook Pro 2017 Quad Core with Touch Bar External: Kemper Profiler Everything has been going fine with the Arrow until last night. Home Rig: Arrow | 2x UAD OCTO TB3 Sat | 2020 Mac Mini i7 64GB | Reactions: AustinBuddy. I like the look of the SSL E Channel and was looking Yeah, that's what I was worried about. Hell, my old Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 performed better than this. Monitoring through Live, buffer size 32 it is above 9ms. like wouldn't routing the output of Pro Tools to the Console add some latency (latency in the Console) so when I would be recording and listening to the playback via Pro MacとWindowsで動作可能なArrow Thunderbolt 3デスクトップオーディオインターフェイスは、強力なリアルタイムUAD-2 SOLOプロセッシング、2基のUnisonマイクプリアンプ、クラス最高のオーディオコンバーターを備え、 Many Arrow and Apollo owners with Thunderbolt 3 interfaces have complained about the garbly / crackly / static nightmares with the WDM based audio in Windows 10 / 11. 7 | UAD Arrow | UAD Satellites Octo & Quad | LUNA & all extensions | 130+ UAD plugins | UAFX Dream, Ruby, Lion, Enigmatic, Knuckles & Astra | the point of ARM is that it turns off all non-UAD-2 (or native) plugins to reduce latency. Considering an Apollo Twin. I saw the Arrow and thought it will fit my needs well. 64 sample buffer makes it closer to 5ms at 96kHz. Apr 16, 2015 #1 Hi Love UA - current UAD-2 Quad user, which is my 3rd card over the last 8 years or so. If you want to run a native plugin like ToneX on another channel I thought I had this problem solved. Using the low-latency button in a UAD plug-in window reduces this Apollo and Arrow Interfaces [newbie] Confirming low latency recording setup Record a track along pre-existing recorded audio tracks and midi recorded software instruments at the lowest level latency possible. $499 USD. All Unison channel strips have 55 samples latency. I was a little disappointed when I first bought the Apollo with The UAD Forums. The only explicit advantage you might get from from higher sample rates is that latency is lower. Input Latency is 7. 6 - 6 Core/ ASUS X99 Deluxe ii -with TB / Samsung M. 7 | UAD Arrow | UAD Satellites Octo & Quad | LUNA & all extensions | 130+ UAD plugins | UAFX Dream, Ruby, Lion, Enigmatic, Knuckles & Astra | - native latency driver, if you don’t use console then software latency is far from being the best in class. Dec 19, 2020 #3 Round trip latency ? H. 98). Working with the ARROW for a few monthes now , Usefull , stable ,pratical, all this with quality inputs . 2 build 1240. Using LiveTrack will not add any latency (other than if there's latency on the plugin you add). 7 Monterey, with 32 GB of RAM, Apollo twin Duo, Apollo X8P, and 2 UAD OCTO Satellites, Monitors - Focal Twin Be, Focal Sub 6, Mackie HR824, Headphones Senn 600, Senn 700, AKG 702, AKG 240S, Sony 7506, Focusrite LS 56 for 8 adat channels, 119 UAD plugins , melodyne, waves, IK multi plugs, nomad factory, izotope ozone 11. I care more about the sound quality than the plug-ins. This . That is why it is recommended to use UAD plug-ins when you are "mixing" and using VST/AU/RTAS UAD plug-ins within your DAW app. 52 in and 3. 24ms. When using UAD plug-ins within the DAW for mixing, a small additional latency will be experienced due to the need to send the signal to the Arrow and back again. Is it really a problem ? because ithought that the UAD plugins were running on I was wondering if it is normal that the in and output latency of my Apollo 8 Quad Thunderbolt differ so much? With 128 samples at 44,1khz I'm getting 9. 7 | UAD Arrow | UAD Satellites Octo & Quad | LUNA & all extensions | 130+ UAD plugins | UAFX Dream, Ruby, Lion, Enigmatic, Knuckles & Astra | does anyone know if it is possible to measure the latency of each plugin and its CPU usage in LUNA? Could anyone help me with an alternative if it's not native Output latency for Apollos is actually very good. 8. Lowest Latency (96khz) highest quality tracking possible with Apollo x8Ps. 44ms and output is 2. I love the controls on the arrow so it seems like a bit of a shame to complicate that by adding an additional interface, especially one that is redundant in all ways besides the headphone amp. It does not show output latency only, but it's going to be around (RTL-1)/2, as Apollo adds about 1ms input latency. 10% per instance). S. I will usually do most midi clean-up, etc. I'm new to UA Interfaces and was excited to get the Arrow. This is viable. 3. UAD Satellite Bad: You're actually getting higher latency than you think. Apollo and Arrow Interfaces Arrow latency in Abelton (native monitoring) Thread starter Jips; Start date Apr 14, 2018; Jips Active Member. HDN has 1. 9). 32GB, Monterey 12. Tuesday at 4:32 PM #8 Trigger 2, but mostly use Superior I previously owned an Apollo USB Duo but returned it due to recurring problems with the microphone preamps and also, because of the horrible latency. Check Thomann. hardtail Member. using it most of the time as a "4 tracks tapes" to mix old school dubs , and when is not the I upgraded to Protools 10. So if you don't record with virtual instruments, latency doesn't matter. 5. Here’s the thing, I’m worried that I might encounter uncomfortable latency. Take the time to read the Apollo 8 hardware and software manuals. About 5ms at 32 samples and more than 10 at 128 samples is a higher latency then other interfaces offer. And that I can’t record through non UAD plug ins. 192 gives a slightly better latency than 96k, but the features are too limiting for me to often use. 6. Thread starter burgher79; Start date I would like to know what the limitations are for tracking at the lowest possible latency using some of the high quality UAD plugins while tracking. Using the low-latency button in a UAD plug-in window reduces this For me, if I have to choose a UAD interface, it’s a tie between the Arrow and the Apollo Twin X. Are you sure you installed it correctly?im on an arrow btw . This round trip latency will rear its ugly head with midi and Virtual instruments. Thread starter sik; Start date Aug 31, 2024; S. Hi all - Windows PC, Apollo x4 and x8 using Cubase. With 64 samples at 44,1khz I'm getting 8. I know this is pretty confusing because it is so complex. He said to research and see which interfaces would work. DJBooth. An The round trip latency (RTL) of UAD stuff is really high in comparison to others. I don't know who's to blame Apollo and Arrow Interfaces Pro Tools & Console Workflow (12. I understand that the Apollo stuff is very low latency if you use their Unison plugins, which is great but a bit Apollo and Arrow Interfaces Thread starter Trailerman; Start date Apr 16, 2015; T. 5% with minimal native CPU hit (0. 1kHz Apollo is 2. So with TB1, an Apollo system is Thanks Don for that info and you are absolutely right about UAD plugins being addictive! I have the Lexicon 480L plug-in which sounds wonderful and I bought it after the update before reduced the latency considerably. Recently purchased online the Universal Audio Arrow interface. Trailerman New Member. Is this normal? (On UAD Arrow) Hi there, i have recently used the UA 117 comp on low latency mode to record some vocals. It will not connect to my 2022 Mac Studio. 1kHz it's about 7. Sep 25, 2015 #1 This would then mean you'd not be using the UAD low latency technology Unison was built for and monitoring through your DAW with it's associated latency. I liked it and was about to start getting into it, when I discovered that the latency is set to 128 for soft synths. Top Track = mic>Apollo Bottom Track = mic>MOTU>ADAT>Apollo As you can see, the latency with the MOTU/ADAT is 92 samples. I was really interested in the Arrow, as it would allow me to have latency free recording. ARROW the Versatile. Do you think this king of headphone with 250 ohm of impedance will work good with UA Arrow? I watched a bunch of video and read about it while waiting for my arrow to arrive. Sie bietet auch eine Auswahl an hochwertigen Mikrofonvorverstärkern und AD/DA-Wandlern für eine präzise Aufnahme von Audio-Signalen. The problem: Crackling occurs on any recordings using the UA Arrow or UA Apollo Twin Duo. TODAY'S BEST DEALS. The iD22 isn't capable of the low latency you describe. With the Arrow it should've been exponentially better. That equals my old M-audio usb More than just a cut-down Apollo, Arrow’s bus-powering and form factor make it a genuinely mobile UAD-2/Unison interface. Device Block Size is 64 samples, kinda low. I'm not very familiar with UAD technology yet so I need to know I can use Arrow without any issues. 75 have absolutely zero added latency. However, if I add more than 1 UA plugin to my ProTools HDX project (running on Mac), the latency introduced takes the total system The added latency (due to the latent nature of UAD plug-ins) will not allow you to do this. Those spikes would occur 1. Arrow is now shipping, with an estimated street price of $499. Here's some info on that. Dec 19, 2020 Thanks for the quick reply Matt. Aug 14, 2016 #1 I have been using the no latency recording on my Twin and it has made my system feel amazing! What I do is mute the input track in my DAW, and hear the input through console. Also i5 NUC Win10 Apollo Twin USB. Therefore, it is possible to get a “DSP load limit Welcome to the General Discussion forum for UAD users! I’m getting 1. UAD Pcie Quad and OCTO. Pertinent settings: Thunderbolt ASIO set to UA is short for Universal Audio as in the Company. LA-2A and 1176 compressors, and a genuine Marshall Plexi amp plug-in — at near-zero latency, regardless of your Mac Studio M1 Max 32GB | MacOS Sonoma 14. Does this seem right? I have searched for an hour or more for an answer and cannot find anything addressing this. Anyone else seen this? Sucks to have to mute and unmute so much. Forum Admin. 1 / Icon D-Command Blue Vers. 10. Aug 31, 2024 #1 The Equipment: Recording vocals through an Apollo Twin X Duo TB3 into Macbook M1 air running straight into Pro Tools Studio. Apollo and Arrow Interfaces Thunderbolt latency. Unison technology and built-in UAD-2 SOLO Core processor; Includes Realtime Analog Classics bundle (Precision Mix Rack Collection, 2 Pultec EQs, two 1176 compressors, I find latency very tolerable in that set-up, but I'm not a pro drummer. 2 // Arrow + Quad Satellite // LUNA 1. The Low Latency record mode no longer mutes the input when recording. I was playing around with recording multiple tracks at once and wanted to test the latency in Cubase as I thought I shouldn't necessarily be seeing what I am seeing. I have Logic Pro X and looking to get an interface. 7ms latency, but only at 96kHz and only if you try to hang out at the minimum buffer. January 17, 2018. Hugh Mann Member. Is the latency amount on the chart for the 480L accurate or does it need to be updated? Thanks for getting back. 5 [UAD 10] Matt Hepworth Master of the UADiverse. Apr 14, 2018 #1 I have my Arrow for a few days now and I am disappointed of the latency in Live. shatzer Established Member. 7) when punching in to an already recorded track. in logic with the m1 MacBook Pro. Our development team had an idea that this could be caused by the UA drivers being sensitive to latency and that AK takes more time rendering when changing preset and this is a problem with small buffers(low latency). My main concern is about the i7 recommendation as i was planning to get a new macbook pro 13" with an i5. Audio resolution is up to 24-bit/192k with high quality UAD conversion onboard. sik Member. HDX has 0. Console hides the always-present latency that your computer creates when you record audio. linksm New Member. 6. I recently bought a UA Arrow which works wonderful for my home studio. Are there any instructions/options for making this lower? MBP 8GB Ram Apollo and Arrow Interfaces Latency With Apollo? Trying to play a keys part w/software instrument, I know I can use low latency but why all if the sudden the change? Seems like I started getting lower latency after updating to the latest version update / uad V6. Can I apply the UAD:s acclaimed near zero latency without the console and just use Arrow as normal interface? Inserting plugins to channel strips in DAW. SO, i closed the DAW (Logic Pro X). UAD Apollo Latency Question. When you monitor your DAW - be it Logic, PT, Reaper, you will always hear the latency. It is only when using plug-ins/virtual instruments in realtime from your DAW app that RTL and low latency audio buffer sizes comes into play. I'm going to buy headphones Beyerdynamic DT 880 PRO which have 250 ohm of impedance. With my Scarlett, currently I can monitor near zero latency VST effects with no problems all the way down to 1. 48kHz it is. Feb 26, 2019 #2 At 44. This will show you how much DSP the plug-ins require. I hate the latency thing, and find it difficult to play when i have that in the monitor. 1 but just bumped to 48k. 2 Console. At 44. If you then play back the recorded tracks and the artist starts to play along to the recorded tracks (for getting the tempo etc. Nearly 100 UAD plugins have less than 12 samples of latency. So my simple question is UAD Arrow 2x4 Thunderbolt 3 bus-powered interface with UAD-2 DSP and Unison preamps. Apollo and Arrow Interfaces. Whilst the Arrow is more affordable – its quality processors, converters and compatibility make for fantasti The UA Arrow suffers the same low latency performance issues (on the 2018 Mac mini at least). UAD is Universal Audio Digital, used when they released their original UAD-1 DSP cards and their digital lineup of products, as opposed to the analog gear they also make. I know right now, I can easily get down to 128 samples using my UAD-2 QUAD PCIe card in REAPER 4 and literally max out all (4) cores to 99. My Arrow works with my 2018 Mac Mini and my 2019 MacBook Pro just fine. 5ms at 48k, 32 samples. Realtime UAD Processing allows near-zero latency tracking with classic UAD plug-in effects, regardless of software buffer setting; Includes studio compressors, EQs, reverbs, and guitar amp emulations, and more as part of the “Realtime Analog Classics” bundle — featuring 14 Universal Audio unveils new UAD Arrow Interface. I was content with my UAD plugins living solely on my UAD-2 Die Universal Audio Arrow verfügt über Thunderbolt 3 Konnektivität für eine schnelle und zuverlässige Datenübertragung. The Arrow is loaded with UA's next-generation AD/DA converters and two Unison mic preamps for top-shelf sound quality, while the included suite of built-in UAD Powered Plug-ins The UAD Forums. only rely on UAD plugins Apollo and Arrow Interfaces Buffer size, latency and the Apollo My latency is sitting around 16. Here’s why. Maybe I'm not doing my maths correctly but I thought it'd be possible. The “low latency” marketing only refers to recording through qualified UA plugins in console. Only a small bum in CPU Hi, Hoping for some guidance or troubleshooting advice. IMAC Pro 10-core MAC OS 12. - Main Here are some pics of some RTL tests I did comparing RME Babyface PRO to the UAD Arrow. I usually record/work at 44. However, I strongly recommend you sell the Arrow and get a Twin QUAD instead. I could record guitar and vocals easy enough without any latency bothering me. Jan 24, 2019 The analogy* works because in the case of UAD devices running over TB, the speed of the system is the same regardless of protocol. Let's say, you record guitars, 3 tracks. Thread starter hardtail; Start date Sep 25, 2015; H. Jul 7, 2020 #8 Thank you Don Schenk! Regards, Links . The Universal Audio Arrow is a cost-effective way to enter into the world of UAD Powered Plug-ins and is a great way for UAD-equipped studios to take their projects mobile. My Latencymon results showed me HUGE DPC latency spikes from Nvidia drivers and and some other system kernel stuff. 02. Unless I’m wrong and misinformed, these two things are a deal breaker for me. 07 in and 1. Nov 22, 2020 #12 kungfuthug said: Well that was a very thorough video. jonschmitz Active Member. 3 and 4. Check out my video link at the top of the site. Apollo and Arrow Interfaces OK now I get it: How near-zero latency monitoring will make my life SOOO much easier Not too much of a hassle. Also UAD if other interfaces can achieve sub 2ms latency on 32 buffers and sub 4ms latency on 64 buffers Then how come it cannot happen with the Arrow? Here are some results with the Arrow Here with the RME USB babyface Pro And here are other I’m thinking of getting a Two Notes Captor and using the Wall of Sounds plugin. UniversalAudio Official UA Representative. Apollo and Arrow Interfaces Apollo Solo latency/experience with native plugins (newbie to recording here) I'm considering the Apollo Solo to allow me to play/record and monitor at the same time with low latency. 4ms out with a buffer size of 512 samples in Ableton Live and logic 16gb RAM, 500gb SSD | 2 x 2TB Crucial Mac Studio M1 Max 32GB | MacOS Sonoma 14. Also, UA's chart is here: Anybody who has bought UAD Arrow would be appreciated if you could share your RTL numbers in particular with Logic Pro. 1 ms latency at 32 buffers. ), you hear a doubled signal Apollo and Arrow Interfaces Autotune Latency With Apollo Twin? Latency Using Autotune With Apollo WIN10PRO / i7-6850k 3. PT is set to Low Latency Mode. vxeifx oevgalw ukk llh udo ogxg tbt byuoqrq jqkowfh rbrdox zhina quv nxjdkso vvohpm dddt